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Dátum: 2014.11.11. 21:32:11
No, it's not that, the problem was that when I entered, it said that the quiz olympics wasn't running. But someone fixed it eventually.
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2014.11.11. 07:32:56
What's up with the Quiz olympics? It should be running, but I can't enter, and my ToD requires me to register. Please fix this.
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Dátum: 2014.09.29. 17:18:29
In case anyone is still wondering what on earth happened to my essences (probably not ), I can say that I finally managed to get essences from squeezing pets. I don't know at which level of the Alchemy Lab they started dropping, but certainly not at level 1. We have a level 9 Alchemy Lab now, and essences are coming as they are supposed to. I assume there must be some hidden code for this which nobody seems to know about, but anyway, somewhere between lvl 1 and 9 of the AL, essences start appearing from pets.
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Dátum: 2014.08.03. 07:20:02
Idézet: digitalis - 2014.07.29. 19:18:23
Yet I can't get any essence from squeezing. Over 50 pets squeezed now, and not a single essence. I know that 10% doesn't mean that I will get 1 essence out of every 10 pets, but still, I find it rather strange that nothing came from over 50 pets - or even more, because the lab was built quite some time before I started counting. The only essences I have are from "Create a random essence for 120 APts and 30 DPts", a couple by using gradulatum, and what I bought from the daily offers. So I'm beginning to think that there is some level requirement for alchemy lab after all before I can get essences, but what is that? 10? 15? 25? Or if it's 100% sure that there isn't, then I guess my character is broken. Either way, the result is the same: no essences from squeezing. I would like to get this fixed somehow.
The laboratory level will only determine the duration of the effect of the essence.
Yet I can't get any essence from squeezing. Over 50 pets squeezed now, and not a single essence. I know that 10% doesn't mean that I will get 1 essence out of every 10 pets, but still, I find it rather strange that nothing came from over 50 pets - or even more, because the lab was built quite some time before I started counting. The only essences I have are from "Create a random essence for 120 APts and 30 DPts", a couple by using gradulatum, and what I bought from the daily offers. So I'm beginning to think that there is some level requirement for alchemy lab after all before I can get essences, but what is that? 10? 15? 25? Or if it's 100% sure that there isn't, then I guess my character is broken. Either way, the result is the same: no essences from squeezing. I would like to get this fixed somehow.
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2014.07.29. 10:01:32
What level should be the Alchemy lab so I can get essences by squeezing pets? Since we got the first level of the lab, I've squeezed about 30 pets, but haven't seen any essence coming out of them. (except from the one time when I used a gradulatum)
Oldal: 1