Idézet: Kethios - 2012.04.26. 08:19:42 Not available? What's your level + you trade skill with mind boost?
Note, that you can have only one from some type of focus crystals at the same time. Check if you already have a Fire pearl inserted into a spell.
Thanks Kethios, that resolved the issue for me. I wasn't aware of this. Indeed I had an old spell with the fire pearl and selling it resolved the issue.
Many thanks!
Idézet: Sbart - 2012.04.25. 22:15:55 Idézet: Lahira - 2012.04.25. 20:49:52 Would anyone know where I can get a focus crystal for a spell? There are no focus crystals for spells available at the soul huckster.
Thanks in advance
Focus crystals for spells:
Fire pearl (level 44)
Venerable Fire pearl (Level 71)
Burnt-out Ruby (Level 81)
Lesthomis (Level 88)
Drefeath (Auction house, reusable)
There are more at higher levels, but I hope that helps.
Many thanks for this. The only one I can use at my level would be the lvl 44 Fire pearl, which is not available at the soul huckster.
And waiting at the auction house for the Drefeath to turn up is not really feasible for the completion of this task in doom temple.
I'll post this to the game developers.
thanks again

Would anyone know where I can get a focus crystal for a spell? There are no focus crystals for spells available at the soul huckster.
Thanks in advance
Wow, thanks. I've been playing Doomlord for a while now, but our page had a lot of info I wasn't aware of until now!