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Topic neve: Skills
much likedMiklosFérfi
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1. hozzászólás - 2009.07.15. 22:15:50
Some information about skills:
You can learn skills when you reach level 4, not before.
If you have learned a skill, you cannot delete it (well, you can, but only at much higher level)
The basic skill is learning. If you increase it, you will be able to learn new and new skills.
Skills can be increased by spending soul energy, like abilities. The higher the skill, the more expensive it is to increase it. The sum of your skills points also determines the cost of increasing a skill.
Skills can be divided into different groups.
Space-time skills influence duels and hunting, the soul energy, experience points you get for them and other factors.
Obviously, if you duel a lot you should increase those skills that augment duelling.
Or at level 10 you can learn elementary fusion, which gives you additional action points.
The first skill about pets is trapping (at learning level 3) which enables you to trap pets when hunting. If you are able to catch one, a new menu option, animals, will be displayed on the left. Your pet needs to be trained first (training skill at learning level 4) and then will be able to lend you a hand/paw/claw in battle. You can also buy equipment for your pet at the soul-huckster.
There are also battle skills (which increase your chances of winning but require a high level of learning) and other skills (that cannot be put in the categories, such as trade, which makes it possible to buy items that are higher level than you)
At higher levels of learning not every level gives you a new skill.
And finally some bonus information:
At level 20 you can learn mind boost, which increases other skills (but only one at a time) provisionally for magic points.
Execution also increases the SE you gain from a winning duel.
A hozzászólást Miklos módosította 2009.07.16. 09:56:41-kor
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much likedArs.kraxFérfi
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Re: Skills
2. hozzászólás - 2009.08.02. 15:47:26
Ok,so there is a new option at level four and a shining yellow button: you have reached the point when you can learn skills.
Why is it good for you? And what are the skills? Why there are so much and which skills I need? The flow of questions is nearly endless,after you reach level 4. Skills will haunt you even at level 40...
Here, I will try to give a "brief" introduction to skills: what are they,which skill is which and what are they good for.
So take a deep breath and prepare for the Salto Mortale
Learning: The first skill and probably the most important yet there is no skill which is more useless than learning. Interesting paradox,isn't it? Learning don't give you any benefit,but you will have to increase it's level if you want to learn new skills. There is a learning level requirement for every skill in the game. Below that level of learning you can't even access the skill. The total level of learning is currently 60,however you can only raise your learning to level 30 on your own. After it,you will need an Academy (I will write about Buildings in another post!)
Req.:0 Max. level: 60/30
Subspace detection: You have a basic chance of 2% to find burnt-out ancient stones during hunts. Every level of this skill increases this chance by 0,1%. So at the maximum level of 30 you will have 5% chance to find a stone instead of 2%. In my opinion this skill is pretty useless. The only advantage of this skill is that a quest (on high level near 90 and 100 finished quests) will require that an exact number of ancient stones must be found during hunts.
Req.: 0 Max. level: 30
Creative affinity: This is one of the favourite skills of aggressive duellers as this skill increases the looted SE by 2% for every skill level. The advantage from creative affinity can raise the looted SE above the maximum lootable SE from an opponent,but the opponent will not loose this extra amount! I can only reccomend this skill to anybody who duels relatively often,as it can double the looted SE at max. level.
Req.: 1 Max. level: 50
Singularity knowledge: You gain experience (XP) for every succesful duels. Every level of this skill increases the basic amount of this XP by 4%. If this extra percentage doesn't reach 1 XP you will still have chance to gain +1XP. For instance if you would get +0,48 Xp than you have 48% chance of getting +1 XP. This skill is a favourite among top players,who want to remain top players (they are also called "level knights" or "levelling knights") as they get much more XP for a single duel. At the max. level,this skill gives +200% XP,so exactly three times more than one could get without this skill.
Req.:2 Max. level: 50
