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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Path of Loyalty
1. hozzászólás - 2024.09.09. 09:22:36
Path of Loyalty

This is a grand event, which last for 100 days, and repeats every year in September.
To access it, just click the Path of Loyalty button in the left menu while the event is active.
During the event, you can claim a reward each day. The first you can get anyway, for the second, you must get some XP first, and for some items you also need to have Emblem of loyalty. You get it automatically when you make a purchase of at least 100 ancient stones (unless you purchase a gift pack). If you forgot to claim a reward, you can get it later, but it will cost AS.
Some of these items you get are blueprints: after you acquire them, you will be able to build a building which helps you during the event. Right on the first day, you get the blueprint of the egg hatchery, also you will get an egg to hatch. On day 3, you get the blueprint of the next building, after that you will be able to find eggs during hunts and some other actions which consume action points.
When you hatch eggs, you will get components, from which you can craft items. Some of these are needed for the event, some are just the usual resource items. You will be able to make a new fetish as well.
During the event, there will be new quests with additional rewards. You will be able complete these just by participating in the event.
The buildings, the eggs, and the components you hatch from the eggs will disappear at the end of the event!
The event doesn't require to much time each day, you will be able to do it easily.
After the 100 days, there will be a mega-temple of Loyalty to complete. You need to make 2 keys of Loyalty for this during the first 100 days! one to open, one to claim the final treasure.
Pontszám: 7.83
likedblack widowNő
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Re: Path of Loyalty
2. hozzászólás - 2024.10.03. 01:46:01 (Válasz Miklos #1 hozzászólására.)
how can we participate on the event when the egg finder building is not available for the klow lvls?you can participate on the even only if you are lvl24 and above since if you are lower lvl you cannot biuild the egg finder building.since egg finder building is a primary buikding for the event it should be available only with SE not with additional requirements that low lvls dont have the option to get them
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very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Path of Loyalty
3. hozzászólás - 2024.10.03. 14:09:18
The only "good option" I see for low level players to participate in the event , is to go to the pit of damnation and buy some golden ducats from the little stores inside... assuming the stores have ducats for sale for low levels.
Pontszám: 9.60
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Path of Loyalty
4. hozzászólás - 2024.10.04. 09:20:37 (Válasz black widow #2 hozzászólására.)
In Doomlord, you can make the early levels pretty quick. In a few weeks, you can catch up with the event, so you won't miss much. But we need to set level limit for some events, simply, because not all features are available right at the beginning of the game, so you couldn't do the event level 1 anyway, even if we allow it.
Pontszám: 7.83
likedblack widowNő
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Re: Path of Loyalty
5. hozzászólás - 2024.10.05. 21:26:46 (Válasz Miklos #4 hozzászólására.)
this wrong design and i will explain why.to build the egg finder,which is the most crucial building for the event, you need golden ducats which are not available for low lvls like me(on my ticket i was tld that this option opens at lv24) but in order ti build the worlk shop which you need sould diamonds which are available for all lvls.and ofcourse since you cannot build the the egg finder you cannot buold also the ancient generator(besides what would be the point?).so basically until you are lvl 24 you cannot participate on the event.egg finder requirements should have been the SE, the collar and the action points so that all can participate.
Pontszám: 6.25
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Re: Path of Loyalty
6. hozzászólás - 2024.10.07. 11:05:30 (Válasz black widow #5 hozzászólására.)
i dont even bother with this even since it is clearly for high lvls.for the low lvls the amoount of SE for buildings that you will loose after the event dont worth spending.for the low lvls it is better to increase their stats at this stage.even the fetish(although i dont know its stats yet) it can wait to get it later since as i understand this will be an event that will be repeated so you can take it later when you are a much higher lvl,besides you have more relics that you get them much easier.as i understand even to get the relic for this event you have to have all the event buildings at max and then pay again an amount of SE to get the 2 keys that might give you the fetish.all this is too much trouble fo the low lvls and too much SE that you better use it to improve youe character.for the high lvls i understand that it is a new challenge since probably have all the fetishes or at least most of them and all the clan building ready and their character are already too strong.but as i see it this is not an event for the low lvls or new players.
Pontszám: 8.10
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Re: Path of Loyalty
7. hozzászólás - 2024.10.07. 16:56:33 (Válasz zeus76 #6 hozzászólására.)
zeus76, you choose to be low level.
