.. and what about Mitokronit fetish which can be obtained for 10 Astral drops. 1 Astral drop can be obtained for 20 Astral shard and Astral shard is rare treasure randomly given from Astral treasure - for now I got 1 Astral shard from about 25 Astral treasures / too little examples for doing math how rare is Astral shard /
So if my math is good I will need like 5000 Astral treasures to get Mitokronit fetish if some other way to speed up process will not be added

Back to Astral treasures, while for other colour mytokronits we have preety good explanation how they worked I miss info about yellow ones. How much in % help each next level of minion treasure ability ? or is that info secret ?
Cruel, I think it is 2nd piece. Anyway - 1st piece was main reward from Ruler, 2nd main reward from Xeno. Curious how many we must collect, anyway I cannot imagine how powerful it should be

to equal difficulty and price to obtain Fetish shards.