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Topic neve: Quiz fixing
much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: Quiz fixing
101. hozzászólás - 2012.05.18. 22:25:03
Hi CG and Manunkind,

Just a minor point, (though my English teacher certainly wouldn't say so.) But when tidying up the questions can you add full stops after answers? I'm not saying that you don't, but so many answers don't have them.

As a sometime writer/journalist, these things irritate.

Seeing fewer and fewer mistakes, so great work by you both.
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much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: Quiz fixing
102. hozzászólás - 2012.05.18. 23:29:14
Question-"Montezuma's Castle is located in what USA state?"

Grammar, should be, is located in which American State.

Or even better, In which U.S State is Montezuma's Castle located ?
A hozzászólást Dancer módosította 2012.05.24. 12:13:37-kor
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Re: Quiz fixing
103. hozzászólás - 2012.05.28. 10:36:07
Question-What legendary children's poet wrote The Giving Tree"?

The quotation (") mark after tree.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Quiz fixing
104. hozzászólás - 2012.05.28. 11:04:27 (Válasz Dancer #103 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Dancer - 2012.05.28. 10:36:07
Question-What legendary children's poet wrote The Giving Tree"?

The quotation (") mark after tree.

Actually, the question is missing a " before The; "The Giving Tree".
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Re: Quiz fixing
105. hozzászólás - 2012.05.31. 01:40:06
Which national team have never won FIFA World Cup?

there should be an article before FIFA.

(psst, Dancer, i'm not an evaluator. )
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2012.05.31. 01:40:44-kor
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Re: Quiz fixing
106. hozzászólás - 2012.05.31. 13:59:11
Doubling the diameter of a circle, how changes the surface?

Circles are two dimensional. Surface is a three dimensional concept. Two dimensional objects do not have surfaces. A circle can have an area or a perimeter (circumference). Here's how I would rewrite it:

When you double the diameter of a circle, how does its area change?
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Re: Quiz fixing
107. hozzászólás - 2012.05.31. 19:35:53 (Válasz ImLittleJon #106 hozzászólására.)
Errr ... No.

"Area" and "Surface" are synonyms.

Although you're right otherwise.
The area enclosed in a circle is called a Disk.

The question should be :
When you double the diameter of a disk, how does its area change?
W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
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Re: Quiz fixing
108. hozzászólás - 2012.05.31. 22:08:57
Changes made. Thanks again to all of you.
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Re: Quiz fixing
109. hozzászólás - 2012.06.01. 02:06:03
Which country use Rupiah as the official currency?

use-->uses the
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Re: Quiz fixing
110. hozzászólás - 2012.06.04. 13:04:52
Prior to playing 'half man' Tyrion Lannister in HBO's Game of Thrones, Peter Dinklage nominated for several major awards for his role in what film?

Dinklage nominated --> Dinklage was nominated
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Re: Quiz fixing
111. hozzászólás - 2012.06.11. 17:59:22
The famous music bands name BEP stands for what

BEP-->, BEP,
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Re: Quiz fixing
112. hozzászólás - 2012.06.12. 20:23:09
the Universal Serial Bus can be found in or on a

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Re: Quiz fixing
113. hozzászólás - 2012.06.12. 20:38:05
According to the story who is the Lord of the rings

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Re: Quiz fixing
114. hozzászólás - 2012.06.20. 02:42:38
"What Does Thalassa Mean In Greek?"

What does thalassa mean in Greek?
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Re: Quiz fixing
115. hozzászólás - 2012.06.20. 02:44:28
"What do COWS drink?"

not an acronym: COWS-->cows
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Re: Quiz fixing
116. hozzászólás - 2012.06.20. 02:49:35
What is the only Island chain recognized as a US State?

(what's with the epidemic of capitalization? as you may have noticed, i'm no fan )

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Re: Quiz fixing
117. hozzászólás - 2012.06.21. 05:12:39
"how many gold medals did the uk team win in the beijing olympics 2008?"

how about some capitalization?
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Re: Quiz fixing
118. hozzászólás - 2012.06.21. 05:16:47
in which language is written "hasta la vista"?

caps, grammar.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2012.06.21. 05:20:04-kor
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Re: Quiz fixing
119. hozzászólás - 2012.06.21. 05:19:39
Where do wild hippopotamus live?

hippopotamuses or hippopotami
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Re: Quiz fixing
120. hozzászólás - 2012.06.21. 05:22:46
In Harry Potter who plays Ron Weasley in the movie?

Who plays Ron Weasley in the Harry Potter movies?
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