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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2010.09.07. 20:25:46
Idézet: comingfromothergamess - 2010.09.07. 20:09:02
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.09.07. 16:38:30
I would guess by abbreviating games and films questions are rejected as bad. If it's not important enough to write out the title, why should it be important enough for people to know.

I'm guessing the "special group" evaluation came from asking about a video game for one game system (PS1).

Okay, I'll take a bite into this. Even though, I went to wikipedia and google and typed in exactly "ffvii" and it straight spat out final fantasy 7 the playstation game as first result ( google ) and straight to the article for the game ( wikipedia ). From the look of some of the posts in this thread, it is starting to seem like 'if the moderators/evaluators came up with it, thus it is automatically accepted' while everyone else might as well be attempting to win the lottery.

There is no 'database' of questions already 'put in' the game ( doesn't need the answers just the questions ) to properly go by, let alone look up to see if the question made it in. As an earlier post said in this thread, half the questions could be considered 'special group of people have knowledge of' excused. I'm tempted to copy and paste all the questions I get ( and ask clannies and other members I meet like a database in the duel randomizer thing ) to message me the questions they come across and see just 'how many questions' can easily be interpreted 'special group of people have knowledge of'.

Don't bother... Seriously. The Admin is completely AWOL, and the Mods aren't going to change. Posting on here is a waste of your time and effort - I'm only doing it to encourage people to give up on this portion of the game.

Just save yourself the frustration and renounce all your questions, and take the quick & instant SE reward.
Idézet: Phalanxii - 2010.09.07. 17:07:14
When talking about and increase from a total of 110,000 votes to 160,000 then yes, obviously there is something fishy (if there is no external factor) but I mean come on, we're talking about 18 votes here. The chance of 4 consecutive people sharing the same opinion is far from astronomically small. Read up on a how to evaluate a scientific study and I'm sure one of the first things they'll say is that the bigger the number, the more reliable since fluctuations/anomalies always occur.

Oh, I get that... And yes, I do understand tabulation counts and standard deviation. But it's not just 4 people - it's 14. Ignoring the "undecided" players, it was 10 straight Yes, followed by 4 straight No. Doing a straight Heads-Tails calculation, the odds of this happening are 0.00006103515625% - 1 in 16384. Ok, not "astronomically" small... But still "odd".

It doesn't really matter. I have now officially given up on the quiz... I'm just going to play the GAME and stay out of all this bullshit - because it gains absolutely nothing except to piss me off. The Admin doesn't care - hell, they don't even read the forum (as is VERY obvious by the Quiz Error thread). So I'm just not going to waste my time, effort or mental health any more.

I just don't care anymore.
Dátum: 2010.09.07. 17:33:16
Training master
Effect:Your pet training skill increases by 10.

Is this 10 above Max (Like a medal), or a straight 10 levels (like a skill boost)?
Dátum: 2010.09.07. 04:53:19
Which of these is a real song?

Istanbul (Not Constantinople)
Mumbai (Not Bombay)
St. Petersburg (Not Leningrad)
Ho Chi Minh City (Not Saigon)

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!

Fuck you.
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.06. 04:40:39
Viridel, what conspiracy theory are you saying?????

Its just a poll, if we or the game admins did not agree we would just say so. Why are you suprised players might actually not like the idea?

Ok, if there were an election where one guy was ahead 100,000 voted to 10,000 - then as soon as those results were broadcast, the next polling station made the vote 100,000 to 60,000 - would people not be suspicious?

I'm not saying the CURRENT result is wrong... It's just VERY odd that after being VERY Pro-Yes, it *suddenly* turned Pro-No / Indecisive... In spite of the fact that there have been no changes in outside factors to create such a swing naturally.

The statistical probability of that happening "honestly" is astronomically small.
Dátum: 2010.09.07. 04:11:25
Idézet: FriendlyCheese - 2010.08.18. 10:03:17
So I choose to do an adventure.
First I use up 9 crystal points.
Then I lose 494 SE

Then I get the question:

Quiz: How many of Carl Lewis' Olympic gold medals were won in long jump competitions?

I put the answer as 4 but...

Wrong answer, the correct answer was: 3.

So which of these 4 times did not count? 1980, 1984, 1988, 1992? I keep adding them up and it always comes to 4!

