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Topic neve: Quiz categorization
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Re: Quiz categorization
21. hozzászólás - 2011.06.06. 14:20:11 (Válasz Phalanxii #13 hozzászólására.)
Anything I have trouble with like that, I'm putting as does not fit any category. I'm hoping that once the bulk of stuff has been categorized, someone will go through all the questions like that and make new categories that will fit them.
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Re: Quiz categorization
22. hozzászólás - 2011.06.06. 15:21:25 (Válasz ImLittleJon #21 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2011.06.06. 14:20:11
Anything I have trouble with like that, I'm putting as does not fit any category. I'm hoping that once the bulk of stuff has been categorized, someone will go through all the questions like that and make new categories that will fit them.

That is a good thought...however:
"Does not fit into any category
You should use this category only if you are totally unable to classify the question, because you will not get a reward for classifying it here."

Personally I think the categories are somewhat confusing and non-intuitive, especially since there are sub-categories (and sub-sub categories) that are not always completely obvious.
Biology=>Anthropology, medical science
Anthropology is the study of humanity, What defines Homo sapiens?", "Who are the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens?", "What are humans' physical traits?", "How do humans behave?", "Why are there variations and differences among different groups of humans?", "How has the evolutionary past of Homo sapiens influenced its social organization and culture?" and so forth.
Medical sciences is the science of medicine, human anatomy and Healthcare.
Quite different things, yet shoved into one sub-category.

Famous people show up in several places - Chemistry=>Famous people - chemistry; Famous people in general; Geography, Astronomy, Geology=>Our Earth in general, geology, great travellers; Literature=>Writers, poets; Mathematics=>Famous people - mathematics, Music=>Classical music=>Composers, musicians and few more (note the sub-sub group in the music category).

In essence I think the division of categories is a bit messy and could be cleaned up.
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Re: Quiz categorization
23. hozzászólás - 2011.06.08. 05:18:57
the categories need to be mutually exclusive. what's the difference between "Chronometry, noteworthy dates" and "History > > When did it happen?" wouldn't Chronometry qualify under "Mathematics > > Units of measure - mathematics?"
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2011.06.08. 05:20:06-kor
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Re: Quiz categorization
24. hozzászólás - 2011.06.08. 08:47:54 (Válasz manunkind #23 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: manunkind - 2011.06.08. 05:18:57
the categories need to be mutually exclusive. what's the difference between "Chronometry, noteworthy dates" and "History > > When did it happen?" wouldn't Chronometry qualify under "Mathematics > > Units of measure - mathematics?"

I agree.

And according to the internal definition:
Chronometry, noteworthy dates
This category is for the „How many hours are in a week?” or „How many months have 30 days?” or „Which is the date of the winter solstice?”or any similar questions.
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Re: Quiz categorization
25. hozzászólás - 2011.06.08. 23:22:35
When are we going to start receiving the SE?
I have categorized a few already (and it is displayed on my character page), but no SE yet.

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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Quiz categorization
26. hozzászólás - 2011.06.09. 08:07:12 (Válasz Cruel01 #25 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.06.08. 23:22:35
When are we going to start receiving the SE?
I have categorized a few already (and it is displayed on my character page), but no SE yet.


I think you got the SE, it's just that you get it as part of Recommendation. As such it is not displayed separately anywhere, and you can't see the difference between "did my Torture chamber targets produce much SE today" and "I got some SE from categorization".
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Re: Quiz categorization
27. hozzászólás - 2011.06.09. 10:42:50 (Válasz Sbart #26 hozzászólására.)
A friend of mine did some categorizations but claims to get absolutely nothing! And he cannot be confused - he has simply nobody under recommendation section and his clan does not have torture chamber - so he simply gets 0.000.
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Re: Quiz categorization
28. hozzászólás - 2011.06.09. 12:01:00 (Válasz Sbart #26 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Sbart - 2011.06.09. 08:07:12
Idézet: Cruel01 - 2011.06.08. 23:22:35
When are we going to start receiving the SE?
I have categorized a few already (and it is displayed on my character page), but no SE yet.


I think you got the SE, it's just that you get it as part of Recommendation. As such it is not displayed separately anywhere, and you can't see the difference between "did my Torture chamber targets produce much SE today" and "I got some SE from categorization".

I didn't. I am talking about W4, where we don't even have a TC yet.
My Recommendation page says "0 player was registered on the base of your recommendation.."

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Re: Quiz categorization
29. hozzászólás - 2011.06.09. 12:14:12
There are some categories broken up so small that single questions fit multiple tiny categories.

What is the traditional color of a Chinese bride's wedding dress?
A major difference between the societies of the United States and Japan is the presence in the United States of a higher degree of ?

This is part of the game. Sometimes it is not easy to find the category the other players will think of.
However the first one should go to „fashion, clothing” category (thank you for finding it was lost in translation). The other may go to Earth in general – I can't find better choice.

How many people have to categorize each question?
Only 10 of the same choice. This way there are no ties.

Does each world have their own database, or are they all together?
They are all together.

Once enough people have categorized a given question, what happens to the next person who categorizes that question?
When there are enough votes, the question is closed, no more changes. However if someone finds the „good” category until the end of day he or she still get s the reward. If a question is closed, after a day you cannot classify it anymore.

Also, it seems to me that Modern History and 20th and 21st century (both under History) are redundant. If Modern means anything between Middle Ages and 20th century, it should be clarified.
There is a small blue question mark above the categorization tool. You can find some comments and helpful hints there about the eras and some other categories.

Are the categories actually going to be used of anything?

When the categorization is ready, you can play quiz with the questions in the database – according to categories.