Trapping: Another important skill both for hunters and duellers. The level of trapping determines how much chance you have to capture an animal during hunts. However the skill doesn't grant a constant degree of growth in chance. the first ten levels of the skill (1-10) give 0,5% chance per skill level,so at level 10 one has 5% chance of capturing an animal. The second ten level (11-20) give 0,2% chance per skill level so at level 20 one has 7% chance of capturing an animal. The last ten levels (21-30) give only 0,1% chance per skill level. So at maximum level one has 8% chance of capturing an animal. You can tame the captured animals or press SE from them (with the appropriate skill of course). A special feature of the skill is available at skill level 20 or higher: you can write in the name of an animal. You will have double chance to capture the writen animal,however you will have 0% chance to capture any other animal!
Req.: 3 Max.level: 30
Pet training: So you have captured an animal. Bravo! But don't be so happy. If you want this animal to follow you in combat,than this animal is useless to you,until you haven't tamed it. You can train your captive animals with this skill. Training has a cost,however,which depends on the base level of the monster (It's roughly equals your level when you have captured it +/- 2 levels). The cost is: 300 SE X Base level of the monster. (e.g.:The training of a level 10 monster will require 3.000 SE).
Req.: 4 Max.level: N/A (probably it's open ended)
Chronocompensation: As the Greek word points out,this skill will manipulate time for us. One can duel twice in an hour,every duel in the same hour will come with a dinamically increasing penalty (starting at -10% and increasing by 10% after every duel). So,an hour is an hour... without chronocompensation! Every level of this skill shortens the "time penalty" by 1 minute. The skill also affects the use of the Dimension gate, the use of Mind-boost and the SE pressing from animals. Pretty good skill,especially at higher levels.
Req.: 5 Max.level: 50
Secondary attack: A very evil skill,one of the skills made for pissing of other players. However it can solve some quests and other problems with attacks from others for the player who uses it. With this skill,you can damage the animal companion of your opponent. Which is painful,because animals don't have natural regeneration... The damage depends on your damage to the opponent,it's a given percentage of your damage. This percantage is determined by your Secondary attack level. At max. level the damage will be 25%.
Req.: 6 Max.level: 110
Leadership: With the skill trapping you can trap one animal. Tough it is useful to have more animals trained or not for a variety of reasons. But how can you have more than one animal? The answer is Leadership. You can have one additional animal for every 5 ranks of Leadership. There are to notable points: rank 25 is needed for a quest and there is a special feature at max. rank. One can choose the option to automatically end hunts,if all the slots for animals are full-at max. level of the skill of course!
Req.: 7 Max.level: 50
Continuum diminution: Basically you can attack the same player every 8 hours. However every rank of this skill shortens this waiting by 5 minutes. At max. level you can attack the same player in every hour! Nevertheless,in my opinion it's not the best skill,maybe at high levels...
Req.: 8 Max.level: 84
Heal wounds: A dual (2 in 1) skill. As I mentioned at secondary attack,the pets don't have regeneration,but you can treat their injuries The mechanism is simple: y=(x-1)*2 where y is the amount of healing and x is the rank of the skill (at rank one,y is 1).
The other use is self-healing. If an opponent dealt much more (twice the time or higher amount) damage than you in a duel,than you can heal yourself,if you have high level weapon and spell (high is compared to your level,it's something your level-(5-7) ).
The special feature of this skill is that you can heal more animals in the same time if you have at least rank 30 of the skill.
Req.: 9 Max.level:N/A
Elementary fusion: Another dual (2 in 1) skill. One aspect is that it gives more Action Points another that it shortens the time required for hunts. However,the aspects are mixed and change each other constantly. In addition,this skill gives benefits,for every 3 level. Just for 3 levels! So level 1,2 means nothing and at level 4,5 the bvenefit is the same as at level 3. An action point is given at level 3 and every six level after it (3,9,15,21,27,33,39,45,51,57) and the hunt is shortened by 10 seconds at level 6 and every 6 levels after it (6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54). At max. level a hunt will take 3minutes 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes and the character will get +10 action point everyday. Important note: premium players get their +25% Action Points after the additional action points from the skill are added!
Req.: 10 Max.level: 57
A hozzászólást Ars.krax módosította 2009.08.02. 15:47:48-kor
World 1- Nihilus Krax of the Emerald Dragons

