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Topic neve: Return of the Ancient Gods
much likedMiklosFérfi
1201 hozzászólás
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Return of the Ancient Gods
1. hozzászólás - 2022.07.08. 10:00:37
We are pleased to announce the development of a new Grand Event, similar to the Search for the Enemy! Player can complete these series of events without a time limit, each player once. This will include many subtasks and missions, each with a separate reward. When you walk this path and reach your goal, you can participate in resummoning the lost gods, and become the follower of one! Earn a unique fetish and many more rewards! The event goes live on the Hungarian servers next week. We will release the event on the international servers approx 4 weeks later.
Pontszám: 7.69
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40 hozzászólás
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Re: Return of the Ancient Gods
2. hozzászólás - 2022.10.01. 22:26:54
What's up with this event? It's been almost 3 months since you mentioned that launch in 4 weeks.
The one and only Fakkjoresszvitbróköngless.

Efficiency is key.
Pontszám: 6.15
much likedMiklosFérfi
1201 hozzászólás
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Re: Return of the Ancient Gods
3. hozzászólás - 2022.10.27. 12:08:27 (Válasz Antidote #2 hozzászólására.)
Going live now!
Pontszám: 7.69
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Re: Return of the Ancient Gods
4. hozzászólás - 2022.10.27. 12:23:55 (Válasz Miklos #3 hozzászólására.)
i hvae decipher all the letter on the blue squares by there is no clue of whta the phrase might be.i mean this a quote?a movie?a persons name?what?
Pontszám: 10
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967 hozzászólás
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Re: Return of the Ancient Gods
5. hozzászólás - 2022.10.28. 14:48:47 (Válasz nhsos #4 hozzászólására.)
it appears to be a paragraph without spaces, part of the story they're telling.
Pontszám: 6.89
Oldal: 1
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