Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Norach

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2010.03.30. 14:39:17
Your quiz question is valued as „Bad question”!
Explanation: According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

The question was :
10 years before Thermopylae, the Persian's first assault against the Greek city states was twarted away by the Athenian army in battle at ...


and the right answer is of course (b)

Considering the fact that there is an Olympic event of 40 Kms distance for the past 112 years of world-wide world-known Olympic Games called Marathon Road
the evaluators knowledge is either pretty limited to Madonna music or their way of thinking is simple incomprehensible by me. I simply cannot understand how the above question is more narrowed than the already validated question over which was Madonna's first album.

In any case I rest my case.
Oldal: 1