And so begins,the test of the Doomed. Just take your place beside me. Me... Lord Nihilus, lord of destiny and Ruler of Nothingness...
Pontszám: 9.44
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Re: Skills
3. hozzászólás - 2009.08.23. 01:59:32 (Válasz Ars.krax #2 hozzászólására.)
Given that you can learn ALL the skills once you have reached L10, is there any viable reason why one would want to upgrade Learning past L10?
A hozzászólást Viridel módosította 2009.08.23. 01:59:47-kor
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Re: Skills
4. hozzászólás - 2009.08.23. 05:58:16
these were only the skills up to level 10 of learning. i've put together the ones for the next 10 levels, please notice that there is no new skill on lvl 19. so here you go:

The higher your charisma is the slower the morale of your pet decreases.
Req.: 11

For each 10 trade skills you can buy items one level over your character level. Maximum level is 170.
Req.: 12

Transcendal projection
You can hide a part of your soul-energy from your opponents. For each skill level 100 SEs of yours become untouchable, i. e. your opponent cannot steal his/her share from it if victorious. For example if your projection is 4 and you have 2000 SEs, than you opponent will loot only the proportional part of 1600 SEs. IMPORTANT NOTICE: This skill will NOT work if you are at war with your opponent's clan, or if you are the attacker.
Req.: 13

You get a chance when duelling other Doomlords to loot burnt-out ancient stones, too. If you are victorious, you have a percentage chance of stealing a burnt-out ancient stone equal to your level of thievery skill. The maximum chance is 30%, after level 30 you can increase the number of stolen burnt-out ancient stones.
Req.: 14

If your opponent has less hit points at the end of battle than your execution level multiplied by 5, you will win the battle without reference to the damage caused. If both player would be able use execution, than the winner is the one with the higher skill. If you execute your opponent, the SE you gain is also increased, in ratio with the difference of your execution skill.
Req.: 15

Thanks to your toughness skill you will receive extra battle rounds: +1 at 10, +2 at 30, +3 at 60. If the opponent's toughness is not high enough, he/she will not attack in your last rounds.
Req.: 16

Shape reality
You receive one extra duel point after each fourth level of this skill, regardless if your setting is 15 or 30 DPs per day. The maximum level of the skill is 40.
Req.: 17

Spectral manipulation
Increases the soul energy gained from hunting by 1 percent for each level. The maximum level of the skill is 100.
Req.: 18

Mind boost
You can increase a skill (one at a time) temporarily by half as much as your mind boost level. The increased skill level will never exceed its maximum and cannot be increased more than the basic rate of the skill. Not all skill can be increased by mind boost. Expense: mind boost level x 5 SPs. The minimal time span of the mind boost is 1 hour.
Req.: 20
Pontszám: 9.17
very popularVihar
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Re: Skills
5. hozzászólás - 2009.09.06. 10:35:17
critical hit (learning 22):

You have a chance to score critical damage to your opponent in physical combat. The amount of this percentage chance is the difference between your skill and your opponent's.

building (learning 24):

If you are building something for your clan, the efficiency of the spent SEs will be increased by 5% after each level of this skill. For example if your building skill is 2 and you are spending 1000 SEs for a building, then the readiness level will be increased by 1100. Maximum level: 40.
Pontszám: 8.60
much likedArs.kraxFérfi
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Re: Skills
6. hozzászólás - 2009.09.21. 14:15:44
Thank you everybody for the efforts, especially the ones who continued to comment the skills.
I've had a lot to do and this week I have a local student's week but this weekend I try to summarize and comment the skills from Learning level 11 to Learning level 26-30.
When I will have finished with this I will write about Buildings (including Academy) and warfare. I try to get helpers and translate the other Skills (from Learning 30-60) and the Quests with help.
See you this weekend
World 1- Nihilus Krax of the Emerald Dragons

