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Topic neve: An "un-official" chatroom?
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An "un-official" chatroom?
1. hozzászólás - 2010.05.29. 12:38:16
Would anyone be interested in using one?

It would be moderated (hopefully by some of the Doomlord Admin/Evaluators).
Pontszám: 5
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Re: An "un-official" chatroom?
2. hozzászólás - 2010.07.06. 08:27:26 (Válasz Dedhed #1 hozzászólására.)
I would and I'm sure many people would once it's started Let's start one
Pontszám: 5
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54 hozzászólás
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Re: An "un-official" chatroom?
3. hozzászólás - 2010.07.31. 14:24:47
Doomlord forum -> Doomlord Game Forums -> Suggestions -> Doomlord Chatroom...

- to find out details.
Pontszám: 5
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2 hozzászólás
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Re: An "un-official" chatroom?
4. hozzászólás - 2011.12.17. 22:03:37
Does anyone knows an email or somthing to get in touch with Szimon?
Pontszám: 5
Oldal: 1
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