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Topic neve: Xeno wars
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
441. hozzászólás - 2014.02.21. 16:10:36 (Válasz Sbart #439 hozzászólására.)
Probably he used some bomb or other area effect to kill several at once But they will keep resurrecting until the prison is secured as well putting aside the joke, hp calculation needed some calculation due to the merge (looks like that will haunt us for still a while) but now its sorted out, thanks for the notice.
Pontszám: 7.40
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Re: Xeno wars
442. hozzászólás - 2014.03.02. 00:19:14
on all of teh other events there is a countdown timer on one of the pages that says when the event will end. Assuming it goes 3 weeks it shoudl end on March 13th, were you going to add a timer so we have a countdown till the end?
Pontszám: 5.08
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
443. hozzászólás - 2014.03.03. 08:06:31 (Válasz Trackur #442 hozzászólására.)
Trackur, the Xeno war ends when the Xeno queens are imprisoned (so all prisons at 100% and all Queens defeated). This usually takes about 3 weeks, but depends on how active all players are in the event.
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Re: Xeno wars
444. hozzászólás - 2014.03.03. 10:28:26
Yes, if I remembered last time was Xeno event on Server1 little prolonged because we must kill more Xeno queens due to 2 players with extremelly high levels.

Pontszám: 10
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
445. hozzászólás - 2014.03.03. 12:30:52
Yeah, there is no specific ending, the event ends when all the queens are imprisoned.
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Re: Xeno wars
446. hozzászólás - 2014.03.03. 15:35:35
well yeah, but the prisons seem to Magically complete themselves within about 3 days at the end of the 3 weeks, but yeah I guess there is no real end of the event..
ALTHOUGH! it does say "If you cannot defeat and imprison all xeno queens in 3 weeks, a dark age will come to your world." which means there IS an actual end of the event.... thank you.
Pontszám: 5.08
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
447. hozzászólás - 2014.03.03. 22:17:03 (Válasz Trackur #446 hozzászólására.)
I think that originally there was supposed to have been a penalty for not defeating the Xenos queens, but that was never implemented.

And the further the event goes along, the more a single build build the prisons, which is why they "magicaly" (well, everything doen with SE is magic, no?) completes close to the end...
Pontszám: 8.20
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
448. hozzászólás - 2014.03.04. 13:56:37
Although the prisons do not completele magically, the more days has passed, the easier to build them. So on day 20 the SE you spend on building counts X times more than on day 1. This is to ensure that the end does not finish on day 1, and even with lower attendance, players can finish it latest few days later after the 3 weeks. Originally, we had a concept of players being able to "fail" the event, but in that case everyone would have lost all rewards, including those who worked hard for it, it just wouldn't have been fair.
Pontszám: 7.40
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Re: Xeno wars
449. hozzászólás - 2014.03.10. 22:16:39
i don't see the chitin reward option.
Pontszám: 7.09
everyone's favoritePhaedrus
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Re: Xeno wars
450. hozzászólás - 2014.03.10. 22:27:21
I know that manunkind has also asked, but I have no xeno chitin as a reward showing up as well.
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Re: Xeno wars
451. hozzászólás - 2014.03.10. 22:28:02 (Válasz manunkind #449 hozzászólására.)
We can only hope they have come to their senses and realized forcing us to get only the chitins as xeno prizes would be plain stupid. Therefore, we should get the 100 (or 50) chitins tomorrow, along with the top 10 medals.

Pontszám: 8.08
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Re: Xeno wars
452. hozzászólás - 2014.03.10. 22:41:38
I read that many of the rewards last until 2014 02 31. February 31 does not exist on my calendar. Might this mean the rewards last forever? Of course February 2014 is already come and gone, so is there a chance the rewards have already expired?
A hozzászólást Carrier módosította 2014.03.10. 22:52:24-kor
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very popularBartessica Slam
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Re: Xeno wars
453. hozzászólás - 2014.03.10. 23:17:50 (Válasz Carrier #452 hozzászólására.)
lol Carrier , I guess you're the smart ass (nice one indeed!). But, I fear they also will change that into +6 months
And indeed no Chitins indeed... till now. Though I doubt if this is a good choice as reward.

