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Oldal: 1234567
Topic neve: News
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
81. hozzászólás - 2013.12.17. 15:19:31
Dear Players, we have a unique option in our game. You can sell back to the soul-huckster healing potions, mana potions, pet equipment and focus crystals for the same amount of ancient stones you have bought them for. Unfortunately, this makes it impossible to do any discount / sale on these items. For this reason, we will remove the option to sell back potions, and will reduce the resale price of pet equipments and focus crystals. We give this warning now so if you like, you can still sell these items back to the soul-huckster at full price for 2 days before this change goes live.
Pontszám: 5
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
82. hozzászólás - 2013.12.27. 20:39:51
We added a compensation package for the Christmas morale issue. You can claim it on the daily routines page. The apckage can be claimed for 1 week.
Pontszám: 5
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
83. hozzászólás - 2014.02.11. 15:30:20
List of recent additions to the game:
- If you have more than 100 archgems, you will use them at huge creatures as well.
- We added evolution to the game: you can use fetishes to ascend your pets into minions. More details here.
- If you click the name change button next to a pet, now you can change it's picture as well for 5 AS.
- On the duel page, the ability total now includes bonus from minions and medals (but still not from equipment).
- If you defeat a Crystal Clan member, now there is a small chance that you can steal burnt-out stones from him as well.
- Epic rings and necklaces has a theoretical use limit: you can use only items which level is no more than +90 of your level, and no more than double of your level. The first limit (+90) can be increased via an AA ability which we will add soon.
Pontszám: 7.40
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
84. hozzászólás - 2014.03.20. 14:27:48
Today we added to the game the following features:
- VIP functions. You can buy this new package under Misc button: Accelerations. It includes many useful features, one-click improve abilities, skills, AA points, instant pet training, queueing pet heals and more.
- Evolution chamber. This new building is to boost your minions, but it's very expensive to build, recommended only for top clans with Tree of Knowlesge.
- Added a new AA ability, relic lore, so people who are very ahead with entities can use more powerful relics.
- We removed default decree selection for Temple of Doom and Ruler of Planet, to avoid people choosing the wrong type. Now you always have to select SE or AS before using a decree.
- In the duel confirm window, we now display the target player's name.
- In pet training, now we display the duration.
- Items in the inventory are now sorted by level.
- Hunter's loot now displays remaining pet and adventure slots.
- Quest change: hunt down 15 small creatures, the number has been reduced to 12.
Pontszám: 7.40
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
85. hozzászólás - 2014.04.09. 11:55:09
Today we added to the game the following features:
- If you buy on the daily routines page (ducats, potions, pack) you will not be redirected to the huckster anymore.
- We highlight in battles your pet going unconscious.
- The "become invisible" ToD quest got an alternative, "Win a treasure from the treasury".
Pontszám: 7.40
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
86. hozzászólás - 2014.07.18. 16:46:22
News coming on Tuesday! Recharge promotion, Summer Sale, 24 hour auctions, bonus packs, unique relics, big wheel of luck, and Ruler of the Planet staring!
See more details here.
Pontszám: 7.45
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
87. hozzászólás - 2014.07.23. 15:09:20
Today, we added the following to the game:
AA abilities:
1.) Harder skin's maximum increased to 10 from 6.
2.) Concentrated detection: Each level increases the max. of your subspace detection by 1.
3.) Master thief. If, during a duel, you steal attempt is successful, you will get 1 burnt-out stone even when you couldn't get any (but in this case your opponent wont lose it).
Now you can exchange pet food and minion food for platinum. You get 1 platinum for 2 pet food, and 2 platinum for 1 minion food. Also, you receive platinum in loyalty bonus instead of white crystal potion from level 20.
*** PLEASE NOTE that along with these changes, the option to exchange burnt-out stones to platinum will cease to exist. You can still exchange them for 1 week. ***
Other changes:
We added a new filter to the soul-huckster. If you select focus crystal, you can filter focus crystals useable only in selected slots by selecting item types as well.
We added a question mark with explanation of the feeding process under Pets: Squeezing, if you have minion food.
Sapphire and ruby shardfocus (exchangeable for relic shards) are re-usable now, if you use delete focus crystal or just replace them, you can use them again.
Under settings, Change name we added the option to change sex as well.
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2014.07.23. 15:09:59-kor
Pontszám: 7.45
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
88. hozzászólás - 2014.08.19. 12:26:26
Changes about energy bricks:
1.) If your server does not have any clan with a Tree of Knowledge, you will still get building energy for your energy bricks during the nightly exchange (5000 per brick).
2.) If your clan has a Tree of Knowledge, and you get an energy brick, you will build it directly into your clan's Tree during the nightly exchange.
3.) If a server has less than a specified minimum amount of bricks produced during a day, then this granted minimum will be distributed instead. This minimum is a percentage of the "top production" of the server, plus an amount based on the number of clans with Tree of Knowledge. Hopefully this increases the number of bricks a given clan gets significantly.
Pontszám: 7.46
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
89. hozzászólás - 2014.10.14. 11:19:41
List of recent changes:
AA ability: Curse of Scarab max level increased from 1 to 2.
AA ability: Lone hero max level increased from 1 to 3.
The maximum effect cap of resistance has been increased from 75% to 85%.
VIP members can restore their loyalty bonus for 10 AS if they lost it.
The task "buy ancient stones or build them into the Energy crystallizer" got a third alternate, sacrifice burnt-out ancient stones.
Also the option to exchange burnt-out stones to platinum is no longer possible (as we mentioned in the previous patch message).
Pontszám: 7.45
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
90. hozzászólás - 2014.11.04. 14:02:40
Doomlord changes:
- From now on, players start with a level 1 luck ability. (If you didn't have luck yet, now you get it at level 1).
- The "have the admins accept a quiz question you write" got an alternate, "claim the main Task reward".
- Duration of pet training have been reduced at lower levels. Training time now can't be more minutes than your level (ie. at level 3 it's only 3 minutes).
- When a player reaches level 4, his Duel Pt setting is automatically changed to 15 from 30, without resetting his DPts (so he can attack lower level players).
- The inspiration effect (available only on some later worlds, like RUS and FR) can be now turned off under Settings.
- If your level is low enough, now you can attack players as low as level 5 with subplasma.
- Now you can exchange a temple crystal for one white crystal potion.
- A player can get the "train pet" task now only at level 20+ instead of level 5+.
- We decreased the number of temple crystals required in the "acquire or spend X temple crystals" task.
- We added a new task, "Level up your pet X times".
Pontszám: 7.49
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
91. hozzászólás - 2014.12.23. 14:58:10
Added a new relic which you can buy for relic coupons, bronze/silver etc. adventure rod.
Added 2 new skills, which can help you in clan championship, physical and magical weaking (requires learning 60).
Pontszám: 7.57
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
92. hozzászólás - 2015.02.09. 10:59:19
Hunter's loot is now temporarily available at the soul huckster to help with Carnival task.
Pontszám: 7.57
much likedHatsepsutNő
131 hozzászólás
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Re: News
93. hozzászólás - 2015.02.15. 16:30:51
Dear Players,

