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Topic neve: General complaint
much likeddodo888
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Re: General complaint
221. hozzászólás - 2010.09.21. 07:47:00
Hey my clan Red giants from World 1 has a problem with the soul well. we have catalyst 12 and a soul well that 186k big. so we should be getting 32k SE a day, but instead of that we get 30k. is it a bug?
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Re: General complaint
222. hozzászólás - 2010.09.21. 07:53:46 (Válasz dodo888 #221 hozzászólására.)
No it isn't.

It's Zarknod's time.

During this event, soul-wells charge at half of normal rate. If you log in and didn't activate a pylon in the past 24 hours, your mana regenerates at half of normal rate.

This is the side effect of Zarknod.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
223. hozzászólás - 2010.09.21. 07:58:30
aha sorry i thought it was just for mana, my bad. thanx
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Re: General complaint
224. hozzászólás - 2010.09.21. 08:07:37 (Válasz dodo888 #223 hozzászólására.)
It's alright. Feel free to ask if you have any problem.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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General complaint: Ancient Stone Drop Rate
225. hozzászólás - 2010.09.22. 00:15:55
I've got a bone to pick with the Doomlord staff. Ever since level one when i got the few free ancient stones from the beginning quests, at level 15, i have not got a single one from a drop. This makes this game a complete bore because the only reason i started playing in the first place was to play a free game in my spare time, this makes this extremely difficult if its actually not giving you half of the currency the game has to offer. I understand that because i am a free player you guys don't care but if something doesn't change pretty soon I'm going to stop playing, once again i know how little you care about free players (I'd be surprised if this post even got an admin response) but cmon, it says in the ancient stone description that you can get them from monsters, i wasn't aware that that meant you never get them from monsters. -.- i would like one thing from any admin reading this, either make the drop rate significantly higher, and I'm talking like 20-50% here, or lose all of your free players which I'm sure you wouldn't care to much about. Sorry to burst your bubble but when you're making a game that's text based and you put restrictions in like that, its a call for everyone to just stop playing, that's my opinion, if you don't like it, too bad, make your game more fun. << When i got to this point in the message i realized that you actually took that out of the ancient stone description, this and the fact that i have wasted so much time on this game has forced me to quit because i will not be apart of such a low blow to the game community, gg and have fun to all you fellow sufferers. PEACE!


p.s. I'll try to forget the experience of playing this atrocious game.
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Re: General complaint: Ancient Stone Drop Rate
226. hozzászólás - 2010.09.22. 04:55:13 (Válasz Arconvict #225 hozzászólására.)
You can play Doomlord without paying for Ancient stones.

Also the items that are premium are only stronger than the others on the same level. 2 or 3 levels higher there are alot of stron ger non premium weapons. Just need some trade skill and that's all.

There are plenty of players that are playing for free. Ask for some advices if you think the paying players are any better.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
227. hozzászólás - 2010.09.23. 00:47:22 (Válasz Kethios #224 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Kethios - 2010.09.21. 08:07:37
It's alright. Feel free to ask if you have any problem.

Don't ask for posts when you know the Admin can't/won't deliver.
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Re: General complaint
228. hozzászólás - 2010.09.23. 03:13:26
Who elected you as a non-paying users spokesman? I like how the game deals with differences between paying and non paying customers, its quite easy to be better than paying one when you play for free if you know what are you doing. At the same time there is enough of bonuses you get when you pay not to feel as if you re paying for nothing.
Bottom line is if you don't like it, quit bitching for free stuff, and find your self a better free game.
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Re: General complaint: Ancient Stone Drop Rate
229. hozzászólás - 2010.09.23. 06:55:35 (Válasz Arconvict #225 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Arconvict - 2010.09.22. 00:15:55
but cmon, it says in the ancient stone description that you can get them from monsters, i wasn't aware that that meant you never get them from monsters. -.- i would like one thing from any admin reading this, either make the drop rate significantly higher, and I'm talking like 20-50% here, or lose all of your free players....

