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Hozzászólások - Luminance

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2009.09.09. 19:35:44
Um, I never wrote that question "who build first steam turbine powered steamship?"

And I'll tell you this; I've got qualifications in English literature and English Language so I know what I'm talking about, oh and one more thing I am English.

You must be retarded in some way, I do not need to put in a verb in my question technically, I can have that sentence with or without the are its still grammatically correct in the context I was using it in.

Also before you tell me my grammar sucks look at your own "the past tens of build is bult." are you insane, lost your mind or something, tis not me who has a bad sense of spelling and grammar but you.

Oh and one last thing, DO NOT CALL ME FRIEND. I would take offence by that, to have a grammatically incorrect hypocritical fool call me friend.

Idézet: Mosquito665 - 2009.09.09. 18:10:41
I tell you the truth... you don't need and admin do it:


"How Many Milliseconds in a Second?" - missing the auxiliary verb
"who build first steam turbine powered steamship?" - the past tens of build is bult. If you are making a statment or a question about a specific thing you need to use "the" definite article.

Dátum: 2009.09.09. 15:44:12
Idézet: Pogaxa - 2009.09.08. 19:04:57
if you're so proud of your spelling, you Shouldn't Use Capitals In Almost Every Word, should you?

Its very common in English to put capitals for the meaningful words (adjectives, verbs, etc.) when writing quizzes, as a matter of fact the way i wrote that question is the way questions are written in trivia games and TV shows.

So yeah you can say i'm proud of my spelling and using capitals in my words is beneficial.

By the way i see i changed from being popular to being hated within 2 days, i guess some people don't like to hear the truth, it would also explain why the mods/admin are too scared to to answer me direct.
Dátum: 2009.09.08. 18:34:25
Well i'm not gonna change my question if its not wrong, if the system is wrong its the system that needs to change not the people writing the questions.
Dátum: 2009.09.08. 12:51:46
That doesn't explain to my why my question didn't go through, It was capitalised so i'm at a lost with what's wrong with it.

Could you please explain?
Dátum: 2009.09.08. 01:01:35
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2009.09.08. 00:52:27

The system is VERY particular about capitalization!!!!
So, they should read:
How many milliseconds in a second?
Who build first steam turbine powered steamship?

That can't be true. My first question went through with no problems;

"How Many Days in a Leap Year?"

Explain that one to me.
Dátum: 2009.09.07. 20:41:27
How Many Milliseconds in a Second?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

Nothing is spelt incorrectly according to the English Dictionary, if people check these then they need to take English classes, if its a automated script, then you better take off the quiz questions till its working.

If i find another fault i may have to give this site some bad advertisement because you cannot in all honesty have things live that don't work, if there is a problem take it down till its fixed all your gonna get out is dissatisfied customers and bad publicity.
Dátum: 2009.09.06. 17:35:18
Yet another Quiz error, When the questing "What is the boiling point of water?"

The answers are in Kelvin (K) now very few people will know this unless they have studied chemistry or have a very broad general knowledge.

If it was in Celsius or Fahrenheit i would not mind but Kelvin isn't good, also if you really think about the question its subjective to pressure of the area, for example if you were high up in the mountains the pressure would be lower and hence the boiling point will be lower.

So i think this question could be put in not specific enough but since you guys don't have that you have too specific which is a bit hipocritical well what can i say, you guys make the rules although the rules aren't really in check.

You Guys need to fix up management if you want to run a successful browser game, by deleting posts like the ones Viridel posted isn't gonna solve your problem it will only supplement your procrastination.
Dátum: 2009.09.04. 15:20:12
I'm not entirely sure if this is an error or not but i find it not to make sense. When you go to submit a quiz question there is an option at the bottom saying the following:

"I renounce to write a quiz question for 22 soul-energy."

To put that into latent terms its saying "I Refuse to write a quiz question for 22 soul-energy" I haven't the slightest idea what that button actually does but if you get SE for not wanting to write a quiz question i think there must be some mistake here.

Another note the question about the largest desert, its not the sahara but Antarctica. Desert is defined by an area that has little or no precipitation.

I know this because i study geography not by using wiki or google although i'm pretty sure you can find that there.
Dátum: 2009.09.03. 17:16:53
Well i got a few internal Grammatical Errors to be cleared up for you.

When you recive a PM (Personal Message) you get "Message Unreaded" that should be replaced with "Unread Message" or "New Message(s) since Unreaded is not a real word and just makes no sense when you read it.

Next up is Messages Arrived it sounds like something a 5 year old would say (no offence intended), this should be replaced with "Inbox".

Also "Messages sent" its usually put as "Sent Messages".

I think there are a few others flying around but those are the only ones i could remember off the top of my head.

Hope you manage to fix them up.
Oldal: 1