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Hozzászólások - ChaoticGemini

Dátum: 2009.08.22. 05:33:52
Found another:

Which animal killed Steve Irvine?
Manta ray

None of the above. The correct answer is a stingray. Manta's are non-poisonous and swim around. Stingrays are poisonious and spend most of their time in the sand on the bottom. Also, the name is Irwin, not Irvine.
Dátum: 2009.08.22. 01:09:41
Approx. how many active volcano can be found on Earth?

I was thinking none of the above, as I thought the answer more than 1300, but less than 2000. So, I went with 2000, but the game said 1300 was the correct answer. Okay, when I finish my questions, it's time for a google search. Here I find most sites list approx. 1500 active volcanoes. Some sites even claim up to 3000. Either way, I am now irritated to have gotten this answer wrong because 1300 is not correct as the quiz states.
Dátum: 2009.08.19. 19:13:57
What is the largest desert on Earth?
Rub'al Khali

The answer is none of the above. I was taught the largest desert on Earth is Antarctica. A better question would be what is the largest hot desert on Earth?