I checked with the IOC (International Olympics Committee). This is the page I got:

http://www.olympic.org/en/content/All-Olympic-results-since-1896/? AthleteName=&Category=&Games=&Sport=1313725&Event=349877&MenGender=true&WomenGen der=false&MixedGender=false&TeamClassification=false&IndividualClassification=tr ue&Continent=&Country=&GoldMedal=true&SilverMedal=false&BronzeMedal=false&WorldR ecord=false&OlympicRecord=false&TargetResults=true

4 (that's FOUR) lovely pictures of Carl Lewis against each of the FOUR gold medals for long jump he was awarded.


There is no point having 'experts' to accept questions if they are NEVER checked. It takes seconds to check such a straightforward question. DO IT!! Or ask people, like those who post here, to do it for you. We care. We bother. You don't.

Now give me back my crystal points and SE. You can't? Then resign and let people who can do the job do it.

Let's see... Posted August 18th... And I just got this question on September 6th.

Yup, the Admins have given up on this game. What a bloody joke.
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.09.05. 06:42:01
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.09.05. 05:17:48
Death by apathy... Another good idea bites the bucket due to lack of Moderator / Admin response.

Really, is there any point in wasting our time on the Forum anymore?

Umm, I wouldn't say there is much player response either. Four people and half of them a quiz evaluators trying to make things better for everyone.

oh, and as of right now, 16 votes.

Just further proof that the forum is a waste of time and effort. I also find it interesting / suspicious that the vote count went from 6-0-0 to 10-0-1 to 10-0-3 to 10-4-3. So the first 11 consecutive posters were almost completely in favour, but the last 7 consecutive posters were almost completely against? Smells like the fix is in to bend the results in a certain way.
Death by apathy... Another good idea bites the bucket due to lack of Moderator / Admin response.

Really, is there any point in wasting our time on the Forum anymore?
Dátum: 2010.09.05. 04:00:09
Idézet: Coutofamily98 - 2010.09.04. 22:02:30
any ideas on this quest ? Let your trained pet make more damage than you in 5 battles!

Yeah, this one's actually really easy... Just knock yourself down to 50-60% Fatigue, throw on crap equip, and just attack someone tougher than you. All your attacks will miss, and you'll get a poke or two from your pets... Lather, rinse and repeat.

For "crap equipment", aka Draw Quest Kit (which you'll need later), pick up a L1 (basic) Mace and the L9 non-damage Spell.
Dátum: 2010.09.02. 04:45:44
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.08.23. 16:32:45
Yes, this is a re-post... But here's where it belongs, and hopefully it won't get buried under a pile of rubble like everything else in the Quiz topic does.

Ok, here's my suggestion, formulated over time as I've become more familiar with how the quiz system works as a whole.

a) Each question gets reviewed by 2 NA, 2 Euro and 1 International - simple majority rules. If one marks the answer as wrong or two mark it as ambiguous, the question is tossed immediately.

b) More Mods - Way more Mods

c) Questions get reviewed separately from the Hunt - so a wrong answer doesn't penalize a Mod 10%, and there is no 5 minute limit. Approved Moderators would access a separate screen (like a button in the Misc. tab) and be able to access the question queue that way. Therefore, when a Mod wants to answer questions, they can. When they don't, they won't.

d) Mods get 1/2 their level (rounded up) SE for each question they moderate - regardless of whether it's approved or rejected.

e) Space for comments on the question (so users can actually know why the question was rejected). A Mod rejecting a question MUST leave a comment.

f) The ability to make rudimentary spelling & grammar corrections. People should not be punished for simple "oops" typos, or for being English-second-language!!!

g) Anyone reaching the 10th level (or higher) can apply to be a Moderator, provided they are English-first-language (or at least very proficient).

h) Moderators who fail to achieve 60% (or a different number to be determined as we go along) "agreement" with their fellow Moderators will lose the opportunity to continue Mod'ing for 2 weeks, then 1 month, then permanently.

Left lots of space for people to comment as they see fit

Nobody has ANYTHING to say???
Dátum: 2010.09.02. 04:42:25
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.02. 04:23:07
Idézet: V3nG3nC3X - 2010.09.01. 18:38:27
From these 4 choices what can a man do standing up, a woman siting down and a dog on three legs?

You did have a spelling error. Minor, negligible even. But you did have one, and you did not loose the right to re post so no reason to behave as if they robbed you!