Also could maybe use Psychology as a sub-category for some of these questions?
There is no such category, I would use biology/medical science, even if it is not exact.

For a question like this:
Master of Puppets is an album/song title for which band?
Guns N' Roses
Meat Loaf

Do I categorize it as a question about musical artists?

Also, I'm having trouble categorizing questions about nations in specific eg.
Serbia's national drink is
The colour of the german flag is
Could we add a sub-category 'Nations' under the geography/astronomy/geology category?

Sorry, there are no more sub categories. However the first should go into „Food and drinks”, the second (because of no better choice) to „Geography/Europe”.

So when will we receive the SE reward?
There are more than 25 thousand questions in the database, so be patient. If you are lucky, you can get some reward every day, but if unlucky, you must wait quite a lot before getting anything, but then you may get a bigger amount.
A hozzászólást Hatsepsut módosította 2011.06.09. 12:16:13-kor
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Re: Quiz categorization
30. hozzászólás - 2011.06.09. 16:54:30
a temporary solution, if you have a key, is to answer quiz questions each time you drop to 298 answered.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2011.06.09. 16:57:25-kor
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Re: Quiz categorization
31. hozzászólás - 2011.06.10. 07:20:07 (Válasz Hatsepsut #29 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Hatsepsut - 2011.06.09. 12:14:12

So when will we receive the SE reward?
There are more than 25 thousand questions in the database, so be patient. If you are lucky, you can get some reward every day, but if unlucky, you must wait quite a lot before getting anything, but then you may get a bigger amount.

Could you please clarify what is meant above? If I have got the number of categorized questions increased as shown in the profile, but received no additional SE - how long will it take to get the reward?
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Re: Quiz categorization
32. hozzászólás - 2011.06.10. 08:14:34 (Válasz eukar #31 hozzászólására.)
If you get a reward for categorization you should see it in the recommendation section. The score for quiz categorization can be seen on your character sheet (under correct quiz answers).

We will check if there is a problem with the reward text or sending out the reward.
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Re: Quiz categorization
33. hozzászólás - 2011.06.10. 09:18:20
I have 52 "correctly" categorized questions according to my character sheet, and got my first SE reward today. Is that correct or should it work some other way?
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Re: Quiz categorization
34. hozzászólás - 2011.06.10. 18:35:48
My W4 char now has 64 correct categorized questions, and the only thing on my recommendation page is:
0 player was registered on the base of your recommendation..

Edit 201106-11:
My World 4 char just had his categorisation increased to 78 (+14), nothing on the recommendation page but I believe he received 61 SE
A hozzászólást MartinBV módosította 2011.06.11. 08:25:24-kor
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Re: Quiz categorization
35. hozzászólás - 2011.06.11. 14:16:04
The programmer says the reward problem is solved. The amounts have been stacked until now and this morning everyone should get his or her reward in the recommendation section with the following text:
"You get X soul-energy as a reward for categorizing."
I hope it's really working now.
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Re: Quiz categorization
36. hozzászólás - 2011.06.11. 14:58:33 (Válasz Hatsepsut #35 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Hatsepsut - 2011.06.11. 14:16:04
The programmer says the reward problem is solved. The amounts have been stacked until now and this morning everyone should get his or her reward in the recommendation section with the following text:
"You get X soul-energy as a reward for categorizing."
I hope it's really working now.

It is working for me now, but the Torture Chamber stopped working
Pls verify this bug as I didn't get anything from the TC on June 11.
Char: Cruel01
World 2
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Re: Quiz categorization
37. hozzászólás - 2011.06.12. 10:30:00
My W2 char, Martin01, has 14 quiz categorisations but nothing marked on the reccomendation page.
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Re: Quiz categorization
38. hozzászólás - 2011.06.16. 19:42:34
Quiz categorization: 42

2011.06.16. .......................You get 61 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.15. .......................You get 122 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.14. .......................You get 183 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.13. ...................... You get 61 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.12. .......................You get 153 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.11. ........................You get 702 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.

I expected more SE
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much likedSbartFérfi
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Re: Quiz categorization
39. hozzászólás - 2011.06.17. 09:13:12 (Válasz Denna #38 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Denna - 2011.06.16. 19:42:34
Quiz categorization: 42

2011.06.16. .......................You get 61 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.15. .......................You get 122 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.14. .......................You get 183 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.13. ...................... You get 61 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.12. .......................You get 153 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.
2011.06.11. ........................You get 702 soul-energy as a reward for categorizing.

I expected more SE

Depends if you get this only the first time a question is categorized or every time you get the right categorization on a question. If it is the second case (which i think it is), then it probably ok since you will in effect get "extra" SE from the categorization every time you answer quiz questions.
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Re: Quiz categorization
40. hozzászólás - 2011.07.04. 06:58:40
After answering and categorizing a few 1000 questions I have noticed that many questions could possibly be in more than one category, the most common is movie/literature questions, because many movies are based on books, and some movies spawn a whole universe with hundred of books.

Furthermore some subcategories should be changed so they are consistent across main categories.

Let's take two examples:

Who fought the Balrog?
Gandalf the Brown
Gandalf the White
Gandalf the Green
Gandalf the Grey

What is the original name of Darth Vader?
Anakin Skywalker
Luke Skywalker
Han Solo

Both of these questions belongs in the two categories, but if asked if Darh Vader was a heroe of a film I'd say no.

Film, theatre=>Heroes of films and plays

So I'd suggest that "Heroes of films and plays" be changed to "Characters of films and plays"

Under literature there is no category for questions about the plot/story in literature.
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