Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Gorgo

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2010.03.28. 19:44:37

Which quarterback has won 3 superbowl trophies?
Joe Montana
Tom Brady
Bart Star
Terry Bradshaw

The answer displayed was Joe Montana.

While this is technically correct since Montana has 4 trophies, Bradshaw also has 4, and Brady has 3. So it is a bad question, since Montana, Bradshaw or Brady would be correct.

Dátum: 2010.03.19. 20:35:33
Anyone know why this was marked as a bad question? NO explanation was given as to why it was rejected.

What is a Blaupunkt?

German jet engine
Slang for a Polish delinquent teenager
German Car Stereo
Polish automobile

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Dátum: 2010.03.07. 21:46:59
I have lived in Kodiak, I don't need to watch a documentary.

The question asks for the heaviest bear. That is the kodiak grizzly. if it asked for bear species with the highest average weight, then that would be the polar. Read my post again before you reply with useless information. I already explained this.

If common knowledge is the belief that the polar bear is the heaviest, and it is wrong, then that is folklore. Which you just admitted. So what is your point? That I am right? Then Thanks.

Dátum: 2010.03.06. 22:29:50
the question that asks the heaviest bear is wrong. The correct answer in the database is marked "Polar".

People generally assume that the polar bear is the heaviest bear, but that is folklore, and incorrect. On AVERAGE polar bears are heavier then other bears, but the heaviest bear ever weighed is the Kodiak Grizzly.

Please fix this in the database, or fix the question to say 'on average'.

Oldal: 1