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Re: Xeno wars
454. hozzászólás - 2014.03.11. 12:48:50
2 ring focus crystals: +2, +4, +6, +8% soul-draining (only if you don't have the following focus crystal!)
2 necklace focus cryszals: +2, +4, +6, +8% soul-draining (only if you don't have the above focus crystal!)

Neither of these options are available to me. I have 1 Xeno ring focus crystal so I know that one shouldnt be there. But the Necklace focus crystal option should still be available.
Pontszám: 5.08
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
455. hozzászólás - 2014.03.11. 13:39:04 (Válasz Trackur #454 hozzászólására.)
Actually, no. If you have one, you cannot get the other as a Reward.

Since you have a Xeno ring focus crystal, you cannot get the Xeno necklace focus crystal.
Pontszám: 8.20
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Re: Xeno wars
456. hozzászólás - 2014.03.11. 23:35:37 (Válasz Sbart #455 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2014.03.11. 13:39:04
Actually, no. If you have one, you cannot get the other as a Reward.

Since you have a Xeno ring focus crystal, you cannot get the Xeno necklace focus crystal.

Actually no, I had the necklace focus crystal already but it was on an item and not a spare and that counts as having it. I opened a ticket with support. So my choices were to delete the one I have and then get 2 more and have a spare, or get the enchanting horn. I got the horn.
A hozzászólást Trackur módosította 2014.03.11. 23:36:51-kor
Pontszám: 5.08
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Re: Xeno wars
457. hozzászólás - 2014.03.12. 02:10:45 (Válasz Miklos #438 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2014.02.21. 10:17:59
Yes, I confirm it again, if you want the fetish, you have to use BOTH rewards and all the 20 you find during the event.

I am a little confused. You said we needed to use both rewards to get the fetish and now, less 24 hours after the end of the event, 10 chitins pop up on the daily reward. Does that mean I have just wasted the chance of getting another reward, as it will be possible to purchase 50 chitins by other means?

Pontszám: 8.08
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
458. hozzászólás - 2014.03.12. 07:09:03 (Válasz Trackur #456 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Trackur - 2014.03.11. 23:35:37
Idézet: Sbart - 2014.03.11. 13:39:04
Actually, no. If you have one, you cannot get the other as a Reward.

Since you have a Xeno ring focus crystal, you cannot get the Xeno necklace focus crystal.

Actually no, I had the necklace focus crystal already but it was on an item and not a spare and that counts as having it. I opened a ticket with support. So my choices were to delete the one I have and then get 2 more and have a spare, or get the enchanting horn. I got the horn.

But Trackur, you said you had one Ring focus crystal, and could not choose to get the Necklace focus crystal. According to the rewards, this is how it should be, i.e. if you have one type of Xeno focus crustal you cannot get the other.

Now, if you meant that you had one Xeno Necklace focus crystal in an item, and one in your equipment, and could not choose it as a Reward, I can understand your question. But that was not what you orginally asked.
Pontszám: 8.20
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Re: Xeno wars
459. hozzászólás - 2014.03.12. 11:41:21
Sbart, currently right now I have 2 Xeno ring crystals, one in a ring and another as a spare. I Also have 1 Xeno necklace crystal that is on an item. You can have both types you just cannot get another of the same type if you have any. I kinda forgot that I had the one in my necklace becasue I was just looking at the spare ring crystal sitting there.
Pontszám: 5.08
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Xeno wars
460. hozzászólás - 2014.03.12. 12:40:39
Well, we got some tickets of players accidentally using a few chitin, don't want anyone to lose the fetish due to their mistake, thats why we have the daily offer.
Pontszám: 7.40
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