Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - JKP3nt

Oldal: 12
Dátum: 2010.02.20. 01:33:24
I agree with that in this case. If this were a real test though, you wouldn't have google or bing or the internet. I tend to treat things as if they were more significant (not that I haven't used google to find the answer sometimes). In addition, my internet is slow, so I actually have less then 5 minutes to find something out. this is something which can't be regulated in any way, without making the slow internet people pay money.
Dátum: 2010.02.20. 01:26:04
well, I'm not an evaluator and do not know of what they do.

I found a Question with an error:
What is not a winter olimpic discipline?
Speed skiing<
This is what a quiz question claims. but technically, there is speed skiing in the winter olympics. I only got this one right because it looked like they were trying to trick me into choosing Curling or Luge. But there is downhill speed, cross country sprints and multiple versions of each. Luge is a winter olympic sport, as is the Biathalon in the usual sense (cross-country and shooting) and curling is a winter olympic sport.
Dátum: 2010.02.20. 01:16:20
Well, I know that I based my first Question (which hasn't been evaluated yet) of of something which, looking back, seems a lot like that one. It certainly seems to me that the system is inconsistent, but although there are specific Questions there, doesn't mean we should let more in. (Remember, this is MY opinion)
Dátum: 2010.02.20. 01:03:17
I think that you don't understand what I said. It isn't common knowledge as to when London first hosted the Olympic Games (by the way, you could specify Winter/Summer/either). I don't know why your question is grammatically wrong, but in the way I just said, it seems to require specific knowledge to know when that happened
Dátum: 2010.02.19. 23:14:16
check this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transistors
although the transistor was first widely noticed in 1947, the first person to come up with the idea and design of it was in 1925
Dátum: 2010.02.19. 23:03:17
Well, I am not an evaluator, but it might need to be 'When did London, United Kingdom first host the Olympic Games?'
the first part, about the 2012 games seems extraneous to me, and, to me, that seems like it would require specific knowledge, though it is better then some I have seen.
Dátum: 2010.02.19. 22:29:58
In my opinion, the idea of questions which require knowledge of something as specific as a NHL team name, what the score was in the 2002 soccer world cup, or any other thing that you might consider as common knowledge, isn't. I know that I personally would not know either. I think that it would even be a better question to ask how many sons Ra, the Egyptian Sun God, had/has. I am mostly responding to the post by someone earlier saying that questions involving the names of specific NHL (Supposing you know what the NHL is, of course) were good posts.
Oldal: 12