You know what would have been easiest of all? If Mods were able to make rudimentary spelling / grammar corrections. Then this question wouldn't have had to be kicked, it won't need to be re-evaluated, and you wouldn't have a pissed off user.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 22:12:58
Idézet: giffy - 2010.09.01. 21:39:42
I have just recently been rejected again for a question on a similar topic to ones I have written before and those where accepted so why was this one rejected with the 'According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.' when the question was What teacher in the Harry Potter series taught Harry Occlumency? Which is snape since old dumbles forced harry to go. But on on before it I asked What is the Real name of Lord Voldemort? With of being Tom Marvelo Riddle so I ask why did it accept the voldemort question and not the occlumency question. I swear ever darn question I make is one that should be known and they keep coming back with them being bad. So please either explain to me why they where rejected logically or fix just who is evaluating them because it is really pissing me off. Thank you in advance, Alucarde

Who is the main villain and who is the headmaster are two questions that, even in passing, most people have at least heard of (Voldemort / Dumbledor). When you start getting into specific teachers of specific subjects, you require not just passing knowledge, but someone must have read the books and/or seen the movies AND remembered what specific subject that character taught. I remember the character Snape just fine - no way in the world I'm remembering what subject he taught. Let's face it, what Harry does IN class is certainly not the focus of the movie.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 21:14:18
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.09.01. 20:07:17
Thanks for the nice and civil words.
If the "Aramaic and Hebrew" doesn't give away the fact that "ethnic" in this case is Jewish then I don't know what would.
As to the validity of calling it an ethnic celebration in the 1st place: not all Jews are ethnic Jews, and the celebration is a religious one.
Had the question been "... what religious celebration ..." it would have been correct, and a good question.

The point is that there are SO MANY problems in the quiz - save the complaints for ones where there is a legitimate PROBLEM with the question... Not just an issue with a loose interpretation.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:38:17
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.09.01. 05:22:04
The name of what ethnic celebration derives from the Aramaic and Hebrew words respectively for son and commandment?
Megillat Taanit
Bar Mitzvah
Shemini Atzeret
Lag Ba'omer

"ethnic celebration" sorry I was under the impression Bar Mitzvah was a Jewish celebration, celebrated by all Jews not only ethnic Jews (people descendent from the Israeli tribes)
(yes I hate misplaced political correctness, and calling a Jewish celebration an ethnic celebration is misplaced in this context).

Get off your high horse. The question is a great one. Jews are an ethnic group - same as any other regional population with specific traits. "Ethnic" MUST be used in the question, because saying "Jewish celebration meaning son" basically invalidates the difficulty of the question.

Martin, your own personal bias', and your absurd levels of grammar policing are placing you at the level of a common Forum Troll. You make some good points fairly often, but they get lost in the drivel you tend to spout about every minor triviality that irks you even the slightest bit. Just tone it back *a little*, and you would be a valuable addition to this forum, instead of an annoying little zit that should be popped.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:28:20
Who passed this piece of crap?

"X" is a punk band from California, what is the singers name?

It's basically un-Googleable, and I have never heard of this band.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:27:17
Idézet: Valkyrie - 2010.09.01. 18:11:43
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.01. 13:47:57
I passed it since Nannerl is what she is known by. If it was asking the other way around it would be different since Maria Anna is not so commonly known. As for why passing the question as a whole, i considered it a valid classical music trivia.

ok, I've finished musical highschool, together with gymnasium, and I've personally never heard of her. So, could you tell me what is she famous for?

(googled it with np, but that's for that other debate...)

And this is a beautiful example of a Moderator's "Special Knowledge" is (unfairly) more important than the general users' "Special Knowledge". Logically, there is no way this should have passed - but because you are very familiar with classical music, you have a natural bias to allow questions like these.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:18:18
Idézet: Evilgrape - 2010.09.01. 16:14:12
Who was the first player ever to be selected in NHL Amateur Draft?

Guy Lafleur
Peter Mahovlich
Bobby Orr
Garry Monahan <- being correct answer

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

So, according to this evaluation only a special group of people might know what National Hockey League is, right?

Well, I will weigh in on this, as I'm probably the most vocal advocate of NHL questions.

Remember this is an International game - meaning International interest levels. Yes, hockey is played in N.A. and Europe, so questions about general rules, elite players, and essential history are fair game. This is non-essential history, and even though I love the sport, even I would kick it to the Lexical/Uninteresting category - because while you and I know & care about the answer, the quiz is meant for everyone... And the VAST majority simply wouldn't give a damn in the slightest.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:10:38
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.09.01. 13:52:42
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.01. 13:07:04
The character "Rocky Balboa" was loosely based on which real life boxing great?

