Hozzászólások - xatharas
Oldal: 1
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2010.09.12. 18:46:36
I was wondering what makes a soulwell grow? finished buildings? building? duels?
Dátum: 2010.06.16. 18:57:52
Looking for active players for the first emerald clan!
The emerald clan of Peace!
Rules are on the clans sheet! Soulwell 25% finished at the moment!
The emerald clan of Peace!

Rules are on the clans sheet! Soulwell 25% finished at the moment!
Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2010.05.31. 15:20:29
thank you! 

Help -> Help request
Dátum: 2010.05.31. 06:23:29
where do I find the Horde leader? (for a quest) 

Dátum: 2010.04.28. 05:09:35
Warriors of the Underdark are recruiting new members (world two)! We're looking for active players only, we got level three magetower, level two ramparts, soulwell, level three watchtower, level three training grounds and the scrying orb up already. We lost our first war but are winning our second one.
We got two spots left! JOIN US!
Hope to see you soon, Ariakas
We got two spots left! JOIN US!

Hope to see you soon, Ariakas
Dátum: 2010.04.09. 18:52:53
The Warriors of the Underdark are hiring again!
watchtower level 3 finished, so there is room for 3 more active builders and/or duelers!
Only three conditions
1) pass your vote to me when you join
2) contribute 1000 SE in the soulwell
3) be active and have fun!
Hope to welcome you into our caves soon!

watchtower level 3 finished, so there is room for 3 more active builders and/or duelers!
Only three conditions
1) pass your vote to me when you join
2) contribute 1000 SE in the soulwell
3) be active and have fun!
Hope to welcome you into our caves soon!

Dátum: 2010.04.07. 06:32:44
no more places available, but keep your eyes peeled! Watchtower level three is over halfway 

Dátum: 2010.04.04. 18:22:13
there's one opening available!
active players only! and don't forget to transfer your vote to me and put 1000 SE in the well!

active players only! and don't forget to transfer your vote to me and put 1000 SE in the well!

Dátum: 2010.04.02. 10:41:34
Warriors of the Underdark are filled up! I'll let you know when there are spots available (working on watchtower level 3 as we speak!) 

Dátum: 2010.03.30. 16:07:34
Warriors of the Underdark are now 9 strong! 2 more spots are available for active players only. Players who are inactive for more then two days without notice are dismissed.
Required 1) minimum 1000SE for the well
2) vote has to be passed to me for fluent clan management!
buildings so far: soulwell, watchtower level 2, ramparts and training ground level 1 and mages taower level 1
So if your calling lies in the caves under the feet of those other puny doomlords
join us!
Required 1) minimum 1000SE for the well
2) vote has to be passed to me for fluent clan management!
buildings so far: soulwell, watchtower level 2, ramparts and training ground level 1 and mages taower level 1
So if your calling lies in the caves under the feet of those other puny doomlords

News -> New design
Dátum: 2010.03.23. 19:31:52
I like it too! good job!
Dátum: 2010.03.23. 16:39:15
we're now 5 strong! we can recruit 3 more at the moment. So join up active underdark dwellers! 

Dátum: 2010.03.22. 08:06:08
There are now three warriors of the underdark! Menzobaran is rising
Join and become one the drow doomlords! Darkvision required!

Join and become one the drow doomlords! Darkvision required!

Dátum: 2010.03.20. 14:36:13
Warriors of the underdark is now up too 2 members and looking for more enthusiastic fellow members!
soulwell and watchtower are up so join and make Menzobaran great!
soulwell and watchtower are up so join and make Menzobaran great!

Dátum: 2010.03.19. 08:50:05
Warriors of the dark: newsflash! soulwell is up and running! 

Dátum: 2010.03.15. 19:28:00
The warriors of the underdark are searching for active members to help build Menzoboran.
Those who feel drawn to the darkness must aply!
See you there! bring a flashlight
Those who feel drawn to the darkness must aply!

See you there! bring a flashlight

Dátum: 2010.03.15. 11:39:35
something small: when petitioning for a new clan it says 'you petitioned for establishing an clan' and it should be 'a clan'
Dátum: 2010.03.10. 08:33:44
We are a new clan and are looking for active and fun players! We finished the watchtower and the ramparts and training grounds.
please join us
We'll be YOUR friends!

We are a new clan and are looking for active and fun players! We finished the watchtower and the ramparts and training grounds.
please join us

We'll be YOUR friends!

Dátum: 2010.03.05. 14:10:16
We've started a new clan The Last Legend and could use active players willing to build our clan to the top!
Our soulwell is up and we got a watchtower level one, working on level two.
We need you! Hope to read from you soon!

Our soulwell is up and we got a watchtower level one, working on level two.
We need you! Hope to read from you soon!
Oldal: 1