Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Denisah

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2009.12.20. 10:48:27
Thanks for help. I reposted the Q with According and Jason.
Dátum: 2009.12.19. 17:53:32
Help me find a "spelling mistake"

Accordig to greek myth, which hero (with the help of winged horse Pegasus) defeated Chimera?

Dátum: 2009.12.18. 07:45:25
That's what I wanted to know. So later, there is a skill which reduces the skill prize, good to know. Thank you Stekkos.
Dátum: 2009.12.16. 17:42:19
Who is not a member of X-men superhero team?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

I really don't understand how this can be a special knowledge. Everybody knows (even those who don't know X-men which imho is very well-known comix with 3 well-known movies) the Batman movie(s) and there were no X-men there... that's why I put batman there. To have an easier answer.

What is not a special knowledge?
Maybe I should post a boring question about an author of some book?
Or how many is 1+1?
Dátum: 2009.12.16. 11:55:35
I know I need academy, I just want to know which skills will be good in the future, before I decide to invest heavily into some skills now...
It's just a matter of strategy.
Dátum: 2009.12.16. 08:08:54
I would be grateful if someone put here a description of higher skills.
Oldal: 1