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Re: Quiz errors
281. hozzászólás - 2010.01.07. 13:41:35 (Válasz Hatsepsut #279 hozzászólására.)
Wow i dont believe i didnt see that! Thank you
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Re: Quiz errors
282. hozzászólás - 2010.01.07. 14:18:05 (Válasz stekkos #277 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.01.06. 08:00:13
The law term refers to the situation of marrying another person while being married to one. If you marry more you are guilty of MULTIPLE accounts of bigamy and thats how i meant it But if the admins what to make the answer "Being married to 2 persons at the same time" i will not mind

how come I get 4.67, and you get 5.5
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Quiz errors
283. hozzászólás - 2010.01.07. 19:42:42
Several errors:
Q: What is Agyrophobia? (misspelled, ASSUMED correct spelling: Agoraphobia)
A: Fear of crossing roads.. (correct definition, per Webster.com: abnormal fear of being helpless in an embarrassing or unescapable situation that is characterized especially by the avoidance of open or public places)

There is nothing about "crossing roads" unless it is being inferred somehow. Poor inference/misspelled word to look up.
A hozzászólást Heatedash módosította 2010.01.07. 19:48:14-kor
Pontszám: 4.75
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Re: Quiz errors
284. hozzászólás - 2010.01.07. 21:22:48
Error - Too specific:

Q: Where is the Chain Bridge?
A: Hungary

When copying the question into the browser address it automatically brings me to:

I guessed "Hungary" because this is a Hungarian based game... However, I did some research and was able to find "Chain bridges" in each of the other locations as well. Unfair question.

There are probably thousands of "chain bridges" in the world. Each of the answers could be correct.
Pontszám: 8.75
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Re: Quiz errors
285. hozzászólás - 2010.01.08. 05:14:01 (Válasz Heatedash #283 hozzászólására.)
the very first hit after having a search brought this result:

Agyrophobia: Abnormal and persistent fear of crossing streets, highways and other thoroughfares; fear of thoroughfares themselves.

but Wiki also specifies what it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agyrophobia

Agoraphobia is an absolutely other phobia, don't confuse them.
A hozzászólást Pogaxa módosította 2010.01.08. 05:17:01-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
286. hozzászólás - 2010.01.08. 08:53:42
What class from the bony fishes are?

I think this is semantically very poorly written question?
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Quiz errors
287. hozzászólás - 2010.01.08. 20:33:29
"the very first hit after having a search brought this result:
Agyrophobia: Abnormal and persistent fear of crossing streets, highways and other thoroughfares; fear of thoroughfares themselves.
but Wiki also specifies what it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agyrophobia
Agoraphobia is an absolutely other phobia, don't confuse them."

my apologies. The term "Agyrophobia" was too specific for Webster. I didn't think to look in a medical dictionary.

Gotta love words
I can't place the word, but apparently there is a verb that means "throwing an object out a window".
A hozzászólást Heatedash módosította 2010.01.08. 22:16:59-kor
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Re: Quiz errors
288. hozzászólás - 2010.01.09. 00:03:36
Question needs to be clarified or removed:

The famous singer Dido has the same as a historical person. Who?

has the same ___(what?)_____ as a historical person.

unfair question
Pontszám: 7.50
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Re: Quiz errors
289. hozzászólás - 2010.01.09. 00:34:28
The question.

Which city is not in the U.S.?


I can't remember the other possible answer right this second, this question is wrong. The author of the question has Vancouver as a city not in the U.S. and I believe they are refering to Vancouver B.C. , but about 400 miles south in Washington state there is also a Vancouver. So there is one in the U.S., As far as I can tell though all of the cities they had used as possible answers were all U.S. cities. Please delete this question or have the author change the answer to a city not in the U.S.
Pontszám: 8.33
much likedChaoticGeminiNő
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Re: Quiz errors
290. hozzászólás - 2010.01.09. 03:04:04
Who wrote the Hector Servadac?

