Idézet: Paladin - 2012.04.24. 22:12:04 I have purchased 3 Soul-Binding Saddles at level 110 for my Pets but when I equipped them they should have increased my Pets skill points by +10 but they did not increase my Skill amounts at all. What has gone wrong? What are the Pets maximum skill levels for Pets?
Your pets can have a maximum of [Pet base level] skill points, and no more than [Pet base level]/2 in any one skill. What the Saddle does is raise the first one, total maximum number of skill points, by 10.
So lets say you have a pet with a Base level of 100. It can have a total of 100 skill points, and max 50 in any one skill. Say you level up the pet and it gets all these skill points, and you put 50 into Magic Absorption, and 50 into Critical hit. When your pet levels up again, it does not gain any more skill points, so no more skills.
If that pet now has the Saddle equipped, it max skill points is increased by 10, and you can get another skill (say Intelligent pet for example) to 10. So the Saddle does not give any skill points per se, and does enable you to increase skills above the limit. What it does is enable your pet to have some ranks in another skill. Combined with the similar bonus from the Mega essences in the Alchemy lab (requires AL 50), it can be quite good.
(also, this should probably be under
Help request, since it doesn´t have anything to do with the Crystal Clan)