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Topic neve: Epic and Entities
much likedHrusFérfi
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Epic and Entities
1. hozzászólás - 2010.10.07. 11:33:29
Hi, I have few questions:
1) X% extra damage against epic monsters (property on epic crystals, necklaces and rings) - does it work against both epics and entities? For both spell and weapon damage?

2) What are the breakpoints in epic/entity level to get higher lvl rings/necklaces?
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Re: Epic and Entities
2. hozzászólás - 2010.10.07. 11:47:44 (Válasz Hrus #1 hozzászólására.)

1. Yes bonus epic damage works the same when battling entities.
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Re: Epic and Entities
3. hozzászólás - 2010.10.07. 12:15:16
30 ..../50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
30 35 ..../60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69
35 40 ..../70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79
40 45 ..../80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89
45 50 ..../90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99
50 55 ..../100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109
55 60 ..../110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119
60 65 ..../120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129
65 70 ..../130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139
70 75 ..../140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149
75 80 ..../150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159
80 85 ..../160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169
85 90 ..../170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179
90 95 ..../180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
95 100 ..../190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199
100 105 ..../200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209
105 110 ..../210 211 212* 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 *=Double HP
110 115 ..../220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229
115 120 ..../230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239
A hozzászólást Kethios módosította 2010.10.07. 12:15:52-kor
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Re: Epic and Entities
4. hozzászólás - 2010.10.07. 12:25:09 (Válasz Kethios #3 hozzászólására.)
Thanks great! (Not so great that I just killed my 30th entity - at lvl 79) But now i know I have to skip one entity level...
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Re: Epic and Entities
5. hozzászólás - 2010.10.07. 12:43:51 (Válasz Hrus #4 hozzászólására.)
I'm glad I could help.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: Epic and Entities
6. hozzászólás - 2010.10.07. 17:37:08 (Válasz Kethios #5 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.10.07. 12:43:51
I'm glad I could help.

not sure the yes was for the "For both spell and weapon damage?" part as well...

so.. to reiterate.. bonus 10% applies to spell + weapon dmg ?
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Re: Epic and Entities
7. hozzászólás - 2010.10.08. 04:47:51 (Válasz Inv_ #6 hozzászólására.)
If the description contains:

"x% bonus damage to epic monsters"

It is only melee damage, not spell damage.
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Re: Epic and Entities
8. hozzászólás - 2010.11.02. 01:54:40
Hi, I have a question about entities...I thought Id get always some relic after beating the entity, but I didnt get a single item from it. Is there only a chance to drop, like from Dimension gate monsters? If yes, whats the point of having Dimension gate monsters and entity monsters if theyre the same?

Wicked - W2 - diamond
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Re: Epic and Entities
9. hozzászólás - 2010.11.02. 03:01:50
when you kill 15 entites you will get to pick one item. depending on how strong were the entities you killed (you noticed the "pick 1 lvl stornger entity, pick 2 lvls stronger..., pick 3 lvl stronger entity" thingy after you killed the first one?) the items you can pick will be similar lvl ((look few posts up to get the correct entity/loot lvl range)
A hozzászólást dark22 módosította 2010.11.02. 03:02:42-kor
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Re: Epic and Entities
10. hozzászólás - 2010.11.02. 23:58:12
So the relic level I get after my 15th entity will be counted from the level of the LAST entity killed? Therefore its best to choose +3lvls next entity isnt it?
Wicked - W2 - diamond
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Re: Epic and Entities
11. hozzászólás - 2010.11.03. 00:34:07 (Válasz borecdan #10 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: borecdan - 2010.11.02. 23:58:12
So the relic level I get after my 15th entity will be counted from the level of the LAST entity killed? Therefore its best to choose +3lvls next entity isnt it?

What you want is for the level of your 15th entity to be evenly divisible by 10. Killing a level 79 entity doesn't get you any better relics than killing a level 70 one. So one theory would be to choose +1 for each of the first 11 and then +3 for the last 3. If my math is right, that ends up with you killing a level 70 entity for #15. The math will be slightly different for #30, since #1 was level 50, but #16 will be level 71 at least. In any case, do the math yourself; don't trust mine, since I might have made a mistake somewhere.
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much likedPhalanxii
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Re: Epic and Entities
12. hozzászólás - 2010.11.25. 17:31:04
I went for the 81st epic in 15 entities to get the ruby triad as fast as possible (just got it like 5 minutes ago ) though I know players which went one by one and got there faster and got 2 relics...

The star sapphire is definitely worth getting (item level = 35), but I got it through the clan epic though so I could skip that.

Also, I got told that I should skip the 80th entity by a clan member, so it could be a double hp one, can someone prove/disprove this?
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Have you fought an epic monster recently? Upload the name and HP here!
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much likedHrusFérfi
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Re: Epic and Entities
13. hozzászólás - 2010.12.28. 09:12:30
"You are not powerful enough to challenge a new entity. You need to advance a level first."
This is unfortunate. I can't challenge my 47th entity at lvl 55. What's the exact formulla fot this non-sense limitation? I hope it's not 1 entity per level because my superior entity combat skill would be wasted.
Pontszám: 6.50
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Re: Epic and Entities
14. hozzászólás - 2010.12.28. 22:01:24 (Válasz Hrus #13 hozzászólására.)
You can't challenge more entities than your level - 9. So actually yes, it is 1 entity per level once you reach this limit.
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Re: Epic and Entities
15. hozzászólás - 2013.11.05. 13:29:39
Miklos, the demon mage level 264 monster.

Now where have I heard that name before? hmmmmmm
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Re: Epic and Entities
16. hozzászólás - 2013.12.07. 18:15:14
In this battle you have dealt a total of 46319 damage and have taken 87428 damage.
Your HPs dropped below 15% (-1 Action Point). You bandage yourself (+38697 hit points).

an Entity should NOT be able to do that much damage.... I dont care if it's level 319... if I am at full health it should have a max amount it can do... the entire first 50% of it's health this never happened once.. now that it's almost dead it happened twice in a row and I lost 2 AP's.
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Re: Epic and Entities
17. hozzászólás - 2014.03.19. 13:46:26
5 pets? Really? how come the entity gets 5 pets? Minions don't actually attack so that doesn't count as a fighting creature.

Noemi, the gigantic lesser angel
level 345 entity

Fighting creatures

Wer Yi Minh
Wer Yi Minh (168. Level)

Morpyron (169. Level)

Manifest (170. Level)

Phelbs (171. Level)

Kreitel (172. Level)
Pontszám: 5.08
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Epic and Entities
18. hozzászólás - 2014.03.19. 17:03:55
When we played the old paper and book role-playing games, demon lords and deities had abilites a normal player could not have. Still, we could win. Let's face it, the NPCs never play by the rules - nonetheless, you beat them because they are smarter
Pontszám: 7.40
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Epic and Entities
19. hozzászólás - 2014.03.19. 17:05:59
Btw, here is some interesting piece of info for you.

Here, in Hungary we have a big live convention every 6 months. There, we have a live auction where players can bid with ducats they have in the game. We usually auction rare relics which you can't get normally in the game. One of such relics allow players to have 5 pets
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Re: Epic and Entities
20. hozzászólás - 2014.03.19. 19:23:59 (Válasz Miklos #19 hozzászólására.)
ooh... i want!
Pontszám: 7.09
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