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Golden box
1. hozzászólás - 2016.08.12. 12:38:21
Out of chest of universe I got greater chest of universe (or something like that), out of greater chest I get Golden box. Out of golden box I get 3 temple crystals...
I just think that once you reach upper echalon of boxes there should be prizes according to obtainability of it, i.e. rarer thing you are using- rarer loot. this just seems silly, I was spun in circles for lesser duel potion couple weeks ago as well.
A hozzászólást dark22 módosította 2016.08.12. 12:38:50-kor
Pontszám: 6.74
much likedTallia
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Re: Golden box
2. hozzászólás - 2016.08.12. 22:58:40 (Válasz dark22 #1 hozzászólására.)
There are no upper echalon of boxes, every box has it's own loot table. Your case was just a random accident.
Pontszám: 9.73
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Re: Golden box
3. hozzászólás - 2016.08.15. 20:26:35 (Válasz Tallia #2 hozzászólására.)
NOt sure I agree completely.. In most casesyes, but I gave the example for a reason, golden CoU is just that, upper echalon. For example getting Medal of Doom, Golden Ancient coin , Temple wand out of them. So getting back to lower echalon makes no sense.
Pontszám: 6.74
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Re: Golden box
4. hozzászólás - 2016.08.19. 05:48:35 (Válasz dark22 #3 hozzászólására.)
I fully agree with dark and I did complain about it with support in May, but it seems this is "right". The "chat" is below:


2016. May. 06. 19:48Cruel01 (37040)
Hi there.
Just got a Golden Box from one of the VERY RARE Golden Chests of Universe. Inside the Golden Box, 3 Minion Crystals. This makes zero sense! Please remove the Golden Box as a possible prize for the GCU.


2016. May. 09. 07:18Miklós

Sorry, but the golden box itself is not a super-rare item in itself. 10% of all Easter eggs are golden boxes. It's also a common drop from golden chest of universe. You have 20% chance for rare drop, 80% chance for common drop (see above). So yes, sometimes you get lucky, sometimes you wont, it's part of the game

Have fun playing,
Doomlord Team

Pontszám: 8.82
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