And so begins,the test of the Doomed. Just take your place beside me. Me... Lord Nihilus, lord of destiny and Ruler of Nothingness...
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Re: Skills
7. hozzászólás - 2009.11.20. 08:57:40
soul-energy squeezing (learning 26):

You can squeeze soul-energy optimally from your captured animals. You will get 20% more soul energy than normal already at level 1, and it will be increased further: 1.4x at level 2, 1.6x at level 3, etc. Unfortunately the animal will not survive the squeezing. The maximum level of the skill is 60 and you can use it only once in an hour.

intelligent pet (learning 28):

The suitably docile pets are showing a quicker progression: your trained creature will receive 3% more experience points after each skill level when you win a duel. The maximum level of the skill is 67.
Inter urinas et faeces homo nascitur
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Re: Skills
8. hozzászólás - 2009.11.22. 17:08:48
hard skin (learning 30):

If you cannot cope with the healing of your pet, you will have no other possibility than to train the poor being. In progress of time time this skin will grow tougher, and the higher the skill is, the less damage your pet will receive from the secondary attack of your opponents! Fortunately you do not have to develop this skill separately for each pet, it is effective on each trained creature of yours.
Pontszám: 8.75
very popularDenisahNő
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Re: Skills
9. hozzászólás - 2009.12.16. 08:08:54
I would be grateful if someone put here a description of higher skills.
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: Skills
10. hozzászólás - 2009.12.16. 10:54:57
To advance your learning skill beyond 30, and learn the powerful new skills available at higher levels, your clan must build an academy first.
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very popularDenisahNő
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Re: Skills
11. hozzászólás - 2009.12.16. 11:55:35
I know I need academy, I just want to know which skills will be good in the future, before I decide to invest heavily into some skills now...
It's just a matter of strategy.
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Re: Skills
12. hozzászólás - 2009.12.17. 14:37:36
Learning 32
You have just realised that you do not need a skill anymore? From now on you may utterly forget it! You are able to forget only those skills, which are lower level than your oblivion skill. The oblivion – unlike any other skills – does not increases the development cost of skills. You can use the skill oblivion once in a week..

Learning 34
You get +1 attack and +1 IQ after each second level of this skill if you are duelling a member of the horde you choose. You can develop the hatred of one horde only. The maximum level of the skill is 30.

Learning 36
critical spell:
You receive a chance to make critical spell damage to your opponent in magical combat. The amount of this percentage chance is the difference between your skill and his.

Learning 38
horde making:
This skill gives you the opportunity to take more than one pet into battle. At level 10 plus 1, at level 30 plus 2, at the maximal level 60 plus 3 animals may be assigned to fight. If you take more animals into battle, each attacks and damages your opponent, but the absorption does not sum up, just the average is counted. If victorious each pet receives a morale bonus and experience points.

Learning 40
Instead of increasing the cost of developing other skills, transplantation is decreasing them by 0.5% for each level! The maximum level of the skill is 50.
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very popularDenisahNő
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Re: Skills
13. hozzászólás - 2009.12.18. 07:45:25
That's what I wanted to know. So later, there is a skill which reduces the skill prize, good to know. Thank you Stekkos.
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Re: Skills
14. hozzászólás - 2009.12.18. 14:56:01 (Válasz Denisah #13 hozzászólására.)
You are welcome. And at learning 50 you get a skill which reduces the ammount needed for abilities also. When our academy reaches next level i will post again
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Re: Skills
15. hozzászólás - 2009.12.21. 11:57:27
Learning 42
secondary spell:

Similar to the secondary attack you will be able to damage the pet of your opponent with your spells.

