Hi Pls consider joining our clan 'Is a Living Legend'. There are only two of us at the moment but we will help you in everyway, but we need commitment to buildings which will give you great advantage in your duels. Anyway here's the conditions below.
Kind regards,
If interested in joining an up-and-coming clan in this game world, send an in-game-mail to Bleucheez.
What's required of an applicant- contribution to the whole (soul well, building, etc), this clan will be comprised exclusively of active players, good win-lose ratio in combat (unless pursuing a plan which will set you up for later in the game)...
One other thing... One of your "votes" shall be ceded to Bleucheez. This clan shall be set up in the fashion of a republic, with all members having a say in the clan affairs. However, for now I'll be the deciding vote.
{A sum of 50 * Level per day needs to be invested into the buildings per day.}
The list of requirements could go on. Instead, we'll just leave it at this- Do you have what it takes to be a Legend?