Idézet: Boar - 2010.04.19. 09:36:22 I see. Do you have any idea how will this forum look like, if we start a new topik for every single question? Complete Chaos!
Oh,and there is a search bar up on the top of the screen. If you can use it, you'll find your answers faster than lightning!
Actually, I have a very good idea. Discussion boards and other forms of social media are my actual job (which is probably why I'm still here beating this very dead horse...). We used to have a few clients that thought like you and made it so only their employees could start new topics. One of them hit the scale issue, and the rest we eventually convinced to switch over just to increase usability. When they switched, everyone was happier. If you look around at other forums on the web, starting a new topic for every single question is the industry standard, and it works really well. Especially in conjunction with some mechanism for deleting old topics that nobody has posted to in a while. As for search, it will help you find answers, but it's useless for following the flow of a conversation.