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Christmas promotion 2012
1. hozzászólás - 2012.12.10. 10:06:44
Surprise your friend or your family! Buy ancient stones between 14th of December and 3rd of January, and send a present to a choosen character!

20 ancient stones: 2 EUR vagy 25 ancient stones with mobile payment
1 Relic coupon, 1 Christmas cake

100 ancient stones: 8 EUR
2 Relic coupons, 3 Luck coupons, 1 Christmas cake, 10 Burnt-out ancient stones, 2 Shard of loyalty, 3 Temple crystals

350 ancient stones: 20 EUR
3 Relic coupons, 10 Luck coupons, 3 Christmas cakes, 20 Burnt-out ancient stones, 6 Shard of loyalty, 8 Temple crystals

750 ancient stones: 40 EUR
3 Relic coupons, 1 Temple wand, 25 Luck coupons, 7 Christmas cakes, 50 Burnt-out ancient stones, 14 Shard of loyalty, 17 Temple crystals

1600 ancient stones: 80 EUR
3 Relic coupons, 2 Temple wands, 50 Luck coupons, 15 Christmas cakes, 100 Burnt-out ancient stones, 30 Shard of loyalty, 35 Temple crystals

Christmas cake:
Received soul energy: 100*(1.5+character level/40)*character level

The opportunity is alive from 14th of Dec (GMT+1 time, check the time on the bottom of the page). If you use an instant payment (bank card, paypal, onebip) you will have the option to give the present immediately. For delayed payment methods (bank transfer) you get the option when the money arrives. The bank transfer have to arrive between 14th of Dec and 3th of Jan to be eligible to give a present.
You can give the present when you like, so even if you purchase the stones on 19th of Dec, you may opt to give the present only on 24th.
Pontszám: 7.50
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
2. hozzászólás - 2012.12.10. 21:08:46
Good I've been waiting for this. Sounds quite nice. I have 2 comments though:
1) Why from Friday? Isnt it possible to launch it earlier?
2) On the other promotion you gave this:
350 ancient stones: 35 luck coupons + 1 temple wand + 3 friendship crystals
100 ancient stones: 10 luck coupons + 1 temple wand + 1 friendship crystal
Less than 100 ancient stones: 3 luck coupons + 1 temple wand

it means even for a little payment, it was possible to get 1 temple wand and much more luck coupons. Why isnt it the same or better way? Its Christmas I know there are the relic coupons now, but the cake, boas, shards and crystals are absolutely worthless for me. And also, I really really really dont understand why players get BOAS in an AS package.

It is just my opinion, but thank you for consideration

Wicked - W2 - diamond
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
3. hozzászólás - 2012.12.10. 21:41:17 (Válasz Random #1 hozzászólására.)
Arrgghhhh i recently bought AS
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
4. hozzászólás - 2012.12.11. 18:20:19 (Válasz borecdan #2 hozzászólására.)
We choose friday because this is a promotion before Christmas. Too much earlier, and not too close to Xmas Also it will be still a week for Ruler of Planet in case someone need stones for the event.
Now we give relic coupons instead of the temple wand + friendship crystal. Temple wands - especially in too big numbers - are not that useful for everyone, we would like to do some variation.
Boas - why they aren't useful? you can use them the next time you buy ancient stones! Effectively, it's more ancient stones.
Cakes - c'mon, soul-energy is useful for everyone. Especially this safe-reserve, when you just miss some amount to buy an item or increase an ability, you can use one.
Shards and Crystals can be turned into ancient stones if you find no other use for them but I'm sure you will!
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
5. hozzászólás - 2012.12.11. 22:59:13 (Válasz Miklos #4 hozzászólására.)
You are right with the date, I agree it is more "xmas-like" if its closer to Christmas.
What I meant was more likely some kind of system of custom-made promotion packages. So that every player could buy AS and choose some extra bonus stuff according to his will and playing style from a pre-set variations. E.g. you pay 20euros so you can pick 1 "greater value" bonus and 3 "smaller value" bonuses. It would be more fun and it wouldnt be so determined and consequently it would mean not every player gets absolutely the same which is fun

