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Topic neve: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
much likedCiphasFérfi
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Luck - do you fill lucky ?
1. hozzászólás - 2010.04.26. 16:41:03
" Luck: Luck is an ability which cannot be developed directly from soul-energy, like other abilities. Luck is increased automatically when you build for your clan. It counts in many ways, for example: - In duels it is randomly decided who goes first, but the luck ability affects it! - In battles there is a minimum and maximum chance to hit: sometimes even the greatest warrior can miss the target and the clumsiest fighter can be successful. If you are luckier than your opponent, your minimum and maximum to hit ratio will increase and his (or her) minimum and maximum to hit ratio will decrease. - The really lucky Doomlords and Doomladies will find bigger than average monsters (that means more soul-energy, too) more often. - Sometimes you can loot special relics from the terrible monsters coming through the Dimension Gates. Luckier you are, the more often... "

Still do we know how luck is changing ours Fights or Hunts - I mean a formula discovered by players or If we are Lucky maybe the admin can tell us ...

How much luck do we need ?

What is the basic luck you need just to survive in the harsh world of doomlord ?

I understand that there is a formula :

luck = char.level*2 + 5

Is it right ?

Any ideas about Luck ?
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
2. hozzászólás - 2010.04.26. 19:34:20
Luck and level has no connection between. Your luck depends on your building, if you never built anything, your luck will be zero.
The above description tells you quite exactly what luck does.
1.) In combat, it affects minimum and maximum hit chance. The base for this is the luck difference of the combatants. For example, if both of you has a luck of 100, no one gets favored by Fortune. But if your luck is much higher than your opponent's, then your minimum and maximum chance to hit is increased, as is your opponent's decreased. Some more experienced players consider luck to be one of the most important abilities.
2.) During hunt, sometimes you find tiny monsters (they give less than average SE) or huge ones (they give more than the average). If your luck is high, you will have a slightly bigger chance to find huge monsters, and smaller chance to find tiny ones. But be warned, luck has very small effect on this, don't expect a spectacular result when your luck increases by 10.
3.) The chance for loot in Dimension Doors is a direct result of your luck, although there is a cap to this chance somewhere between 20 and 30%, but you need quite high luck to reach this cap.
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedImLittleJon
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
3. hozzászólás - 2010.04.26. 21:16:04 (Válasz Ciphas #1 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Ciphas - 2010.04.26. 16:41:03

I understand that there is a formula :

luck = char.level*2 + 5

Is it right ?

That's a guideline that some people use for how much luck they try to have. Your mileage may vary.
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
4. hozzászólás - 2010.04.27. 06:23:20 (Válasz ImLittleJon #3 hozzászólására.)
What we have been using in HUN servers were:


CharLevel*3 was the best. Needs alot of building but you will benefit more from the higher luck.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
Pontszám: 7.50
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
5. hozzászólás - 2010.06.23. 06:38:07 (Válasz Kethios #4 hozzászólására.)
I am currently leve 54 with 150 luck so almost at level*3.

Following things noticed:

1.Dimension gate item MUCH more frequent. Somrtimes i still get 1-2 per 12 dimension points but most common now is min 4. The peak was 4 dimension items in 6 fights!

2.Duels had no change i detected

3.Hunting was the weidest. Gigantic and huge not much more than usual but greater increased quite a lot. The weird thing is that tiny and lesser seems more frequent also! Not as much as greater though but still more than before.
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
6. hozzászólás - 2010.07.14. 04:03:05
When starting out, how much do you have to donate to get a point of luck? Do I have to completely fill soul well before I see results? I just donated 350 and did not get a point.
A hozzászólást Dolp13 módosította 2010.07.14. 04:04:09-kor
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
7. hozzászólás - 2010.07.14. 06:24:51 (Válasz Dolp13 #6 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Dolp13 - 2010.07.14. 04:03:05
When starting out, how much do you have to donate to get a point of luck? Do I have to completely fill soul well before I see results? I just donated 350 and did not get a point.

If you hover your mouse over the luck stats you can see how much you have to build to get 1 luck. It increases exponentially so every new level of luck requires more SE to be built. I dont remember exactly tough if you have to have the SoulWell filled to maximum to have the luck enabled or increased (i actually didn't noticed it at the first time and when i did seen it, it was to late since i had filled out the SoulWell).
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedstekkos
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
8. hozzászólás - 2010.07.14. 15:05:03 (Válasz Dakaan #7 hozzászólására.)
You do need to fiil the soulwell, when you reach the proper ammount the luck will go up. The se you charge in the soulwell counts towards the total neede to raise your luck
Pontszám: 5
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Luck - do you fill lucky ?
9. hozzászólás - 2011.09.17. 10:04:09
I wrote a private reply to Cruel when he complained about losing in battle due to luck. However, I think other players might find this post useful as well so I publish it here.

For luck, like for intelligence, the difference of the two players stats does matter. If your luck is roughly equal, then it has no effect at all on combat. However, if your opponents luck is much higher, it can affect things. It can give a weaker opponent some chance to win in the spell combat for example.
Spells have a minimum chance of 20% and a maximum chance of 80% being successful. So even if your IQ is 500 and your opponent's is 100, there is a 20% chance that his spell will succeed, and a 20% chance that yours will fail. Not that it matters against a really weak opponent: even if your spell fails and his not (0.2 x 0.2 = 4% chance only) your thaumaturgy is prolly much higher too so you will still deal more damage. Luck can slightly alter this. If your opponents luck is significantly higher, then his min. chance will be 30% and your max chance will be 70%. So in this case, there will be 0.3 x 0.3 = 9% chance that your spell fails and his succeeds, this might turn the battle. 9% is not much, but it can happen, and especially painful if it happens in the final of the championship. So, you have to improve luck as well if you want to eliminate this factor. And your chances and success rate has nothing to do with actual luck - it is purely math and probabilities, which you can affect, and with clever play, you can completely eliminate the chance to lose.
Luck affects physical combat similar way, it can affect minimum chance to hit and maximum chance to hit.
Pontszám: 7.50
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