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Hozzászólások - Lockey1891

Oldal: 1
Dátum: 2022.04.21. 17:07:07
Dátum: 2022.04.18. 14:49:43
Does somebody know/remember how deep the labyrinth is on the Search for the Enemy?
Dátum: 2020.07.29. 15:16:09
Apparently i have already found it? I hit the "The Search" bottom and and i got to another task. Killing 500 Xenos. 1 AP a piece. Okay, this will take a while
Dátum: 2020.07.29. 00:06:10
Thanks for the hint. I wasn't sure what to do, i have checked many times my hunt in search of anything and nothing. I will be extra careful now. Thank you
Great news, i was asking myself what that icons below my things were, next time check the forums.

Also congratulations on the 10 birthday
Dátum: 2018.07.13. 12:30:30
Just posting to say thanks for the "there is not such battle" fix, i waited to check up that everything was OK.

Have a good weekend you have earned it.
Dátum: 2018.07.11. 21:28:17
Good thing to hear that the problems of the server moving are getting addressed, this let me told you of another one. In the second world there is no battler reports. In the huckster duel, normal duel, pit of damnation, dimension gate battles, all i get is a red text of: "There is not such battle". Not even in the previous battle section, every time i go looking for one battle i get the same red text. Even without the battle report everything else of the battles still works, i get SE, loose life and mana, but i am fighting blind. When you have time please fix this. Thanks in advance.
Oldal: 1