Since this is the english version of Doomlord, shouldn't this question use the more common english title of "Off on a Comet"
Pontszám: 6
much likedShagwoodFérfi
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Re: Quiz errors
291. hozzászólás - 2010.01.11. 04:08:52
When do we celabrate Mardi Gras?
between January 1 and Febuary 3
between February 3 and March 9
between April 1 and May 9
between March 9 and April 1
When does who celebrate Mardi Gras? More than one country celebrate them at different times so who does the "We" refer to also it's celebrate not celabrate and February not Febuary.
Pontszám: 7.50
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Re: Quiz errors
292. hozzászólás - 2010.01.11. 22:40:06
This question is very misleading. A different city should be selected or the question should be deleted. All cities are a capital city (of a nation or state, the question does not specify whether it is a national or state capital).

Which of the following is not a capital city?

According to: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mumbai
Mumbai "is the capital of the Indian state of Maharashtra"
Pontszám: 4.57
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Re: Quiz errors
293. hozzászólás - 2010.01.13. 14:07:30
The Punic Wars primarily involved which nations?

Rome and Gual
Carthage and Rome
Gual and Carthage
Greece and Carthage

I believe the player meant GAUL not GUAL
Pontszám: 7.33
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Re: Quiz errors
294. hozzászólás - 2010.01.13. 14:22:01 (Válasz Heatedash #292 hozzászólására.)
Please try not to be so into detail. Technically you have a point, but when someone asks a question about a capital, it has to be assumed he is talking about national capitals of countries, not provinces, states, and similar places with capitals. If everyone has to describe every little detail we end up with a legal document, not a quiz game
Pontszám: 6.50
much likedChaoticGeminiNő
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Re: Quiz errors
295. hozzászólás - 2010.01.14. 04:26:46 (Válasz Heatedash #292 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Heatedash - 2010.01.11. 22:40:06

Which of the following is not a capital city?

I have a problem with this question for an entirely different reason. This makes the sixth (6th) version of this question I have seen! It's as bad as the countless "Which country is not a neighbour of ...." questions.
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Re: Quiz errors
296. hozzászólás - 2010.01.15. 13:43:08
Which one of the following statements IS NOT true regarding to Dihydrogen Monoxide (DHMO)?
At least 9 out of 10 murderers consume DHMO 24 hours prior to a murder.
DHMO is an excellent electrical conductor.*
DHMO is a major component of acid rain.
Inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities, can cause instant death.

i know this trick, DHMO is H2O, but i think the creator of this question missed the right answer
DHMO is an excellent electrical conductor. - i think this is true but it was the right answer.
Inhalation of DHMO, even in small quantities, can cause instant death. - i think this is the one that is not true regarding to water. It's inhalation is only deadly in large quantities
Pontszám: 5.33
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Re: Quiz errors
297. hozzászólás - 2010.01.16. 07:01:26 (Válasz Vlky #296 hozzászólására.)
I think they should give you a bonus quiz medal. I totally agree, they should fix this question
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Re: Quiz errors
298. hozzászólás - 2010.01.16. 07:05:23
Is the quiz olympics going to give 1 medal to the first 7 from now on? Because if this is the case personally i thing you ruined the competition for first place. If you changed it because a lot of players were coming first often (me included) then at least drop the rule about max 12 medals. After all, that was the best way to give other players the chance to win since after 12 medals we couldnt get first anymore. But do not leave both rules there since its ruining the challenge AND the reason for trying to be fast while answering
Pontszám: 7.50
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Re: Quiz errors
299. hozzászólás - 2010.01.16. 09:48:51
Which piece in chess can move only forward?
Correct answer given is pawn which is incorrect because pawns move diagonaly when taking an opposing players piece so this question is incorrect and there is no correct answer to that question except none
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Re: Quiz errors
300. hozzászólás - 2010.01.16. 12:10:48 (Válasz Dune #299 hozzászólására.)
The move diagonally is still a move in the forward direction, while all three others can move back as well
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
Pontszám: 7.50
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