Pontszám: 6.75
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Re: Path of Loyalty
8. hozzászólás - 2024.10.07. 19:42:00 (Válasz manunkind #7 hozzászólására.)
seriously how did i choose to be a low player?you seem to forget that we didnt start the game together,right?plus we dont all live only to play the game we do have personal lives so we dont play 24 hours per day and some time some of us we have to leave and then come back.but forget about me.do explain to me how a player that started lets say 1 month ago can participate on the event?you are going to blame him also for being low lvl?
Pontszám: 8.09
everyone's favoritemerllin.Férfi
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Re: Path of Loyalty
9. hozzászólás - 2024.10.07. 21:16:17 (Válasz manunkind #7 hozzászólására.)
usually i dont even bother to write on the forum of games because moderators dont care and most of the times players argue between them.but manukind i am a new player and i also dont see a reason to participate on this event for the reasons that zeus wrote.you need a lost of SE spend that players like me that are new need them to increase their stats and help with the building of the clan.
BUT even if i wanted to participate i cannot.i am lvl 21 and i cannot get any ducats,since i dont have any ducats i cannot buld the egg finder which obviously i need to participate on the event so basically if you are a low lvl even if you want you cannot play the event.i will agree with the black widow that at least the egg finder requirement should be available for all meaning that the ducats shouldnt be involved. this way you can at least you could find some eggs.the other buildings like the Egg-enchanter or the Ancient generator which help you spped up the event might have the ducat requirement since are helpfull.the strange thing is that the egg finder that is necessary to participate you cannot get it unless you have the ducats but the other building you can have them at anytime since the requirements can be done(if you have the egg finder).so although i cannot build the egg finder which is necessary i can build the Ancient generator or the Egg-enchanter
Egg-enchanter or the workshop.so yes i do agree that something is wrong and should be fixed.
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Re: Path of Loyalty
10. hozzászólás - 2024.10.08. 07:12:37 (Válasz merllin. #9 hozzászólására.)
my full sympathy to you as a new player, merllin. zeus76 is not a new player. he's played for years. he just chooses not to advance and complains about the consequences.
Pontszám: 7.34
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Re: Path of Loyalty
11. hozzászólás - 2024.10.08. 10:31:21 (Válasz manunkind #10 hozzászólására.)
years?you need to refresh your maths manukind.i joined the game little more than one year ago and i had to leave for some time.you make it a personal attack on me (nothing new to you) something that is common logic.a basic building for the event has requirements that are available on a certain level only while the secondary buildings dont have this requirement.what is wrong on saying that this has no logic?
where is the wrong when pointing out that new or low lvl players maybe is better that huge amount of SE that needed for building that would be deleted after the event to be used to improve their character since are new to the game instead of building something that dont offer them something in return and will be deleted after the event?seriously i cannot see the reason for your personal attack on me for pointing the obvious.i think i made it clear that this is my opinion regarding the low lvls and the new players for this event.
Pontszám: 7.46
very popularDoomlordFosFérfi
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Re: Path of Loyalty
12. hozzászólás - 2024.10.08. 12:56:17
About the soul energy spent on the buildings, it's not wasted, it is used to increase the luck stat... Still I have to agree, it would be probably better used to increase the buildings of a new clan.
Pontszám: 9.73
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Re: Path of Loyalty
13. hozzászólás - 2024.10.08. 16:25:26 (Válasz DoomlordFos #12 hozzászólására.)
i might be wrong on that caus ei havent checked that but i think the building on the event vuildings dont increase the luck only the builng on the clan buildings can increase the luck.but like i said i am not sure on that.but even if i am wrong what would be the point of building the other building if you cannot build the egg finder due to reqyuirements that need to be on a certain lvl to get the ducats?plus (and this is my opinion) low lvls better spend that se to make stronger that character and when they lvl up enough they can try this event.if they after a fetish it would be easier to get the xeno fetish form the other event that is running also now
Pontszám: 7.45
everyone's favoritemerllin.Férfi
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Re: Path of Loyalty
14. hozzászólás - 2024.10.08. 19:32:30 (Válasz DoomlordFos #12 hozzászólására.)
fos even if this is correct for me at least dont worth it.my clan is now building the clan buildings,my lvl is too low to participate on the event so in this case it is better for me to help building the clan building than to spend huge amount of SE to building that after the even will disapear.besides as i see it on my lvl i have no chance to go after the fetish so it will be better to focus on the xeno event.i have more possibilities to get that fetish than the path of loyallty.but i have to agree on ZEUS that for low lvls(like mine i mean) it is better to improve my character than trying this event...for now at least.
Pontszám: 8
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