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Hozzászólások - stekkos

Dátum: 2010.09.02. 04:26:02
Might as well, you will need it for a quest later on so it is not wasted. Also oblivion does not make other skill more expensive, while learning other skills makes oblivion more expensive to learn down the road. So the sooner you get it the cheaper it will be.
Dátum: 2010.09.02. 04:23:07
Idézet: V3nG3nC3X - 2010.09.01. 18:38:27
From these 4 choices what can a man do standing up, a woman siting down and a dog on three legs?

shake hands

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

You gotta know what I'm about to say right, A FN' T IS MISSING ON SITTING AND I GET REJECTED?? !!! Unbelievable, for real??? And here I thought since getting the year right is not too important something as trivial as a stinking "T" wouldn't be a problem, I'm speachless , a complete loss of words. As sure as life itself isn't fair , the inconsitancies of the Grammer/Spelling and punctuation police remain steadfast in sound judgement forever unhindered by logic, intelligence or care. Truely a beacon of light for those blinded by wisdom.

You did have a spelling error. Minor, negligible even. But you did have one, and you did not loose the right to re post so no reason to behave as if they robbed you!
Dátum: 2010.09.02. 04:20:53
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.09.01. 22:12:58
Idézet: giffy - 2010.09.01. 21:39:42
I have just recently been rejected again for a question on a similar topic to ones I have written before and those where accepted so why was this one rejected with the 'According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.' when the question was What teacher in the Harry Potter series taught Harry Occlumency? Which is snape since old dumbles forced harry to go. But on on before it I asked What is the Real name of Lord Voldemort? With of being Tom Marvelo Riddle so I ask why did it accept the voldemort question and not the occlumency question. I swear ever darn question I make is one that should be known and they keep coming back with them being bad. So please either explain to me why they where rejected logically or fix just who is evaluating them because it is really pissing me off. Thank you in advance, Alucarde

Who is the main villain and who is the headmaster are two questions that, even in passing, most people have at least heard of (Voldemort / Dumbledor). When you start getting into specific teachers of specific subjects, you require not just passing knowledge, but someone must have read the books and/or seen the movies AND remembered what specific subject that character taught. I remember the character Snape just fine - no way in the world I'm remembering what subject he taught. Let's face it, what Harry does IN class is certainly not the focus of the movie.

Exactly the point Viridel. Thats what i would have said, thank you for saving me the time. Also i want to thank you and Jon for the hockey one, i could have said what you did but coming from hockey fans carries a lot more weight.

Finally: Please use the general rejection topic for questions i did not evaluate..... I really want the players to see if their question was rejected by me and the reason fast. If they have to search a lot to find it, or if they miss it, it will lead to unneccessary frustration.
Dátum: 2010.09.02. 04:14:50
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.09.01. 18:05:05
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.01. 13:12:27
What number is basketball star Michael Jordan famous for wearing on his shirt?

Give a bit more spaced appart answers please

Why? It's a jersey number... You either know it (or look it up) or you don't. You can't reason or logic it out based on separation. If I ask the jersey number of Patrick Roy and give you 00, 33, 66, 99 - does that get you any closer to the answer, even though they are spaced out as far as possible? I get why the separation on things like dates... But where separation is not an aid to the answer, don't enforce it. All you do is piss people off by rejecting.

After all the trouble i get to provide an explanation, people should start realizing this post is here. I will not accept as an excuse that they did not find it yet, the forums are here to help. If the player uses them he will know. If not, sometimes i even message them personally to get them here. What more can i do???
As for the question itself, if someone has no idea and will look it up ofcourse the numbers do not matter. But as it is written in the rules, if a person has some idea of the number has to be able to make out the answer without having to search for it because he cant recall if it was 23 or 22 or 21. If he sees 12 23 31 19 for example, he will get it right because he recalls it was a number 20something.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 13:54:33
I did not know that. But since it might spark misspelling protest, i hope he has no objection in just removing it.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 13:47:57
I passed it since Nannerl is what she is known by. If it was asking the other way around it would be different since Maria Anna is not so commonly known. As for why passing the question as a whole, i considered it a valid classical music trivia.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 13:12:27
What number is basketball star Michael Jordan famous for wearing on his shirt?

Give a bit more spaced appart answers please
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 13:07:04
The character "Rocky Balboa" was loosely based on which real life boxing great?