Learning 44
disadvanced development:

Each level of this skill decreases the experience points received from hunt by 1%. The maximum level of the skill is 50, when you will get half experience for hunt.
Pontszám: 8.33
much likedstekkos
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Re: Skills
16. hozzászólás - 2009.12.21. 12:01:06
Oh, and at learning 41 you get the skills needed to use in adventures (you get adventures after level 40). They are Lockpick, Climbing and Detect traps. How they work is not explained but i guess when you are in an adventure you get to use them and the higher the most likely the work (like any RPG game)
Pontszám: 6.67
much likedArs.kraxFérfi
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Re: Skills
17. hozzászólás - 2009.12.26. 16:06:42
Learning 46:
magical regeneration:

You may use your magical energies to heal your wounds. The skill level determines the measure of recovery and the frequence of using this ability. You can use 20% of the available mana. Maximum level: 50.

Learning 48:

You may use your magical energies to build. The skill level determines the efficiency of building and not modified by the similar named skill. You can user manaconstruction once in a day. Maximum level: 50.

Learning 50:

The efficiency of your specialisation is increased by 0.5% after each level of this skill. Maximal efficiency is reached at level 40, when the specialisation decreases the cost of a new ability level by 30% instead of 10%
World 1- Nihilus Krax of the Emerald Dragons

And so begins,the test of the Doomed. Just take your place beside me. Me... Lord Nihilus, lord of destiny and Ruler of Nothingness...
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Re: Skills
18. hozzászólás - 2009.12.28. 19:00:27
i am curious as i have played these type of games before. what does each stat consist of and how do they help other ones. strength, attack, defense,constitution,IQ, magic,Thaumaturgy? appreciate any feedback
Pontszám: 5.75
much likedChaoticGeminiNő
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Re: Skills
19. hozzászólás - 2009.12.29. 00:53:11 (Válasz ATZI #18 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ATZI - 2009.12.28. 19:00:27
i am curious as i have played these type of games before. what does each stat consist of and how do they help other ones. strength, attack, defense,constitution,IQ, magic,Thaumaturgy? appreciate any feedback

Check the link off of the FAQ page here: http://www.doomlord.net/index.php?m=jatekleiras
Pontszám: 8.33
much likedArs.kraxFérfi
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Re: Skills
20. hozzászólás - 2009.12.29. 20:48:33
This is a topic on skills,however I try to detail stats a bit.
Constitution and Magic are stats which determine your max. HP ( with X Constitution on k level it's: 180+(x*k) and your max. SP (with X magic on k level: 72+x*k (*0,9) - this 0,9 multiplier doesn't appeal for members of the Emerald Horde) respectively.

Generally physical abilities are Strength,Attack and Defense.
The greater your strength,the greater the damage you inflict will be.
The greater your Attack is,the more likely you will hit your opponent with a physical attack.
The greater your Defense is,the more likely your opponent will miss you with a physical attack.
- The higher the equipment (shield and vest) the more defense it gives (it's logical ) however the Attack bonuses don't follow this high increase. In order to maintain both logical solutions and game balance, your LEVEL is added to your attack stat.

Generally magical abilities are IQ and Thaumaturgy.
IQ is the 2in1 attack/defense skill of a Magician. The greater your IQ is,the more likely that you will hit your opponent with your full potential/you will dodge the opponent's spell,so it won't hit you with full potential. Full potential means:
- Full damage (Critical Spell only works if you fully hit the opponent. No dodged spell can be Critical!)
- Any other effects (like -Attack/-Strength and so on) take place. Other effects (highlighted yellow in battle text) only take place after a fully potential spell. No dodged spell will have any other effect,apart from reduced damage (or nothing if the spell doesn't have damage e.g: Blinding Light) The only exceptions are spells that damage pets. Even a dodged spell will damage the pet,in the respective percentage.

Thaumaturgy is the magical Strength. The greater your Thaumaturgy is,the more powerful your Spell will be. It will:
- Inflict more damage if it has damage (this also appeals to a dodged spell!)
- Have more powerful side effects ( eg.: -Attack)

In a nutshell,these are the stats,apart from Luck Hope I was able to help you
World 1- Nihilus Krax of the Emerald Dragons

And so begins,the test of the Doomed. Just take your place beside me. Me... Lord Nihilus, lord of destiny and Ruler of Nothingness...
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