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Hozzászólások - Arconvict

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2010.09.22. 00:15:55
I've got a bone to pick with the Doomlord staff. Ever since level one when i got the few free ancient stones from the beginning quests, at level 15, i have not got a single one from a drop. This makes this game a complete bore because the only reason i started playing in the first place was to play a free game in my spare time, this makes this extremely difficult if its actually not giving you half of the currency the game has to offer. I understand that because i am a free player you guys don't care but if something doesn't change pretty soon I'm going to stop playing, once again i know how little you care about free players (I'd be surprised if this post even got an admin response) but cmon, it says in the ancient stone description that you can get them from monsters, i wasn't aware that that meant you never get them from monsters. -.- i would like one thing from any admin reading this, either make the drop rate significantly higher, and I'm talking like 20-50% here, or lose all of your free players which I'm sure you wouldn't care to much about. Sorry to burst your bubble but when you're making a game that's text based and you put restrictions in like that, its a call for everyone to just stop playing, that's my opinion, if you don't like it, too bad, make your game more fun. << When i got to this point in the message i realized that you actually took that out of the ancient stone description, this and the fact that i have wasted so much time on this game has forced me to quit because i will not be apart of such a low blow to the game community, gg and have fun to all you fellow sufferers. PEACE!


p.s. I'll try to forget the experience of playing this atrocious game.
Dátum: 2010.07.27. 05:08:17
Found one, when your faster quiz questions upgrade happens, if you only use one action point to start a hunt you will receive no quiz question because i guess there's no way to get half a correct point from a single question.
Oldal: 1