Hozzászólások - valorian
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Dátum: 2022.05.09. 13:07:26
which essences are the yellow that the ruler of the planet task wants?
Dátum: 2021.10.20. 17:28:15
yes i saw it now.i had send message to the support and they answered that at the moment that was missing and they fix it.Still 350 AS i think it is too much for the rewards that the elite builder gets but this is my opinion
Dátum: 2021.10.20. 11:53:45
yes but how we can be an elite builder ?the option doesnt seem to work
Dátum: 2019.03.01. 09:53:06
if you have finished the gigantic temple and you already got the nedal that allows you to take another minion in battle if you finish again a gigantic temple you will get again the medal allowing to get another minion or this is only for the first time you finish?
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Dátum: 2018.02.01. 12:39:49
Nevermind i found out what you mean.thanks
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Dátum: 2018.02.01. 12:25:55
what do you mean?
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Dátum: 2018.02.01. 08:08:35
When we will receive the rewards from the pit event?Cause until now i still havent got mine
Dátum: 2018.01.25. 14:31:26
how we can summon a monster?i dont see anything different.where do we go?what we need to summon it?any instructions?
Dátum: 2017.12.20. 19:32:18
how we summon a monster?do we need a skill or AA ability or a building?
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Dátum: 2017.12.11. 23:42:43
Thanks again for the guide but you were right it is not updated.can someone tell me the requirements for : tree of knowledge-evolution chamber and astral station?i have been searching but i cannot find any info
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Dátum: 2017.12.11. 15:57:44
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Dátum: 2017.12.11. 02:09:22
I am sure someone has already posted somewhere but i cannot find it so can anyone tell me if there is a guide regarding the requiremnents for building?For example i know that there is a bulding " tree of knowledge" but it is not appear on the building on my clan propably because missing a building(or his elvel is not high enough) so we dont actually know what to build in order to build it.it would be a good additin to have all the buildings with the their requirements (even if you are missing a building that it is required) in order to know what to build in order to get the building that you want other wise you you are missing buildings because you dont know their requirements.so anyone knows where a guide for buildings can be found?
Dátum: 2017.03.03. 00:13:26
Can you add a relic for the green mykrotonics also?i mean this is the third time that i have this quest on the temple and my clan is way far from building the required build.it is a pity after completing almost all the temple to loose it just for this task.Or at least remove this task from the temple and add it on the quest list
Dátum: 2017.02.04. 23:39:19
I forgot to mention that the prizess would be according to the damage you caused.Since the battles will be random it might happen that high lvl player hit low lvl that might be counter as a win for the world war score but the damage will be low since the low lvl dont have too much life.that means that even medium players can be lucky and have less winnings but more damage than high lvls and that eventually mean that the prices will also be in a high random between the players not only the high lvl will get the better prices
Dátum: 2017.02.04. 23:13:01
How about an event called "war of the worlds"?a war between the players of one world with the players of another world?the ones that will choose to participate will fight players for the other world RANDOMLY (this way you cannot choose your opponents and it will be more fun) .all participants will get some rewards but tha participants of the world that won will get a random piece of an armor set that can be obtain only from the event with bonuses according to their level if someone completes all the set will get some extra bonuses as long as he is wearing the whole set.The parts that you can win can be hellmet shield weapon boots but again it will be random so that it cannot be easy to obtain the armor just participating 4 times on the event(that means that you might win one part of the armor many times before you can complete the whole set).One thing that must be is that for the fights of the event you cannot drag your opponent to the torture chamber it will be simply fight with only SE and XP...and it will be more challenging for those fight no clan bonuses.I think it will be very challenging like this and plus maybe wake up some spiders.
Dátum: 2016.08.02. 10:38:59
yes i understand that but when the worlds merge players end up with 2 or 3 players on the same world.This is why we have players with the same name and after the name of the world.for example lets call a player xxx we see names xxx_2,xxx_3,xxx_w4,xxx_w2,xxx_W2 all of them are the same player that end up having all this characters in one world.All active and all on the same clan
Dátum: 2016.07.28. 10:22:57
no my question is why we have the w4 for a few months and then delete it?if someone has a char on another world(2-3) and then join world 4 he will get from the start a char lvl60(which is unfair for all that started from lvl1 but lets skip this from now),and after when the w4 will be deleted he has to choose which charater he will have to give up cause he will have 2 char on the same world after the deletion of w4.or after all the char on w4 are deleted?I think they are transferiing to other worlds,correct if i am wrong
Dátum: 2016.07.27. 07:35:57
yes if a player from world 3 makes a character in w4(starting at lvl60 which is unfair for someone that start from lvl1) reaches lv90 in w4 after this character lvl90 (for example ) tranfered to wolrd 3 then he was 2 players one that build from the beginning(fair enough) and another lvl90.why the w4 stays with all the players that will be created withour transfered to other worlds?create w4 and let it stay whats is the point of create a world for 2 months and then delete it?
Dátum: 2016.07.24. 18:22:08
i do have one question regarding the world 4.Every year or every 2 years i dont know exactly to be honest the world 4 is announcenced and after dissapears tranfering all the characters to world 2 or 3( i suppose this is why we see 3-4 players with the same name and after the name of the wold that came or number 2,3,4 etc.I mean what is the point of creating a world all the time and after delete the world and transsfer all the characters to the existing worlds?Plus world 4 is always faster in development if i remember correct sometime in the past you could start your character at lvl 60 from the beginning,isn't this infair to the player that play longer in the existing worlds?(i mean a new player Or player to from an existing world to start playing and in half time to be int he same lvl maybe stronger and than join the world with older players)
Dátum: 2016.07.08. 12:20:09
In this case the defender should be in the same lvl with the attacker,other wise if a big clan puts a lvl160 as defender noone can beat anyone of the clan even in fair figh(same lvl or 5 lvl difference).What i mean:suppose a lvl 50 attacking a lvl50 player the a defender 0f lvl 160 means that the attacker has no chance to win,athough the fight is fair.On the other hand a lvl 160 attacker attackes a lvl60 even if the defender of the clan is lvl100 the attacker will win.If a feature like this is added should be very carefull how it is added in order all clans can benefit (big or small).An idea could be that the higher the building for the defender is the higher will the random possibilities that the defender will appear on a fight and when the defender appears on the battle the fight to be cancelled(no matter the lvl of the attacker or defender)sounds more fair to me like this