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Oldal: 12345
Dátum: 2024.01.30. 10:16:12
much likedMiklosFérfi
1199 hozzászólás
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Dear Players,
Unfortunately the last patch caused more trouble than we expected, so I write a few words so you understand better what happened.
Our system was getting really out-of-date, operating system, apache, php, mysql, https etc. We get to the point where we were already unable to update things, so we had to make a completely new system. But this required a thorough rewrite of the entire program. We hoped we can still create a seamless transition, and did a lot of testing, but the program is too complex, multilangual, and behaves differently in different browsers, so we missed a few things.
We are trying to catch up with the bug reports, we have been able to fix over 70% of the reports, but we still need 1-2 days. We are deeply sorry for all the problems, and ask for your patience. We know that the game experience suffers temporarily now, therefore we will add a second compensation on Wednesday. And we hope by Wednesday everything will be as before, but with a brand new super-fast system.
We apologize for the inconvenience.
Dátum: 2024.01.10. 12:57:53
very popularKhineNő
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More targets should be joining the war as time goes by. *The redhead adds from a quiet corner, her green eyes still focused on her book* Some news take some time to spread and to reach ears.

Regarding, whether it is a waste of your time or energy, that's your choice to make. After all, life is all about the choices we make... and the consequences that come from them. *shrugs slightly as her eyes lose focus for a brief moment, deep in her memories*

PS you can also play around with duel point setting, and that would likely add more targets (if you are capped to just attacking higher targets) but yes, I know... that would be another "waste" *winks playfully*
Dátum: 2024.01.09. 15:43:16
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it's not a great solution, but you could change huckster armies. that might give you a a couple targets.
Dátum: 2024.01.09. 14:02:47
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This event is a waste of time and duel points. No human targets, only clones. Only 9 of them are in my range, so I have to use subplasmas if I want to reach the 400 wins, and it is even a bigger waste of duel points.
Dátum: 2023.12.31. 17:22:46
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Happy New Year mausoleum moles! May you scurry and chitter in good health, wrapped safely in your warm cocoon of self-righteous indignation.
Dátum: 2023.12.29. 16:20:51
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"The thing about smart people is that they seem like insane people to dumb people." — Stephen Hawking.

ask your friend to explain that to you since you seem to have problem and need maukind to tell you what to do and explain things to you
Dátum: 2023.12.29. 10:11:01
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regarding the insults you can see who started them.scroll back.if you dont know i am sure manukind can guide you again as you say it does.cellar dwellers?i am out of the cellers but it kills you that you cannot attack me,right?well you can keep dreaming to hit me,it will not happen
well since i ma sure manukind told you the Albert Einstein quote and maybe took him hours to explain it to you here is another quote from Albert Einstein that fits you perfectly
"Two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I am not yet completely sure about the universe".now i am sure this to complicated for you to understand it but i am sure manukind will help you again.
so you can keep with the insults pretending the allmight stong player but in the end you still remain the one that only fights players that are 200 lvls below him.
but i give you this it takes some guts (and that is a big progress for you)to admit that you worship manukinds feet and that you are his little...........
Dátum: 2023.12.29. 03:48:24
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What's that I hear? More squealing from the cellar dwellers??

You guys don't get it. I tried some quirky humor and sarcasm but it was a little too high-minded for ya. Sorry about that.

Me use little words. Talk simple for you.

I'm bulletproof. It doesn't matter what you say. Throw insults, whine, complain - players play the game how they play. If they stay within the rules there's nothing cheating or dirty about it. You cannot make it different than what it is by complaining more loudly.

There is a quote attributed to Albert Einstein that reads, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

Are you collectively insane?

I mean, keep it up, Buttercup - if you like that sorta fruitless endeavor. Me? I LIKE my in-game adversaries to whine and snivel a bit. Gives me something to enjoy when I'm not tdoing the gardening, being the maid or worshipping Manunkind's avatar.

-your humble ruler, the Great Gasgamar.
Dátum: 2023.12.28. 20:52:33
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come on guys dont be cruel to him.she is just the cleaning lady of the cellars
Dátum: 2023.12.28. 20:36:25
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somanukind tells you what to do? even in your clan you are servant?