The great at the end makes no sense
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 10:18:07
you cannot see that, altough i think you will be able to when kennel reaches max. NOT sure if that is vakid, i get various info conflicting on that. But is not a guess. Read battle descriptions. If your pet hits rearely its attack is low. If it hits even when you miss its fine, boost its damage
Looks like that, but i wouldnt call 13 votes a valid poll. Come on people! You have a chance to change something in the quiz. Show some interest!
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 04:27:37
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.08.31. 19:18:12
Bamboo is considered a type of...
Something else

What!? It's called a bamboo tree and considered a tree when it is actually a grass... fair enough, good question but the way the question is phrased means it could very easily be either tree or grass.
Delete it or rephrase to:
Contrary to popular belief, bamboo is actually a type of...

What animal has the most powerful bite?
Snapping turtle
American alligator

Ambiguous and unknown.
Specify: Which of the following living animals has the most powerful bite?

It says which HAS the strongest bite. So it means animals currently existing.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 04:25:34
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.08.31. 17:33:43
Ok... I just went from pissed to livid.

"Even old New York was once New Amsterdam" is a lyric from what They Might be Giants song?
Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Mumbai (Not Bombay)
St. Petersburg (Not Leningrad)
Ho Chi Minh City (Not Saigon)

This got rejected AGAIN (and I just re-posted it again, so just pass the damn thing) - in spite of the fact that:
Even if you don't know the lyric
Even if you don't know the band
There is only one actual song on the list!!!
The rest are all made up!!!!!!!

But then I get these two:
Who fought "Radar Men From The Moon"?
- Never saw the show. The name of the show isn't mentioned. How can I answer this?

In Stephen King's "The Dark Half", what do the arrival of sparrows represent?
- How the FUCK do you answer this without reading the damn book???

The standards are so screwed up that the quiz is just a joke. It really is.

The fact is Viridel, the two examples you mentioned should be removed, but your question is still too special, even if answering it through google is easy. Unless the current poll changes the google factor in evaluating
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 04:18:36
If your pet is high enough level to hit almost every round, go for the extra damage. If it is still missing its target most of the time go for attack, with the added absorption bonus for you.
Thats what i am talking about, good job ImLittleJon

I wonder why only 3 votes up to now when there are 13 views.....

Also, fellow evalutors please comment if you like or not this idea. Personally i have no problem accepting this IF the quiz admin agrees
Dátum: 2010.08.30. 15:44:55
The china question seems ok, i cannot see anything wrong. The Ho fleet though traveled to answers 1 2 and 3. I guess you meant the furthest destination, but the way the question is phrased a player could answer any of the 3 first.
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 20:17:22
V3nG3nC3X, the 1010 question is clearly meant to be 2010, it is a mistake of both the player that wrote it and the evaluator that did not notice. It was not accepted as a question actually asking about football in the year 1010

The fat albert question was rejected because you asked about a detail of the show that only someone watching it would know. Is not a problem asking about any show, sport, movie, cartoon, etc as long as the question does not require specific knowleadge of the subject. Check out some reasons i rejected questions in this topic to understant better.

The one about the statements i answered at the other topic you posted it. And your answer proves my point: I have to overlook part of the articles i find about those statements since they are supposed being paid by rivals or supporters. But there is no way i or any other evaluator, to check which side is correct. Since there are contradicting data, your statements cannot be accepted as the valid side.
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 20:05:46
How fast a question can be googled is not a factor for rejecting it. We do our best to find the answer to the question and check to see if it is a valid one. But if you could provide an example of what you got rejected, it would be much easier to see what was the problem.
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 14:25:13
Questions are judged by 4, unless a game admin ateps in for some reason. But that rarely happens. So its just us 4.
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 11:13:02
cind a murit j.f.kenedy?

Dátum: 2010.08.27. 04:52:20
Idézet: V3nG3nC3X - 2010.08.26. 07:09:05
Which one of these statements is not true?

Most corporations pay no income tax
work kills more people than war
DNA evidence is 100% accurate
Using sunscreen can cause cancer

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Your answers are ambiguous or wrong to this question.

please explain what u r talking about, these general blow offs need to come with some kind of explaination or something.

Which one is the wrong one? I can find information suggesting that all are ok, while other sites suggest that more than one of these statements are wrong.