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Topic neve: Minion abilities
much likedTallia
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Re: Minion abilities
21. hozzászólás - 2015.04.16. 21:22:16
Explosion works against epics and entities? I guess no, but would be nice.
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Re: Minion abilities
22. hozzászólás - 2015.04.17. 09:21:18
it works now indeed. it did NOT however before i posted. had battles over 4 rounds long without a single explosion while indeed everything was clicked on for the explosion to happen.
I am the Dragon!!! Before you you RIGHTLY Tremble!
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Re: Minion abilities
23. hozzászólás - 2015.04.17. 10:13:54 (Válasz Tallia #21 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Tallia - 2015.04.16. 21:22:16
Explosion works against epics and entities? I guess no, but would be nice.

Sorry, it work only in duel

Sacrosanct: it is possible that the programmer patched something, and thats why it didnt work right after the patch.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Minion abilities
24. hozzászólás - 2015.04.17. 12:24:32
Regarding Red Mytokronits:
It does not show up in the result part of a Duel when you find one. Would it be possible to add this?
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Re: Minion abilities
25. hozzászólás - 2015.04.17. 20:52:25 (Válasz Miklos #23 hozzászólására.)
Red and orange also works only in duels?
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Re: Minion abilities
26. hozzászólás - 2015.04.18. 03:16:46
Sbart is right. We need to see it after the fight when we get the Reds.

Idézet: Miklos

During hunt, you can find astral treasure, if one or more of your minions have the treasure ability. Each minion (including the passive ones) make a roll depending on its treasure skill. You get 1 astral treasure for each successful roll.

It is clear to me that our chances to find them increase if we have several pets with the ability. But can get more than one treasure per hunt if we have more than one pet looking for them?

A hozzászólást Cruel01 módosította 2015.04.18. 03:21:07-kor
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Re: Minion abilities
27. hozzászólás - 2015.04.20. 11:43:39
To my knowledge, red mytkokronit is displayed when you find it in a duel.

Red and orange works in all kind of combat (but of course the orange's active part, decreasing attack chance of opposing pet is useful only vs players).

Treasure finding chance is rolled for each minion with the treasure ability, so yes, you can find multiple treasures with one hunt.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Minion abilities
28. hozzászólás - 2015.04.20. 12:06:55 (Válasz Miklos #27 hozzászólására.)
Red Mytokronits are not displayed when you find one after a duel.
I have tested this several times, and even though it is never displayed in the "after duel text", I often find that the number of Red Mytokronits on the Minion page has increased.

"Red and orange works in all kind of combat (but of course the orange's active part, decreasing attack chance of opposing pet is useful only vs players)"
Epic monsters (and others?) also have pets. Does it work against them?
Pontszám: 8.33
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Re: Minion abilities
29. hozzászólás - 2015.04.21. 12:28:10 (Válasz Sbart #28 hozzászólására.)
Ok, I forwarded this minor glitch to the programmer for correction.

The orange works vs pets, so, yes, it should work against high lvl epics too, but I'm not sure about their statistics, so can't tell if there is any importance having orange there (you have to test it).
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Re: Minion abilities
30. hozzászólás - 2015.04.21. 16:01:54 (Válasz Miklos #29 hozzászólására.)
One of the possible items to purchase now with chitins is a "Fetish Shard". Is it the same item we collected a while ago or is it the second piece of the "collect them all charade"?


P.S. Given we will need to collect pieces to form this new fetish, I assume it will be quite powerful. Not sure if you have something in mind already, but in case you don't, here is my suggestion: how about making it a "bond fetish"? (ok, I know how it sounds ) What would it do? If we had a minion wearing this bond fetish, we could bond 2 (or 3) other minions to it, allowing us to have 3 (or 4) active minions at a time.
Pontszám: 8.36
much likedTallia
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Re: Minion abilities
31. hozzászólás - 2015.04.21. 21:06:08 (Válasz Cruel01 #30 hozzászólására.)
Very good idea Cruel.
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Minion abilities
32. hozzászólás - 2015.04.22. 06:31:01
Fetish of Cooperation
As long as the wearer of this fetish is your active Minion, you can have another two Minions as active. All three minions gain XP from Battles and their Fetish bonus.
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Re: Minion abilities
33. hozzászólás - 2015.04.22. 07:52:34
.. and what about Mitokronit fetish which can be obtained for 10 Astral drops. 1 Astral drop can be obtained for 20 Astral shard and Astral shard is rare treasure randomly given from Astral treasure - for now I got 1 Astral shard from about 25 Astral treasures / too little examples for doing math how rare is Astral shard /

So if my math is good I will need like 5000 Astral treasures to get Mitokronit fetish if some other way to speed up process will not be added .