I guess the BOAS are just a matter of opinion, but I always have plenty of them and giving boas as rewards in RotP rows, in AS promotional packages etc. seems like a waste of space for a different more useful reward. Crystals are ok, but 8 is not anything special for me to be excited about it. From my point of view 0 looks better than meaningless 8, if you get my drift. And for the Shards, well they are good for a non-premium player, but for premium, not really (I actually think only non-premium players should get loyalty shards - it will encourage them to keep logging in and also once they get some AS they will be able to buy "fancier" stuff and consequently they'd like to get mooooore ).

And I havent understand what you meant by cakes in your post - arent they supposed just to heal your HP to max? Im little bit confused about the safe-reserve and soul-energy value etc.

Well Im sorry Im always writing such long stories and thanks for the reply.
Wicked - W2 - diamond
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
6. hozzászólás - 2012.12.12. 07:47:56 (Válasz borecdan #5 hozzászólására.)

If you read the original post you will see that the "cake" Miklos is talking about is not the normal "cake", but special "Christmas cake". Whereas normal "cake" restores quite a lot of HP, "Christmas cake" instead gives you (100*(1.5+character level/40)*character level) SE every time you consume a "Christmas cake".

In wintery Doomland, Christmas cake is less filling than normal cake, but gives more energy.

Happy Holidays!
Pontszám: 5
very popularFurlozza
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
7. hozzászólás - 2012.12.14. 01:46:05
From the Ancient stones page in W3

"Buy ancient stones between 3rd and 17th of May and you will get our Spring Gift Package!
If you buy ancient stones during this period, you get the gifts described below. Please note: you get them only with the first purchase. So if you made a purchase for 100 ancient stones, you will not get the greater reward later, with a purchase of 350!

You get a Gift Package depending on the amount of stones you buy:

350 ancient stones: 35 luck coupons + 1 temple wand + 3 friendship crystals
100 ancient stones: 10 luck coupons + 1 temple wand + 1 friendship crystal
less than 100 ancient stones: 3 luck coupons + 1 temple wand

Description of the rewards: Luck coupon: extra roll on the Wheel of Fortune with a chance to win ultra-rare prize
Temple wand: you can ask for a fresh new Temple of Doom, even before the time expires, replacing the previous temple
friendship crystal: each uneven crystal: +1 drain soul, each even crystal: +1 drain soul protection (up to 20 stacks)"

Ya Wha??????????
The ONLY Wombat on W3
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
8. hozzászólás - 2012.12.14. 07:47:14 (Válasz Furlozza #7 hozzászólására.)
Same on World 2 (Showing the Spring promotion, not the Christmas promotion).

Looks like it was fixed.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.12.14. 08:20:36-kor
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
9. hozzászólás - 2012.12.16. 17:11:03
OK so the last time I saw this kind of promotion you could only make 1 purchase and it could be given to another player or you could keep it yourself. So is this the same or different???

What if I have 2 friends? (lol) Also it says 100AS and you get a bunch of stuff so for a purchase of 100AS do you get the AS and your friend gets the bonuses or do they get the entire thing or do you each get the complete package?

So if I need 100AS and I want to send a friend a gift package do I make two separate purchases???
Seriously how much is it going to cost me to celebrate Christmas and be a RoTP loser!!! (lol )
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
10. hozzászólás - 2012.12.16. 17:37:14 (Válasz Hexonx #9 hozzászólására.)
'Please note: you get them only with the first purchase.'
So, only one friend or yourself can get the gifts, and you get the AS...
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
11. hozzászólás - 2012.12.23. 12:41:21
Exactly. One player can receive only ONE package, but you can give packages to multiple players if you like.
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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: Christmas promotion 2012
12. hozzászólás - 2012.12.24. 13:52:34
have the christmas prices for potions taken effect? seems same price to me still..............AND HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE
A hozzászólást BabeTheOx módosította 2012.12.25. 16:41:32-kor
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