The great at the end makes no sense

It actually does. It's an idiom. Grammatically, it shouldn't be valid, but it is common usage, at least in the US.

Yeah, this question makes perfect sense according to N.A. sportstalk. If you change Great to Legend, then there is no debate... You've never heard Pele called a Soccer Great? Yeah, the more I say it (Great), the dumber it sounds - but it's a very common use term. Sorry, this shouldn't have been kicked in the first place. And now you have another irritated Asker who doesn't have the faintest clue of why it got kicked (unless they read this thread, which is about 1% likely).
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:05:05
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.09.01. 13:12:27
What number is basketball star Michael Jordan famous for wearing on his shirt?

Give a bit more spaced appart answers please

Why? It's a jersey number... You either know it (or look it up) or you don't. You can't reason or logic it out based on separation. If I ask the jersey number of Patrick Roy and give you 00, 33, 66, 99 - does that get you any closer to the answer, even though they are spaced out as far as possible? I get why the separation on things like dates... But where separation is not an aid to the answer, don't enforce it. All you do is piss people off by rejecting.
Idézet: ChaoticGemini - 2010.09.01. 05:56:57
My initial thoughts are. . . I'm not sure that is a good idea. I can make all kinds of useless, extreme special knowledge questions pop-up at the top of the results page. It does not mean it's a good question or that anyone should bother to knowing it. I think we will get a whole new group of people complaining if we let in trivial things just because they can be googled. It's a quiz (mind) challenge, not a search (computer) challenge.

This also leads to wrong answers from the user-generated trivia sites. (Yes, several of the sites that people steel questions from are wrong.) I just had an example of this: "Around 400 BC, the talented Chinese artisan Lu Ban made the first known ...?" The very first result is the exact worded question. Problem, according to the Drachen Foundation (non-profit educational corporation, devoted to the increase and dissemination of knowledge about kites worldwide) states "The first unambiguous reference to a kite occurs in Chinese literature from about 200 BCE; the kite itself is almost certainly older. We know that kites spread throughout Asia via known trade routes: they were present in Japan and Korea by approximately 1000 CE, and commonplace in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand by the 1500s. But where did the kite first appear? It was likely in the islands and peninsulas of the Pacific, where the needs of seafaring cultures could have driven the development of simple, utilitarian leaf kites for fishermen." Now, I would take the word of an international organization aimed at preserving history and education over the word of a made-up "fun trivia" site that has written countless wrong or misleading questions.

Also, do you realize that the copy and past function for the quiz olympics is going away? So, all the "easy google" questions will need to be known be everyone to compete.

Now, I will say, I have evaluated questions that I thought 'who in the world would know that' only to find an entire page of results with common & credible sources. In those case, I just chalk it up to outside my realm of knowledge, but let the question in. On the flip-side, I have had some questions that seem like they may be interesting and fairly easy to find an answer to, but after frantic searching, I cannot find a correct answer, I have marked that question as special knowledge. So, in a way, the ability to find an answer does come in to play. I just hate to see the quiz flooded with every book/song title known to man, obscure word definitions, quotes by Jim-bob's brother's second cousin, etc. just because they can easily be found on google.

Obviously, I would follow whatever is decided, but that's my opinion.

A ridiculous question is still a ridiculous question... And it's easy enough to make a caveat that not only must it be found on Google, it must come from at least a semi-reliable source (Wiki, Amazon, ESPN, official author / artist / organization site).

Lexical / Uninteresting is almost as frustrating, but there is truly nothing worse than the Special Knowledge rejection - because, simply put, 80%+ of the quiz is Special Knowledge to some group of people... Deciding where to put that line is what causes more problems than anything else.

For example, let's say I think Sports and Popular Music are General Knowledge. Stekkos thinks Literature and Classical Music are General Knowledge. That's fine, we are each entitled to our opinion... Problem is that Stekkos is a Mod, and I am not. Therefore, when the quiz gets flooded with Arts & Literature, and I get my Sports rejected for being Special Knowledge - we get problems like the ones ALL OVER this Forum.

In a nutshell, that's why we HAVE to involve "Googleability". Just because my Special Knowledge is different than that of the Mods - that doesn't make me wrong... But under the current rules - it does.