PS with 15 rats(as you call them) in your catacomves you shouldnt be talking better clean your own house first before you speak
Dátum: 2023.12.28. 19:48:28
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even as i housemaid cleaning the cellars you are weak. i still see 15 on your cellars(you know your catacomves) and 7 corpses(inactive players you know) outside of the catacomves.my this is why your cellar stinks.you should get rid of the corpses at least.
since you dont know how to fight at least learn to clean your cellars good think you have the abilities to that right at least?
Dátum: 2023.12.28. 17:30:00
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ohh poor gasgamar need others to tell him what to answer.
seems he is lost in his illusions that he is a good player while shaking from fear to fight someone on his lvls.well we now by now that you are not a fighter but as you admitted nothing more but a housemaid to clean the cellars and you even fear the rats that you say that you sweep. a little scared girl hiding behind empty words and threats while shaking from fear.
who knows maybe (and that is a big maybe) this year you find some courage to fight a player on your lvl.but in order to do this you need some guts,maybe if you were a good girl this year the santa calus might bring you some
Dátum: 2023.12.28. 16:52:55
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Oh, I know. I KNOW.

Manunkind told me.

You see, it wasn't a scheduled procedure. Nosir, it wasn't. I was clearing rats from my cellar - it's like a catacomb, my cellar - and whacked my forehead on a low beam. I was laying about HARD with a broom, you see. Whumping cellar rats.

You may know of these rats; nasty little creatures with squeaky, high-pitched whines. They're always complaining and shitting on themselves and others despite having a pretty good life.

They finally just squeaked one too many times. You do see my point, yes? I couldn't just let the filthy little buggars continue their incessant squealing and the foul stench . . . well, you understand.

Happy New Year, cellar rats.
Dátum: 2023.12.28. 13:36:12
much likedMiklosFérfi
1199 hozzászólás
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Doomlord 2024 Event Calendar
Dear Players, here is the schedule for 2024 Events.
Fast, limited time competition worlds (World4, starting from level 60, getting to approx. lvl 90 in 2 months then being able to move to a normal server):
30th January - 30th March
16th April – 16th June
30th July - 30th September
22th October - 22th December
pre-registration begins 1 week earlier

jan. 9. War of Hucksters (preregistration from 2nd of Jan)
feb. 1. Pit of Doom
feb. 6. Carneval mini-events
márc. 1. Landragor
márc. 13. City of Hope
márc. 26. Easter mini-events
ápr. 9. Ruler of the Planet
ápr. 30. Tower of Challenge
máj. 8. Xeno War
máj. 14. Spring Festival mini-events
június 4. War of Hucksters (preregistration from 28th of May)
jún. 25. Celebration of Reconquering the Surface
júl. 3. Pit of Doom
júl. 23. Summer Vacation mini-events
aug. 6. Landragor
szept. 3. Ruler of the Planet
szept. 9. Path of Loyalty (new 100-day event)
szept. 11. Wine Harvest events
okt. 2. Xeno War
okt. 23. Beer Festival mini-events
nov. 13. City of Hope
dec. 3. Tower of Challenge
dec. 11. Christmas events
dec. 18. Temple of Loyalty (Grand finale to Path of Loyalty)
Dátum: 2023.12.26. 11:34:31
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81 hozzászólás
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lobotomized patients dont know that y had lobotomy but be happy,your stupidity remain
as for your scar?what scars?fighters get scars when fighting opponents on their lvl,something that you are afraid to do.
Dátum: 2023.12.23. 23:38:17
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Wanna see Gaguška's scar?


Not a lobotomy scar. Gaguška wouldn't do that.
Dátum: 2023.12.21. 21:07:16
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Dátum: 2023.12.21. 11:45:56
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34 hozzászólás
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be carefull dionysos cause he will send Gaguška to curse you since they cannot touch you they think that they do something
Dátum: 2023.12.21. 05:15:30
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Yes, my scar IS on the level. I told you . . . it's a GNARLY scar. And I take care of my fingernails quite meticulously, thank you.

Wanna see my fingernails?
Dátum: 2023.12.20. 21:45:44
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81 hozzászólás
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propably the only scar you ever get since you are so afraid that you brake a nail if fight someone on yout lvl
Oldal: 12345
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