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Topic neve: 2017 Summer sale
much likedMiklosFérfi
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2017 Summer sale
1. hozzászólás - 2017.07.14. 15:35:55
Dear Players! We would like to announce our Summer Sale promotion! The promotion is between 18th and 31th of July. When you buy the ancient stones, you can specify a character to get the gift pack (you can specify yourself). Each player can receive only ONE gift pack! To make the gift packs even more fexible, we added "jokers" where you can choose your reward

20 ancient stones purchase:
1 relic coupon, 1 luck coupon, 1 emerald box, 4 golden ducats, 3 crystal jokers
100 ancient stones purchase:
1 relic coupon, 2 divine potions, 6 ancient golden jokers, 2 emerald box, 20 golden ducats, 10 crystal jokers, 40 mytokronit jokers
350 ancient stones purchase:
3 relic jokers, 5 divine potions, 15 ancient golden jokers, 6 emerald box, 50 golden ducats, 35 crystal jokers, 120 mytokronit jokers
750 ancient stones purchase:
5 relic jokers, 1 temple wand, 30 ancient golden jokers, 12 emerald box, 100 golden ducats, 75 crystal jokers, 250 mytokronit jokers
1600 ancient stones purchase:
10 relic jokers, 2 temple wands, 60 ancient golden jokers, 25 emerald box, 250 golden ducats, 160 crystal jokers, 600 mytokronit jokers

mytokronit joker: exchange 2 for a brown mytokronit, or 1 for any other mytokronit.
crystal joker: exchange for a temple crystal, a minion crystal or a diranium.
ancient golden joker: exchange 3 for an ancient golden coin or a golden soul-focus, or exchange 1 for a luck coupon.
relic joker: exchange 1 for a relic coupon, 2 for a kryxonium focus, or 4 for an unobtanium focus.

During this event, we shall also have additional promotions between 18th and 24th of July:

During these 7 days, the soul huckster gives 20% discount from the ancient stone price of all wares! (Items in the "Relics" menu excluded, but daily offers included!)

items sold only during this promotion at the soul-huckster:
Lesser and greater hunter's loot, enchanted pet food, monster cocktail, potion of happiness, locked chest, berserker potion, potion of madness, greater mytokronit pack (contains 2 random mytokronits, price is 0.8 AS instead of 1; daily limit of 25), minion crystal pack (daily limit 3), golden chest for the upcoming summer mini-event series for 1.6 (daily limit of 20).

Roll this unique wheel of fortune at the soul-huckster!

During the promotion, auctions last for 24 hours instead of 72 hours!

A unique daily offer on the daily routines page on each day of the promotion!

If you spend ancient stones during the promotion, you can get gift packs, depending on the amount of stones spent. For example, if you spend 500 ancient stones, you can claim the content of the first 3 packages.

100 ancient stones spent:
1 locked chest, 2 divine potions, 1 ancient golden joker, 50 platinum
200 ancient stones spent:
10 hunter's potions, 10 potions of duel, 50 energy concentrate, 10 loyalty shard
500 ancient stones spent:
1 medal of doom, 100 mytokronit jokers, 25 crystal jokers, 200 burnt-out ancient stones
1000 ancient stones spent:
50 crystal jokers, 100 diranium, 1 relic joker, 100 golden ducats, 1 ancient temple wand
1500 ancient stones spent:
1 temple wand, 10 divine potions, 10 emerald chests, 1 fetish shard, 1 squeezing medal, 15 ancient golden jokers

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask here or from our customer support ingame.
Pontszám: 7.68
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182 hozzászólás
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Re: 2017 Summer sale
2. hozzászólás - 2017.07.18. 15:37:17
So where at the Soul Huckster can we get minion crystal pack (daily limit 3), golden chest?
Pontszám: 9.17
much likedSbartFérfi
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879 hozzászólás
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Re: 2017 Summer sale
3. hozzászólás - 2017.07.19. 11:11:38
I poked the Customer Service, and it looks like they fixed it.
Pontszám: 8.43
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182 hozzászólás
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Re: 2017 Summer sale
4. hozzászólás - 2017.07.19. 13:03:25 (Válasz Sbart #3 hozzászólására.)
Thanks Sbart.
Pontszám: 9.17
Oldal: 1
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