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Topic neve: The map event, round 3
everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: The map event, round 3
41. hozzászólás - 2011.07.15. 13:10:08
may be making a list of top 5 or 10 highest map finders (between all players, not just groups) and giving these players whatever they wish could make the players happier. just an idea
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Re: The map event, round 3
42. hozzászólás - 2011.07.15. 15:24:10
i am also very DISPLEASED with how this map event went... people should only be allowed to switch ONCE and that is it, or even not at all with the new platinum rewars now being known.

I was in the trade team since the start, and we wee indeed at nr 1-2 most of the time with only a couple pieces behind/infront the whole time, UNTILL the last few days, and now there NO CHANCE to win for my team.
I am the Dragon!!! Before you you RIGHTLY Tremble!
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Re: The map event, round 3
43. hozzászólás - 2011.07.15. 16:42:03 (Válasz Sacrosanct #42 hozzászólására.)

For you it was easier because +3% spec. was last place for 80% of the event. It was a very easy decision. At the end of the day, you just got lucky. The +3% spec. team could be fighting for the leadership the whole time and you wouldn't have switched 10 days ago.
My team (Trade) was fighting for the leadership the whole time. Leaving and getting a -60 to the team was not very wise.
Last night, when I went to sleep, Trade was in second, with 42 players. This morning, when I woke up 10 minutes before the deadline, we still had 42 players, but we were more than 100 map points behind. Someone like you left and someone with lots of map points (and no brain!!!) joined.
The point here is not people with a good strategy (like you) will receive a benefit. I am all for rewarding top players, as I said before. The point is that a lousy player can simply collect 11 map points and switch to the leading team in the last day.
I can guarantee that if this event comes up next time with the same stupid rule, I will bring my APs to 0 before the event starts and stop hunting during the event. My goal will be to collect as little map points as possible and switch in the last day.

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everyone's favoritebaggybag
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Re: The map event, round 3
44. hozzászólás - 2011.07.15. 18:51:25
wow, i had the same thought, if it has the same rules, i will begin with 0 AP and duel point and if i have to i will also get premium or not answer the quiz questions so that i will not get maps in duels.
another strategy is to get into the team you want to win, then get as many maps as possible and in the last 8-9 days leave that team to join the most dangerous rival, then switch back and forth between other teams to lower your map number and get to your main team at the end. this way, if you have 60-70 maps, your main team will get a huge advantage. my last word: my thanks to admins for the fun and hope they will have a solution for the problems you guys are telling.
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much likedquint
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Re: The map event, round 3
45. hozzászólás - 2011.07.15. 21:50:54
This was like the "Win 100 EUR bonus" game: random. The intention was probably to spice it up because all the previous map events were boring. Mission failed, as this one was boring too, except the last day maybe, but it was extremely disappointing to a lot of people. Next time we might as well just skip the event altogether, instead let Random announce a computer-generated list of winners, it will be fast, effortless, and just as fair as the current edition of the map event.
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

I need contribution to the list of adventures from anyone who's willing to share information with others. Please help me expand this list.
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Re: The map event, round 3
46. hozzászólás - 2011.07.15. 23:32:44 (Válasz quint #45 hozzászólására.)
I couldn't agree more quint.
If the goal is to make it random (as it was done), it is better to spare us of the "competition" and just announce the winners in the forum.

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much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: The map event, round 3
47. hozzászólás - 2011.07.16. 02:48:05
I think a simple addition to this new system for map event would save dumb asses like me from almost having a heart attack when they change their minds and swith teams ( not based on place of those teams).. i switched and thought the change of map pieces would be based on the pieces you lost LOL... when i found out how many pieces i changed the teams map pieces, I almost died... so next time, perhaps give a warning. WARNING.. team A will gain X map pieces and team B will lose X map pieces, and finally, it will cost you Y pieces of map to make the switch
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much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The map event, round 3
48. hozzászólás - 2011.07.16. 07:42:59
Yeah, I agree that the system was far from perfect, the effect of one player's switch was too big on the competition. Next time we will definitely change things, might reduce number of allowed switches, and the amount of map pieces the teams get/lose. We also plan to make it possible to get 2 and 3 ranks better item than your team if you collect an outstanding amount of map pieces.
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much likedquint
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Re: The map event, round 3
49. hozzászólás - 2011.07.16. 09:46:25
I don't believe it's good to allow people to switch teams. At most one change, but set a condition for it, like you can only change teams if your team is dead last. Or, if you are able to get a better item than what you have by switching.

BTW, if you want to make this event more interesting, maybe you could add some monster encounters too. Let's say there are guardians of the map pieces, so when you find a map piece, in addition to what you were doing (duel or hunt), you would have to kill the guardian too in order to get the map piece. The strength of these monsters should vary so if you are not well prepared (like when you're in the low HP zone or using some weak equipment), you could lose the fight and not get the map piece. Also, your luck ability could influence the strength of the monsters. You could add some premium item which gives you certain chance to take the map before the guardian can attack you. Also, you could make it possible to capture one of these monsters (with very low chance of course) and train it. These are just some ideas, examples of how you can make this dull event a bit more interesting. If you sit down and think about it, you can come up with some very interesting and challenging additions, you just need to take the time to do it.
Doomlord wiki: http://doomlord.wikidot.com

I need contribution to the list of adventures from anyone who's willing to share information with others. Please help me expand this list.
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very populareukar
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Re: The map event, round 3
50. hozzászólás - 2011.07.16. 10:40:18
In my opinion, there is no need to complicate rules too much. But I love the idea of +2/+3 higher items for twice/triple amount of map pieces. A person should be able to get a relevant reward independently of the team, if it performs outstanding - without having to switch there and back - which makes some strategy, but brings strange results.
Pontszám: 5
much likedMiklosFérfi
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Re: The map event, round 3
51. hozzászólás - 2011.07.16. 18:53:40
The map event is over now, but you have to wait for the results to be displayed until tomorrow. The programmer is AFK tonight, but he will sort it out tomorrow asap... Sorry for the wait.
Pontszám: 7.50
much likedBabeTheOxFérfi
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Re: The map event, round 3
52. hozzászólás - 2011.07.17. 14:26:03
its official.. worst event ever ( after getting all those map pcs and pretty much getting nothing for it )
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Re: The map event, round 3
53. hozzászólás - 2011.07.17. 19:46:58
lol Three days before the deadline I stood to win golden rewards in both W1 and W2. Two days before I was on the loosing teams and on top of it had so many map pieces that changing team would have done me no good. So in the end, even though I had found more than twice as many map pieces as average for my teams, I still got only a lvl 2 and 3 reward as my teams finished 3rd and 4th.
So for me it was not a good event.

I think this event should be changed so that the personal score weighs more than at the present.
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everyone's favoriteWormtailFérfi
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Re: The map event, round 3
54. hozzászólás - 2011.07.17. 22:16:29 (Válasz Miklos #51 hozzászólására.)
The programmer should do something with this:
"You team placed 4. Your reward: 1 Medal of Doom! Congratulations!" It's fine. There is only a little syntax error (your team )
BUT! Instead of a medal of doom I've got a bronze necklace as other clan members. I would like to get my chosen "reward".
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Re: The map event, round 3
55. hozzászólás - 2011.07.18. 04:51:15
Same here, the text indicated I would get Medal of Doom like I selected but I ended up with Silver Belt of Specialization. I'd like to get the chosen reward (Dentaio, World 1)
Pontszám: 5
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