Ok,so there is a new option at level four and a shining yellow button: you have reached the point when you can learn skills.
Why is it good for you? And what are the skills? Why there are so much and which skills I need? The flow of questions is nearly endless,after you reach level 4. Skills will
haunt you even at level 40...
Here, I will try to give a "brief" introduction to skills: what are they,which skill is which and what are they good for.
So take a deep breath and prepare for the Salto Mortale
Learning: The first skill and probably the most important yet there is no skill which is more useless than learning. Interesting paradox,isn't it? Learning don't give you any benefit,but you will have to increase it's level if you want to learn new skills. There is a learning level requirement for every skill in the game. Below that level of learning you can't even access the skill. The total level of learning is currently 60,however you can only raise your learning to level 30 on your own. After it,you will need an Academy
(I will write about Buildings in another post!)
Req.:0 Max. level: 60/30
Subspace detection: You have a basic chance of 2% to find burnt-out ancient stones during hunts. Every level of this skill increases this chance by 0,1%. So at the maximum level of 30 you will have 5% chance to find a stone instead of 2%. In my opinion this skill is pretty useless. The only advantage of this skill is that a quest (on high level near 90 and 100 finished quests) will require that an exact number of ancient stones must be found during hunts.
Req.: 0 Max. level: 30
Creative affinity: This is one of the favourite skills of aggressive duellers as this skill increases the looted SE by 2% for every skill level. The advantage from creative affinity can raise the looted SE
above the maximum lootable SE from an opponent,but the opponent will not loose this extra amount! I can only reccomend this skill to anybody who duels relatively often,as it can double the looted SE at max. level.
Req.: 1 Max. level: 50
Singularity knowledge: You gain experience (XP) for every succesful duels. Every level of this skill increases the basic amount of this XP by 4%. If this extra percentage doesn't reach 1 XP you will still have chance to gain +1XP. For instance if you would get +0,48 Xp than you have 48% chance of getting +1 XP. This skill is a favourite among top players,who want to remain top players (they are also called "level knights" or "levelling knights") as they get much more XP for a single duel. At the max. level,this skill gives +200% XP,so exactly three times more than one could get without this skill.
Req.:2 Max. level: 50
Trapping: Another important skill both for hunters and duellers. The level of trapping determines how much chance you have to capture an animal during hunts. However the skill doesn't grant a constant degree of growth in chance. the first ten levels of the skill (1-10) give 0,5% chance per skill level,so at level 10 one has 5% chance of capturing an animal. The second ten level (11-20) give 0,2% chance per skill level so at level 20 one has 7% chance of capturing an animal. The last ten levels (21-30) give only 0,1% chance per skill level. So at maximum level one has 8% chance of capturing an animal. You can tame the captured animals or press SE from them (with the appropriate skill of course). A special feature of the skill is available at skill level 20 or higher: you can write in the name of an animal. You will have double chance to capture the writen animal,however you will have 0% chance to capture any other animal!
Req.: 3 Max.level: 30
Pet training: So you have captured an animal. Bravo! But don't be so happy. If you want this animal to follow you in combat,than this animal is useless to you,until you haven't tamed it. You can train your captive animals with this skill. Training has a cost,however,which depends on the base level of the monster (It's roughly equals your level when you have captured it +/- 2 levels). The cost is: 300 SE X Base level of the monster. (e.g.:The training of a level 10 monster will require 3.000 SE).
Req.: 4 Max.level: N/A (probably it's open ended)
Chronocompensation: As the Greek word points out,this skill will manipulate time for us. One can duel twice in an hour,every duel in the same hour will come with a dinamically increasing penalty (starting at -10% and increasing by 10% after every duel). So,an hour is an hour... without chronocompensation! Every level of this skill shortens the "time penalty" by 1 minute. The skill also affects the use of the Dimension gate, the use of Mind-boost and the SE pressing from animals. Pretty good skill,especially at higher levels.
Req.: 5 Max.level: 50
Secondary attack: A very
evil skill,one of the skills made for pissing of other players. However it can solve some quests and other problems with attacks from others for the player who uses it. With this skill,you can damage the animal companion of your opponent. Which is painful,because animals don't have natural regeneration... The damage depends on your damage to the opponent,it's a given percentage of your damage. This percantage is determined by your Secondary attack level. At max. level the damage will be 25%.
Req.: 6 Max.level: 110
Leadership: With the skill trapping you can trap one animal. Tough it is useful to have more animals trained or not for a variety of reasons. But how can you have more than one animal? The answer is Leadership. You can have one additional animal for every 5 ranks of Leadership. There are to notable points: rank 25 is needed for a quest and there is a special feature at max. rank. One can choose the option to automatically end hunts,if all the slots for animals are full-at max. level of the skill of course!
Req.: 7 Max.level: 50
Continuum diminution: Basically you can attack the same player every 8 hours. However every rank of this skill shortens this waiting by 5 minutes. At max. level you can attack the same player in every hour! Nevertheless,in my opinion it's not the best skill,maybe at high levels...
Req.: 8 Max.level: 84
Heal wounds: A dual (2 in 1) skill. As I mentioned at secondary attack,the pets don't have regeneration,but you can treat their injuries

The mechanism is simple: y=(x-1)*2 where y is the amount of healing and x is the rank of the skill (at rank one,y is 1).
The other use is self-healing. If an opponent dealt much more (twice the time or higher amount) damage than you in a duel,than you can heal yourself,if you have high level weapon and spell (high is compared to your level,it's something your level-(5-7) ).
The special feature of this skill is that you can heal more animals in the same time if you have at least rank 30 of the skill.
Req.: 9 Max.level:N/A
Elementary fusion: Another dual (2 in 1) skill. One aspect is that it gives more Action Points another that it shortens the time required for hunts. However,the aspects are mixed and change each other constantly. In addition,this skill gives benefits,for every 3 level. Just for 3 levels! So level 1,2 means nothing and at level 4,5 the bvenefit is the same as at level 3. An action point is given at level 3 and every six level after it (3,9,15,21,27,33,39,45,51,57) and the hunt is shortened by 10 seconds at level 6 and every 6 levels after it (6,12,18,24,30,36,42,48,54). At max. level a hunt will take 3minutes 30 seconds instead of 5 minutes and the character will get +10 action point everyday. Important note: premium players get their +25% Action Points after the additional action points from the skill are added!
Req.: 10 Max.level: 57