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much likedMiklosFérfi
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The Pit of Doom
1. hozzászólás - 2016.02.16. 15:28:44
The Pit of Doom is a new event, to replace Horde Wars. By schedule, the event starts on Thursday, 10am CET (4am EST) and lasts for 3 weeks.

The Pit of Doom consists of multiple levels. You start from the top, and go deeper and deeper. When you enter a level, it will be unexplored. As you begin to explore, the fog of war dissiipates. Squares can be empty, or you can find there monsters, doomlords, treasures, traps, soul-hucksters, quiz questions and other events. You get points for completing these tasks. If you collected enough points on a level, then you can fight the boss, and move to the next level.

(will replace with English screenshot when available)

Moving around costs energy, you can buy energy for Action Points. For fights, you get SE and XP (3x the amount you get for a clan championship battle, 6x for bosses and demons). You also get treasure for battles and other events. The Pit of Doom has its own top list, where players are ranked, based on points collected. When the event ends, players get additional rewards (diamond/platinum/etc medal, horde trophies, energy concentrates, myto packs) based on their final rankings. Also every player who defeated the boss of the last level will get the new pit fetish (passive ability: increases the bonus of the mytokronit collector relics).

Additional informations:
- Quests: fights count for critical and stun repeatable quests.
- You can find burnt-out stones, grey mytokronits, astral treasures and subplasma in fights (increased chance compared to normal hunts).
- You can complete the following Temple of Doom tasks in the Pit: advance pet level, collect XP, hunt X times a day.
- Monsters in the Pit are generated by an alghorytm. Based on our testing, every normally developed character will be able to defeated them. But as a safeguard measure, we added the option to use berserker and madness potions before fights (you can also buy these from the soulhuckster), and also you can buy a curse for AS which can weaken all monsters of a given level by 10%.
- Pet capture: During testing, players notified us that it would be good if pets could be captured during this event, since APts are used. So now, you can find a special item in treasure chests, monster talisman. Very soon, we will add the option to use these items to summon a captured pet for you.
- SE/XP ratio. During the event, you use APts, but in the fights, the rewards are similar to championship battles, based on energy harness skill. We want to make sure disadvanced development players are not at disadvantage here. For this reason, the greater spacerift potions can be purchased at the start of the event, and also at the end. Additionally, for those who do not want to switch, we include in the reward calculaton alghorytm that if you have DD instead of EH, then your DD skill is used for calculating SE rewards.
Pontszám: 7.63
everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
2. hozzászólás - 2016.02.17. 00:40:12
Looking forward to try this
Pontszám: 5
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Re: The Pit of Doom
3. hozzászólás - 2016.02.17. 04:28:30 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
Moving around costs energy, you can buy energy for Action Points. For fights, you get SE and XP (3x the amount you get for a clan championship battle, 6x for bosses and demons).
we include in the reward calculaton alghorytm that if you have DD instead of EH, then your DD skill is used for calculating SE rewards.

I would be much happier if the DD skill was used to calculate XP rewards as 3x and 6 x XP does seem rather excessive.
Pontszám: 9
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
4. hozzászólás - 2016.02.17. 10:08:07 (Válasz digitalis #3 hozzászólására.)
Yes, I know, but the SE you get is 3x and 6x as well. Actually, the SE/XP ratio you can get in this event is better than what you can get with a normal DD hunt, so I hope all will be happy
Pontszám: 8.42
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
5. hozzászólás - 2016.02.17. 13:54:10
"Moving around costs energy, you can buy energy for Action Points."

Is there any limit on how much energy you can buy/day? Or will we be able to finish all the levels Day 1?
Pontszám: 8.41
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
6. hozzászólás - 2016.02.17. 17:27:18 (Válasz Sbart #5 hozzászólására.)
You can finish it on day 1, but it will be "suboptimal". Because there is a limit to how much energy you can buy. If you buy more, it will cost 2x as much.

Example: When the event starts, the limit is 2000. This limit increases slowly over time (like by 1000 per day). So right at start, you can exchange 100 APts for 2000 energy. But after that, since you reached the limit, you can buy only 1000 energy for the next 100 APts.