We have some problem with the last blood championship. We'll fix the problem soon, however we shall postpone the next championship for a few days, so anyone can enter it.
Pontszám: 7.56
much likedHatsepsutNő
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Re: News
94. hozzászólás - 2015.02.16. 07:25:11
Dear Players,

Due to unforeseen problems the championship was running before the announced date. We shall cancel the illegal results and announce it again soon.

Sorry for the inconvenience.
Pontszám: 7.56
much likedMiklosFérfi
1196 hozzászólás
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Re: News
95. hozzászólás - 2015.05.14. 16:32:10
The max. level of entity hunt AA ability has been increased from 25 to 40.
We also added 2 new AA abilities, grey mytokronits (increases chance to find grey mytokronits during hunts for EH users) and red mytokronits (increases chance to find red mytokronits during duels for DD users).
The absorption granted by passive orange minion ability, and magical absorption granted by passive red minion ability has been increased.
Pontszám: 7.60
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: News
96. hozzászólás - 2015.06.16. 11:57:40
We added the following to the game:
- Faster wheel of fortune roll.
- The pet train confirm window now display the amount of XP your pet will get.
- New clan building: Energy storage, to help players to fill up soul-well 10 times faster and become full members in a reasonable time.
- Added the Fetish of Doom, which can be created from 10 fetish shards.
- New AA abilities:
1. Blessing of troll shaman: increases the efficiency of the Troll Blood, by giving more regeneration.
2. Essence enrichment: further increases the duration of essences.
3. Epic explosion: lets you use explosion vs epic and entity opponents.
4. Perfect memory: displays number of daily attacks on clan championship map.
5. Team spirit: grants +1 XP / level to all of your passive minions for each winning battle.
Pontszám: 7.60
much likedMiklosFérfi
1196 hozzászólás
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Re: News
97. hozzászólás - 2015.07.03. 09:17:16
As a part of server maintenance, on next Wednesday we shall delete battles which are older than 1 year. This includes even archived battles! So if you have a very old combat which is dear to your heart, please archive it on your own computer by either making a screenshot or save the file itself.
However, this maintenance will make it possible to review more than 3 pages of battles under the combat log.
Pontszám: 7.59
much likedMiklosFérfi
1196 hozzászólás
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Re: News
98. hozzászólás - 2015.07.10. 11:42:28
Attention: Today is the last day to exchange your victory emblems for rewards in the Surface Celebration event! Also this is the last day for the recharge promotion event.
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2015.07.10. 11:44:33-kor
Pontszám: 7.59
much likedHatsepsutNő
131 hozzászólás
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Re: News
99. hozzászólás - 2015.09.21. 06:41:28
We added a new buton to the Minions page: assign feeder.

This works as follows:
You can set one minion active - that one will help in battles and receives experience points for combat.
You can assign another minion as feeder - that one will get the experience points for feeding.
Pontszám: 7.56
much likedMiklosFérfi
1196 hozzászólás
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Re: News
100. hozzászólás - 2015.10.16. 10:31:33
We added the following to the game today:
- Inventory reform. We split the inventory to several subcategories, and added a picture for each item to help finding the item you need faster.
- When you check a player's character sheet, now you can do a challenge with subplasma, and can use the scrying orb as well from there.
- If you want to take a repeatable quest which you already did in the previous 2, and would give lesser rewards, you get a warning.
- On the character sheet, under bonuses, now you can see the +duel SE and +AA bonuses too.
- The active orange mytokronit ability's efficiency has doubled, now each level decreases the opposing pet's level bonus by 2 instead of 1.
- We added new high-level items to the game.
- Improved rewards for wheel of luck. new common items: mytokronit package, minion crystal. rare: removed: green crystal potion, added: 3 greater myto pack, 10 platinum, +1 execution. ultra-rare: removed: lesser dim.door stimulator, epic treasure chest, soul-well generator. added: 30 relic shards, diamond of ascension, temple wand, crystal mytoaffinity, fetish shard. Also the 1 relic coupon is now 2 relic coupons.
- We shall also add a few new tasks to Temple of Doom when the translations are done.
Pontszám: 8.41
Oldal: 1234567
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