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Hozzászólások - black widow

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2024.10.05. 21:26:46
this wrong design and i will explain why.to build the egg finder,which is the most crucial building for the event, you need golden ducats which are not available for low lvls like me(on my ticket i was tld that this option opens at lv24) but in order ti build the worlk shop which you need sould diamonds which are available for all lvls.and ofcourse since you cannot build the the egg finder you cannot buold also the ancient generator(besides what would be the point?).so basically until you are lvl 24 you cannot participate on the event.egg finder requirements should have been the SE, the collar and the action points so that all can participate.
Dátum: 2024.10.03. 01:46:01
how can we participate on the event when the egg finder building is not available for the klow lvls?you can participate on the even only if you are lvl24 and above since if you are lower lvl you cannot biuild the egg finder building.since egg finder building is a primary buikding for the event it should be available only with SE not with additional requirements that low lvls dont have the option to get them
Oldal: 1