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Hozzászólások - ChaoticGemini

Dátum: 2009.09.17. 03:08:59
main characters
Dátum: 2009.09.15. 07:52:42
Thanks for the answer. Yes, there is one question that went from 58% to 24% in the past week. 75% is a high number to keep.
Dátum: 2009.09.15. 03:06:30
I had: Evaluation of your questions so far: 8 good, 0 bad, 0 deleted.

Suddenly, I logg-in and it says: Evaluation of your questions so far: 7 good, 1 bad, 0 deleted.

I didn't submit a new one in nearly a week. How did a question go from good to bad? How can I know which question it was and why?
Dátum: 2009.09.15. 01:52:48
Really? Capitalizing the word "inch" in an answer gets rejected, but this makes it through?!!

How long did Ted Kennedy held his US senate seat before he past?

It should read:

How long did Edward "Ted" Kennedy hold his U.S. Senate seat before he passed?

It would actually be better to say died, since "passed" is being used euphemistically.
Dátum: 2009.09.13. 21:38:51
How many members does a jury have in the USA?

This is an inaccurate question. It does not say what kind of trial and the jurisdiction in the USA. In minor jury cases there could be only 6. Felony and criminal cases generally have 12. A federal grand jury is anywhere from 16 to 23. They all also assign alternate members.
Dátum: 2009.09.12. 07:56:47
Where to be found the first evidence of human presence, Peking Man, estimated to have lived from 300,000 to 550,000 years ago?
Zhoukoudian cave, China
Saigon, Vietnam
Beijing, China

Besides the bad grammar, this question has two accurate answers. It was found in Zhoukoudian Cave near Beijing.

Why do we have the quiz errors forum? The question about the largest desert has been posted as wrong by several people, yet it appears to keep showing up in the quiz.
Dátum: 2009.09.11. 20:18:51
Idézet: hrolf - 2009.09.11. 16:55:21
Who was Ringo Starr?

drummer for The Beatles
guitarist for Van Halen
Bass player for The Monkeys
actor in hope floats

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

Try it like this:

Who was Ringo Starr?
drummer for The Beatles
guitarist for Van Halen
bass player for The Monkeys
actor in Hope Floats
Dátum: 2009.09.10. 16:45:46
Idézet: Elgoran - 2009.09.10. 14:27:48
Amber (gemstone) is...

a mineral form of iron oxide.
a variety of the mineral beryl.
a fossilized tree resin.
an allotrope of carbon.

I've got "Forbidden word in the 3. answer" error when submitting this question. Is it "fossilized" or what? Language filter seems a bit oversensitive...

That's the first time I have seen that type of error. Hopefully an admin can comment, because I don't see any naughty words and think it is a good question.
Dátum: 2009.09.09. 21:02:29
Writing your questions like a newspaper headline does not make it important, it makes it annoying! We told you how to get your question through the filters. I do not see the need to continue the insistent arguing. Either accept the advice or leave it alone. There is a complaint thread where you can vent your thoughts.
Dátum: 2009.09.08. 04:08:18
I can't explain it. Just stating my experience.
Dátum: 2009.09.08. 00:52:27
Idézet: Luminance - 2009.09.07. 20:41:27
How Many Milliseconds in a Second?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

Idézet: nihil - 2009.09.07. 19:53:23
who build first steam turbine powered steamship?

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

The system is VERY particular about capitalization!!!!
So, they should read:
How many milliseconds in a second?
Who build first steam turbine powered steamship?
Dátum: 2009.09.04. 21:33:58
The name of the series in the states is Numbers. Plus, the question is written in a difficult to understand way. By the choices, it seems like you want the character name, not the show name as the question implies.
Dátum: 2009.09.04. 07:37:03
yeah, I just wrote a different question since I didn't know where the spelling problem was. I should have another one to write as soon as they evaluate the last one.
Dátum: 2009.09.04. 04:48:00
I'm guessing it was labeled ambiguous because there is no time. Germany invaded when? By the choices given, I can guess when you mean, but there is more than one time in history that Germany invaded other countries.

Pogaxa, I'll try adding the capital letter when I can write a new question.
Dátum: 2009.09.03. 16:23:14
Okay, I will admit spelling is my worst subject, but because of that, I check and double check all my spelling. Anyone have a clue how to get this question by the insane Spelling mistakes in question or answers evaluation I get.

The question:

Where are doldrums located?
in deserts
above the 45th parallel
in space
around the equator
Dátum: 2009.09.02. 20:19:35
How was Hammurabi's Code published?
on papyrus scrolls
on a stone monument
on parchment scrolls
on clay tablets

It said the answer was a stone monument. There were many copies of the law published. I know of some clay tablets which are believed to be older than the stone stele (I believe the monument the author of the question was thinking of) in the Louvre. My impression is the code was (and still is) published on whatever was handy at the time, so the answer to this question would most likely be all of the above.
Dátum: 2009.09.01. 20:02:55
Thanks for the idea. The question was accepted when I got rid of the capital letters in the answers. I thought I should post this in case anyone else was having a similar issue.
Dátum: 2009.08.31. 06:57:26
Another question of mine rejected for alleged spelling errors! Who is checking the spelling on these? I fail to see the errors.

Here's the latest alleged spelling error reject:

What was the first country to give all women an unrestricted right to vote?
New Zealand
Dátum: 2009.08.30. 18:42:13
I have to agree with Viridel. Although I hate the sports questions, his water polo question I can make a reasonable guess at the answer. Most of the sports and movie questions I have no idea.

(My guess is the first answer)
Dátum: 2009.08.30. 07:43:26
Approximately how large is a newborn kangaroo?

1 Centimeter
1 Inch
1 Foot
1 Meter

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

So where is the spelling mistake?