So if you have a lot of spare APts, and dont bother, you can do it right away. But you can go slower, and then play around more with repeatable quests as well. If you want to do it right away on 1st day, you will need like 2300 APts. Currently, the Pit has 15 levels, but based on player feedback, we might make it longer the next round.
Pontszám: 7.64
much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
7. hozzászólás - 2016.02.17. 17:33:54 (Válasz Miklos #6 hozzászólására.)
Ok, thanks. And good, better if it lasts a while (more than a few hours at least).
Pontszám: 8.41
very popularFurlozza
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Re: The Pit of Doom
8. hozzászólás - 2016.02.18. 10:34:18
Interesting concept... and nicely rewarding.... but as I type, the 'top list' page just has two images on it and nothing else and event has been going for more than 20 mins after which time the page is supposed to update
The ONLY Wombat on W3
Pontszám: 9.67
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Re: The Pit of Doom
9. hozzászólás - 2016.02.18. 15:44:08
Very nice event! Well done Miklos!

Just one negative comment so far: diamond medal just for top 3 seems like too much. Top 10 is fairer imo.

Pontszám: 9.14
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
10. hozzászólás - 2016.02.18. 16:17:36 (Válasz Cruel01 #9 hozzászólására.)
Okay, thanks for feedback, we will revise rewards etc for next event!
Pontszám: 6.76
very popularStromboliFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
11. hozzászólás - 2016.02.19. 13:19:22 (Válasz Miklos #10 hozzászólására.)
How can you tell if you are in the 50th-100th position range please?
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
12. hozzászólás - 2016.02.19. 16:43:02 (Válasz Stromboli #11 hozzászólására.)
Your rank is not listed? Will ask our programmer about this.

(Please note I will be away for holidays, you can still contact us on support but my replies on forum will be delayed)
Pontszám: 7.63
very popularStromboliFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
13. hozzászólás - 2016.02.19. 17:18:44 (Válasz Miklos #12 hozzászólására.)
Yes my rank is listed now as I am in the top 50 but what happens if it falls below 50 as it likely will? Are you able to see the 50th to 100 positions similar to 'High Scores'?
A hozzászólást Stromboli módosította 2016.02.19. 17:19:22-kor
Pontszám: 7.50
everyone's favoriteFatmonkFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
14. hozzászólás - 2016.02.22. 10:52:18
Any updates on when we will be able to use the monster talisman?
Pontszám: 5
very popularBaratyFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
15. hozzászólás - 2016.02.24. 09:18:02
Monster talisman works now.

Unfortunately, there was a bug in the Pit of Doom. The huckster, where you can buy items from ancient stones or platinum, some cases when you bought from ancient stones, you got the item and the point, but the ancient stones remained. We fixed this on monday morning, but we must subtract the ancient stones from the affected players (they gain the blue mytochronites when this subtracts happenes)

Sorry for the trouble, if someone need further information, ask the customer service.
Pontszám: 9
much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
16. hozzászólás - 2016.02.25. 04:35:23
Is there a Quiz meal bonus for the quiz questions in the Pit?
My guess is no, if so, is this an oversight or deliberate?
Pontszám: 6.86
much likedDancerFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
17. hozzászólás - 2016.02.25. 04:46:35
Is there a Quiz meal bonus for the quiz questions in the Pit?
My guess is no, if so, is this an oversight or deliberate?
Pontszám: 6.86
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Re: The Pit of Doom
18. hozzászólás - 2016.02.25. 17:33:04
Is it possible that add 5 more levels as you did in hungarian server?
Pontszám: 5
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Re: The Pit of Doom
19. hozzászólás - 2016.02.26. 03:56:43 (Válasz Dancer #16 hozzászólására.)
i don't know how that'd be possible, Dancer, since they're awarding prizes rather than SE.
Pontszám: 7.86
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The Pit of Doom
20. hozzászólás - 2016.02.29. 10:57:31
Sorry, quiz medal does nothing in the pit, since you get items for answering the quiz questions.

Yes, we will add 5 extra levels soon, which do not count for the points, you can do it only for the fun and the treasure.
Pontszám: 7.63
Oldal: 12
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