1. hozzászólás - 2010.03.23. 22:34:21
1. hozzászólás - 2010.03.23. 22:34:21
This is the topic for combat discussion. Did someone with 100 less ability total just beat you? Did you defeat a higher level player? Do you have some advice to share about combat? Post it here!
As for starter, here are some basic info on combat:
"Success" of spell depends on comparison of your IQ. If your IQ is 10 points higher than your opponents, you have 10% more chance to hit with your spell at full impact. But regardless of how big is the difference, there is always a minimum and maximum chance for success (luck modifies this min/max). Spell criticals add +30% damage. If a spell doesn't hit, it still deals 25-50% of the normal damage.
Melee compares your attack plus level versus your opponent's defense. If your atk+lvl = your opponents def, there is an 50% chance that you will hit. If your atk is 30 higher, you will have 80% to hit - and 20% to miss. THere is always a maximum and minimum chance for hit. Damage is based on weapon damage and strength. Strength gives a random factor, so the damage can vary a lot! Melee criticals double the weapon damage.
Pets hit chance does not depend on your attack, but their damage depend on your damage capacity. So if your str higher, your weapon is better, your pets deal more damage when they hit. Pets don't do critical damage.
As for starter, here are some basic info on combat:
"Success" of spell depends on comparison of your IQ. If your IQ is 10 points higher than your opponents, you have 10% more chance to hit with your spell at full impact. But regardless of how big is the difference, there is always a minimum and maximum chance for success (luck modifies this min/max). Spell criticals add +30% damage. If a spell doesn't hit, it still deals 25-50% of the normal damage.
Melee compares your attack plus level versus your opponent's defense. If your atk+lvl = your opponents def, there is an 50% chance that you will hit. If your atk is 30 higher, you will have 80% to hit - and 20% to miss. THere is always a maximum and minimum chance for hit. Damage is based on weapon damage and strength. Strength gives a random factor, so the damage can vary a lot! Melee criticals double the weapon damage.
Pets hit chance does not depend on your attack, but their damage depend on your damage capacity. So if your str higher, your weapon is better, your pets deal more damage when they hit. Pets don't do critical damage.
Pontszám: 5