1201 hozzászólás
Wheel of fortune
1. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 13:39:05
Today we introduced a new development to the game, Wheel of fortune. You can find it at the Soul-huckster, under the Wheel of fortune label. You can turn at even at level 1! You can do it once a day for free, and twice more for 2-2 ancient stones.
- Result can be: didn't win (only first roll), common treasure, rare treasure, utra-rare treasure (only on 2nd and 3rd roll)
- The ancient stone roll cost only 2 stones, and if you want, you can reduce it to 1 stone, if you buy the Wheel of fortune coupon under Relics.
- Especially powerful rewards come with some experience points as well.
Pontszám: 5
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879 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
2. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 13:57:27
Unfortunately it looks like the upgrade broke the soul-huckster. I acnnot buy anything from the soul-huckster, the "Buy" buttons are simply gone.
Sbart, World 2
It is possible to by-pass this bug by using the "compact view" and clicking on the item.
A hozzászólást Sbart módosította 2012.03.06. 13:58:48-kor
Pontszám: 5
Storm FirebaneVégzetúr poronty

51 hozzászólás
aye, it did not load when useing the wheel and then i cannot buy anymore as well, W3
Pontszám: 5
LydonBVégzetúr poronty

266 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
4. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 14:03:22
Buy button also missing - W1.
Also, Tiny dimension door stimulator lacks any type of description.
A hozzászólást LydonB módosította 2012.03.06. 14:04:57-kor
Pontszám: 5
baggybagVégzetúr poronty

74 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
5. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 14:11:28
buy button came back, welcome "buy button"

i chanced the wheel of fortune with ancient stone. it gave 3 helm shards. but they are not in the inventory. could you pls give them to me
Pontszám: 5
baggybagVégzetúr poronty

74 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
6. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 14:18:01
sorry forget
hunchback world 2
Pontszám: 5
1201 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
7. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 14:26:15
Thanks for your feedback we corrected everything hopefully!
Pontszám: 5
Storm FirebaneVégzetúr poronty

51 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
8. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 15:56:03
well, on world 3 i see winners from other worlds, so i doubt that its fixed totally, but at least i can buy again
Pontszám: 5
Végzetúr poronty

55 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
9. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 16:10:01
when i press the spin button to i get a blank screen with the URL "http://images.doomlord.net/#" and nothing happens. i have to hit the back button to get back to the doomlord game with no idea if i won anything or not.
I am the Dragon!!! Before you you RIGHTLY Tremble!
Pontszám: 5
1201 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
10. hozzászólás - 2012.03.06. 21:35:41
Storm: it is intentional. You see winners from all servers.
Sacrosanct: is javascript enabled in your browser? I will ask Baraty to put some info in events log so you what have you won even if for some reason the animation didn't work.
Pontszám: 5
Végzetúr poronty

125 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
11. hozzászólás - 2012.03.07. 02:21:31
looking forward to seeing it in the events......2 days in a row all i see is white screen
Pontszám: 5
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714 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
12. hozzászólás - 2012.03.07. 02:46:32
Also got 3 helm shards that are not displayed anywhere.
A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2012.03.07. 02:47:19-kor
Pontszám: 5
1201 hozzászólás
Babe, could you be more specific, please? So you say wheel not working for you? What browser are you using? Do you get any error message, or what happens when you click on the wheel under soul-huckster?
Pontszám: 5
Végzetúr poronty

125 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
14. hozzászólás - 2012.03.07. 21:40:33
opens up a new white screen with the URL "http://images.doomlord.net/#" and nothing happens
i am using latest internet explorer
DAY 3 on world 2 and the animation worked and I was awarded a toad concoction
A hozzászólást BabeTheOx módosította 2012.03.08. 04:55:21-kor
Pontszám: 5
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27 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
15. hozzászólás - 2012.03.08. 01:37:45
a few things maybe bugs in wheel.
today on world 2 i got 3 helm shards, but cannot find them in inventory.
edit: ok found where the helm shards are, same place as soul diamonds
Yesterday i won a challenge then lost the other 5, but i still could not spin the wheel, is it for only won attacks? or is there a bug because my last challenge was a loss?
Another prob was i tried to hunt so i set a hunt for just 1 hunt, i caught a pet, but i could not spin the wheel, i had to hunt again to get
SE and xp. then i could spin the wheel.
just a few things i have noticed.
A hozzászólást langds módosította 2012.03.10. 11:31:50-kor
Pontszám: 5
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125 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
16. hozzászólás - 2012.03.15. 03:45:56
hmm.. on world 3 i spun and i think i got the red one.........and it said congrats you have won........ i have no idea LOL that was all it said
Pontszám: 5
1201 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
17. hozzászólás - 2012.03.15. 08:26:19
Looked into this, BabeTheOx, and I found that you have won a lesser dimension door stimulator (gives +12 dimension door points). The problem is, that the item itself seemingly wasn't patched to the server... Only the programmer can do that, and he will do it on Monday, and will give you the item. Sorry for the inconvenience and thanks for the notice!
A note about wheel of fortune: on popular demand, we are adding soon a way to help those who are unlucky. We keep track of what you have won. If you don't win a red item for a long time with your 2nd and 3rd rolls, your chance will begin to increase. Also, we will weight between red items. If you an item of lesser power (like the dim.door stimulator), you will still have a good chance for the more powerful items.
Pontszám: 5
Végzetúr poronty

125 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
18. hozzászólás - 2012.03.15. 19:08:39
thankyou very much .. love the additional ideas for the wheel of fortune

Pontszám: 5
Végzetúr poronty

139 hozzászólás
Deenna has just won: Book of Knowledge, 115 XP
Seriously ... Auction items can be won at the Wheel of fortune ??

W1 - Kalann
W2 - Azanael
W3 - Haakon
Pontszám: 3
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125 hozzászólás
Re: Wheel of fortune
20. hozzászólás - 2012.04.24. 22:47:25
Congratulations! You won: ultra-implant This was a rare i won on wheel... i cannot figure out what or where it is
Pontszám: 5