Back to Astral treasures, while for other colour mytokronits we have preety good explanation how they worked I miss info about yellow ones. How much in % help each next level of minion treasure ability ? or is that info secret ?


Cruel, I think it is 2nd piece. Anyway - 1st piece was main reward from Ruler, 2nd main reward from Xeno. Curious how many we must collect, anyway I cannot imagine how powerful it should be to equal difficulty and price to obtain Fetish shards.
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very popularKhineNő
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Re: Minion abilities
34. hozzászólás - 2015.04.22. 10:39:19
Hi everyone,

The less diferent paths that are available the more "clones" everyone would become. You might just think it's all good, but personally I find it zzz ...

Adding something that allows you to use all your minions, or more than 1 for the matter, makes all the choice for minions pointless, and becomes one more step into "clone-wars".

Imho, some relics already "eat up" the diferent bonuses from some hordes, and any sense they might have had... making everyone have all the bonuses does not make the game any better, just every character alike....

just my 2 cents,
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Re: Minion abilities
35. hozzászólás - 2015.04.22. 17:28:54 (Válasz Khine #34 hozzászólására.)
It is quite the contrary actually. In statistical terms, with only one minion to choose, the chance of having more "clones" is WAY HIGHER than with the option to choose 3 or 4 minions. Particularly if you consider that one of these minions gives XP to all other minions. So I am betting a high percentage of the players is using this minion as their active minion at the moment. Allowing us to activate 2 or 3 more minions is exactly what will create diversity.

Pontszám: 8.36
everyone's favoriteWizbaneFérfi
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Re: Minion abilities
36. hozzászólás - 2015.04.23. 08:49:26
Now that Minions are becoming more important, how about them having their own "Minion" tab on the Actions menu, just underneath the "Pets" tab? I'm lazy that way.....
A hozzászólást Wizbane módosította 2015.04.23. 08:49:54-kor
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Minion abilities
37. hozzászólás - 2015.05.20. 07:15:44 (Válasz Miklos #27 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Miklos - 2015.04.20. 11:43:39
Treasure finding chance is rolled for each minion with the treasure ability, so yes, you can find multiple treasures with one hunt.

- I have 6 minions with treasure finding and have never seen more than 1 Astral treasure from a hunt. Is the above description really correct?

- I have noticed that I never see any Grey Mytokronits or Astral treasures from hunts when I trap a pet. Is this intended?

- "Crystal mytoaffinity" is listed under "Misc." in my Inventory, even though it looks more like a Relic (comparable to Friendship crystal). Would it be possible to move it?
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Re: Minion abilities
38. hozzászólás - 2015.05.21. 03:24:21 (Válasz Sbart #37 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2015.05.20. 07:15:44
Idézet: Miklos - 2015.04.20. 11:43:39
Treasure finding chance is rolled for each minion with the treasure ability, so yes, you can find multiple treasures with one hunt.

- I have 6 minions with treasure finding and have never seen more than 1 Astral treasure from a hunt. Is the above description really correct?

Sbart, I have 10 minion with treasure finding with a skill total of 39 and have never had more than one Astral treasure from a hunt.
A hozzászólást digitalis módosította 2015.05.21. 03:25:35-kor
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Minion abilities
39. hozzászólás - 2015.05.21. 07:57:37
My total treasure finding is 108. The question is how the ability really work.

Option A (implied by Miklos answer above):
Each Minions Treasure ability is checked independently, and every "yes" results in 1 Astral treasure (AT) found.
Problem: No one has ever seen more than 1 AT from a single hunt, something that is very unlikely if one gas 5+ minions with the treasure ability.

Option B:
Each Minions Treasure ability is checked independently, and when a "yes" is found 1 AT is found, and the process stops.
Problem: In this case you can never find more than 1 AT/hunt. Also, having the treasure ability on many minions would become a "waste".

Option C:
The treasure ability of all minions is pooled together, and this value is checked against something to determine if 1 (or more?) AT is found each hunt.
problem: This is not what Miklos described above.

I guess what I would like to know is:
a) How does the Treasure minion ability really work? Independent rolls? Pooled ability? Something else?
b) Can we find more than 1 AT per hunt? If yes, is there some special criteria for doing so?
Pontszám: 8.34
everyone's favoritejanyemm
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Re: Minion abilities
40. hozzászólás - 2015.05.21. 09:42:08
My total treasure finding from 11 minions with evenly distributed yellow myto is 157 ( 3x15 + 8x14 ). Although I find treasure almost always ( aprox.80% ), I can confirm I am 99% sure I never found more than 1AT from single hunt. If I will find 2AT in one hunt anytime, I will report here imediatelly.
Pontszám: 10
Oldal: 123
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