I am sorry, but please find me a description which said that ancient stones can drop from monsters. Because they can't. You only get burn-out ancient stones from monsters which can only turn in ancient stones if you actually buy ancient stones.
And I agree with dark22, the difference between paying and non-paying player is not that big (especially on higher levels) for this kind of game. I personally tried several similar RPG online games and this one suits me the best.
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Re: General complaint
230. hozzászólás - 2010.09.27. 03:24:44 (Válasz Jerko #49 hozzászólására.)
It does not show up in the battle description,whether u r resting or not.Your 10% bonus defence does get included.
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Re: General complaint
231. hozzászólás - 2010.09.29. 08:19:00 (Válasz trouble #230 hozzászólására.)
It should show up O_O

If it isn't then you found a bug. The description should start with: Your opponent was resting. It'll be a tough battle.
Doomlord forum moderator at your service.
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Re: General complaint
232. hozzászólás - 2010.09.29. 17:41:05
Sorry to complain but when stage 1 of zarknods awakening finished I didnt get anything at all and I was on the leader board, SPG. world 3
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Re: General complaint
233. hozzászólás - 2010.09.29. 17:47:41 (Válasz Skapunkno1 #232 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Skapunkno1 - 2010.09.29. 17:41:05
Sorry to complain but when stage 1 of zarknods awakening finished I didnt get anything at all and I was on the leader board, SPG. world 3

Some people on W1 got a reward at the end of stage 1, but that was a bug. You're not supposed to get anything until stage 3 is over.
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everyone's favoriteSkapunkno1Férfi
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Re: General complaint
234. hozzászólás - 2010.09.29. 21:10:22 (Válasz ImLittleJon #233 hozzászólására.)
Ah thanks, I saw people got stuff in world 1 so thought Id missed out cheers.
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Re: General complaint
235. hozzászólás - 2010.10.03. 14:07:44
You have won the battle, your reward is 0 soul-energy and 21 XP!

How can this happen with energy harness?
A hozzászólást quint módosította 2010.10.03. 14:09:37-kor
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

I need contribution to the list of adventures from anyone who's willing to share information with others. Please help me expand this list.
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Re: General complaint
236. hozzászólás - 2010.10.04. 05:24:14 (Válasz quint #235 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: quint - 2010.10.03. 14:07:44
You have won the battle, your reward is 0 soul-energy and 21 XP!

How can this happen with energy harness?

Because rumor has it that Energy Harness is broken...

And even better, you have a broken skill, that also disables another (Disadvantaged Development) - which is one of the stupidest things in a game, hat already has no shortage of (never to be resolved) problems.
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2010.10.04. 05:26:16-kor
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Re: General complaint
237. hozzászólás - 2010.10.04. 07:17:02 (Válasz Viridel #236 hozzászólására.)
I remember encountering this problem in the Hungarian worlds too, but I don't remember what caused it, that's why I asked. And they must have fixed it there as I never again ran into such a problem in any of the Hungarian worlds. I just hope they will fix it soon enough here too...
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

I need contribution to the list of adventures from anyone who's willing to share information with others. Please help me expand this list.
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much likedquint
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Re: General complaint
238. hozzászólás - 2010.10.04. 10:44:35
You have won the battle, your reward is 2 soul-energy and 21 XP!

The second fight with almost no SE although I have 50 points in Energy Harness. Come on guys, do something!
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

I need contribution to the list of adventures from anyone who's willing to share information with others. Please help me expand this list.
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Re: General complaint
239. hozzászólás - 2010.10.04. 13:56:12 (Válasz quint #238 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: quint - 2010.10.04. 10:44:35
You have won the battle, your reward is 2 soul-energy and 21 XP!

The second fight with almost no SE although I have 50 points in Energy Harness. Come on guys, do something!

That's one of the reasons why i started to reconsider if i'll donate again or not. Slow resolutions to our problems and almost no feedback from the developers/owners.
Not trying to flame or anything and i'm not looking to start a forum war, but from what i see the hungarian server has it all and we are almost completely ignored (almost since i see i think an admin posting on the monthly contest and a mod that can't do anything almost daily).
It's sad since i really like this game and i'm sure that any patch that they do for the hungarian server can be implemented in a matter of days (or maybe hours) in here too.
A hozzászólást Dakaan módosította 2010.10.04. 13:57:37-kor
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Re: General complaint
240. hozzászólás - 2010.10.05. 00:28:36
why does it take 6 months to evaluate an adventure thats been submitted?

another example maybe that the developers have very little enthusiasm for supporting this game (in english)?

Sounds like we should all learn hungarian and join that server for better customer support.
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