Which is NOT a sci-fi movie/series?
Star Wars
Star Trek
well technicaly not incorrect though i would have put this in the iffy catagory because of the 80's movie the last starfighter although the answer was obvious i feel it should not be there as i found this to be a dubious question
Hozzászólások - Dune
Oldal: 1
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.01.25. 11:27:41
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2010.01.16. 09:48:51
Which piece in chess can move only forward?
Correct answer given is pawn which is incorrect because pawns move diagonaly when taking an opposing players piece so this question is incorrect and there is no correct answer to that question except none
Correct answer given is pawn which is incorrect because pawns move diagonaly when taking an opposing players piece so this question is incorrect and there is no correct answer to that question except none
Quiz -> Quiz errors
Dátum: 2009.11.16. 04:33:02
i had the question "which year was a leap year?" correct answer given was 2000 but one of the other possibles given in answer section was 1800 now being as a leap year happens every 4 years wouldn't 1800 be a leap year as well?
Oldal: 1