Re: The Hill
39. hozzászólás - 2010.03.07. 01:20:45
I feel I'm falling... I see only colored, shiny stripes in the air... Ow my! How idiot were I! That fog!I should have known that someone is going to attack me! What a stinky decoy! Damn! And where am I? I dont feel my power! What the hell? Where's my magic? And where I'm falling? Whoa! That's Slider! My fateful pet! I'm trying to manouver my body next to him. Ok! Forgive me, my friend, but I need your power! This will hurt, but I promise,you will be fine,when we're done! If I squeeze his Soulenergy, maybe i'll be able to get out of here... So lets see! Wait! What's that? I see something ahead! Hang on, Slider, we're going to land! POOOOOFF!!!!
As Boar and Slider are spitted out from the black hole,they fall to the ground unconscious. A few hours later, the Doomlord's eye is opening.
-Where are we?- he asks,just for himself. As he looks around, he sees only an infinite waste. But wait! What's that? Some buildings in the distance!
-Lets go,check them!- says Boar. First, he tries to create a fireball within his fingers. The familiar smell of successfull spells reaches his nose. Wonderful. "At least,I'm not unarmed..."
With the Gorath larvae on his side, Boar starts to the ruins. Two hours later, he is standing next to a giant column. There is some carving on it, but too aged to read. He repairs it with his building skills(how fortunate he learned it back in the Army!). As he reads, his face is turning to pale. Good Gods! A chronicle coloumn!
"So it came that the Great Sorcerer Boar casted out from this world for an eternity,and Stekkos, the Cunning took his place as the Ruler Of The Hill.His divine power over time and space made him undefeatable,he destroyed countless Doomlords, who were tried to take over the Holy Hill. No one knew the source of his power, only the gods themselves. After long years of ruling the hill, Stekkos created us, Shardaks,to praise his name and serve him well. We done it through decades.But the master became more and more paranoid. Later, he started to destroy us, because he thought we are trying to take his precious Hill from him. We fled, and tried to survive in the cruel world of Doomlords. We succeeded.We survived. And from the experience we had in defeat attacking Doomlords, we made a great advantage. Soon (what does time means for an immortal being...) we became the second power of the planet, not behind but next to the Doomlords. Fortunately, Stekkos's paranoia had chained him to the Hill, so he didn't dealt with us anymore. After years of battles, finally we defeated the decadent race of Doomlords and conquered the planet. Almost completely. Only our creator stayed on the Hill. Our leaders decided to defeat those last remnant of the old world, and called our great nation together. Our kind's numbers were great then, warriors and mages all one by one. We decided to create a weapon, stronger than anyone saw on this planet. The best of our race sacrificed themselves to the great spell. After days of incantation, we had the weapon, the key to our race's total dominion over Ghalla. We looked back in the time,to see the source of Stekkos's power. With this knowledge, our scouts found his lair and his magic pool. The best mages of the Shardak's destroyed the pool. But we made a mistake. Stekkos was armed with the power of the Pool already,and he felt our actions. He became enraged and done something terrible, we never expected: he left the Hill! During his rage, he destroyed entire cities and villages and countless warriors from us. When only a dozen of us stayed alive,we made the ultimate sacrifice: we merged together,forming the mighty Shardak Dragon, who had one body but many souls. As we merged our energies together, we found out a way, to block Stekkos's power,and so we did. Then a fierce battle began! It lasted almost a day! Finally, Stekkos lied on the ground stock-still. We stand above his body,and we said:- For the freedom and the blood of our brethren, you must die here! -And we killed our creator. But we made terrible mistake: after the fight, we had no strength to dismerge ourselves,so it came, that we stayed the last rulers of Ghalla in one terrible body. We lived in peace, without any enemies. We tried to reincarnate our brethren, but until now, we failed... A hundred year passed, but we're still here. And now, we are feeling something terrible is coming from the skies. The Enemy, the race,who almost wiped out the Galetkis long ago... We will go and fight them, but first, we carve our history into the stone, maybe we can win and can show it to our reborn brothers."
The carving is missing here,than it continues:
"And from a single spell,what the Enemy's scout done,it happened what we cant done for years: the great Dragon is dismerged! Twelve Shardak lied on the ground, next to its feet.But our resurrected brothers came just in time,to save us. Their spells and weapons destroyed the horror,and they took us to safety.We regained our powers and marched against the army of the Enemy. The battle was terrible, fierce and bloody. But short as well. A half day has passed,and I were the only living being on the Great Plane, where once the Hill stood. And I felt the stench of the enemy further. Great Gods! This was only their exploratory team! And the killed all of us! I fled in terror. The Master's hideout was the only place where I could hide. And I stayed there for years. I slowed my functions,to avoid searching spells. When I came back normal, I heard nothing. The quiet was so terrifying. But I don't felt the Enemy anymore! They left the planet! I rejoiced. Now I can resurrect my people again! But I failed. As I reached the surface, I witnessed total destruction. Nothing left from our beautiful planet,just ash. And when I tried to cast the resurrect spell, nothing happened! Now I carving this story into the Column Of Time, to preserve it, then I'll go to sleep. Someday, when our planet will regain its strength, I,ll wake up and draw power from it,to finish my duty. If anyone finds this story, be warned: the Enemy is still out there,fear the skies! And seek me out...
Boar finish the reading. He has a familiar smile on his face. And he starts to dig... To be continued!
A hozzászólást Boar módosította 2010.03.07. 01:30:42-kor
Pontszám: 6.50