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Hozzászólások - stekkos

Dátum: 2011.06.30. 13:18:49
Fixed democrat

And no it was not worth keeping, calculator q removed
Dátum: 2011.06.29. 15:03:54
After the new patch some words went back to hungarian (like gigantic monster). Also the quiz database is a white screen with some hungarian words
Dátum: 2011.06.29. 15:01:26
Diablo q changed to : Which of these is not a playable character in the game Diablo II ?

Armostrong q: Correct answer changed to Spend approx. 3 weeks in quarantine

Master of Magic was released by Microprose, Sids company. But i cannot find a direct link to him designing the game. I need anyone who knows more

Air speed q changed to: What is airspeed measured in by aviators?

rain, reign, rein are the only homonyms by any rule so it is not ambiguous. If there is still objection about them being actual homonyms please specify about that. By what you said they can be accepted.

After trying to correct the union jack question, the database went crazy so thats all for now
Dátum: 2011.06.29. 04:40:31
No, if we are talking about a proper translation of the Bible, not any loose translations or adaptations, it does not specify the type of tree or the fruit.
Cruel, your too modest

If that is the final descision i accept it. I might ignore ah alltogether on this world hoping the extra ap will be much more valuable elsewere
Dátum: 2011.06.28. 14:41:46
The rest of the questions i will see later when i have time but please stop referring to alchool as odorless!!!! Pure alchool odor is very strong, if you dont believe me get one from a pharmacy and take a sniff. Not too deep mind you
But since Miklos said it will close, other decided not to get ducats therefore they are at a disadvantage
Dátum: 2011.06.27. 14:35:44
Changed bustard question again, i think i either forget to press the save button or it just ignores me

IIHF correct answer changed to ice hockey

Odd one out is ok, if a lot of one kind start flooding the quiz (like asking which country is not a...) then are rejected as already in database.

As for the language question, CG please correct it as you see fit since you have more expirience on the subject

Alchool question should be removed? What is the final verdict?
Dátum: 2011.06.27. 14:26:21
Also you should switch after the event start anw to get a platinum reward. It is mentioned at the event page after some huge yellow letters saying "IMPORTANT"
Dátum: 2011.06.26. 09:01:28
Alchool smells a lot, but what is the type of that smell i cannot find. HELP!

Chrophyll is the substance which makes the whole photosynthesis cycle possible. The petrol-engine comparison is not really the same here as a chloroplast would be useless without chlorofyll. A car engine only needs petrol as a fuel, it cannot move without it but you will not call it a uselles machine and throw it away.

Dominica replaced Dominican Republic, i guess the author got the 2 confused

New York question: Added population to question

Language question: out of my league, will try to reasearch unless some other evaluator has more knowleadge on it
Dátum: 2011.06.26. 08:46:20
Idézet: Sbart - 2011.06.25. 10:55:58
What was the last name of the person who invented American baseball?
Doubleday <-- Marked as correct

According to this article (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origins_of_baseball), the "fact" that Doubleday invented Baseball is a myth.
Further reading supporting this claim:

This is one clear example of where "what everyone knows is right" is actually wrong. By letting questions like this into the quiz, people are affirmed in their belivies, even when they are wrong.
I am not going to argue any more about the posion question, but I still belive that a small change is warranted.

This is a different case Sbart, a question referring to popular ideas which are based on wrong facts or myths has to be corrected. It is not the same case as the chemistry one.

As for the specific question, it has been removed as the sources you provided support the fact of it being a myth.
Dátum: 2011.06.26. 08:41:30
Please post which was your question
Dátum: 2011.06.25. 08:56:34
Changed it to: Which of these fish can swim up a waterfall?

Removed Dell and added Honda as the correct answer
Dátum: 2011.06.25. 05:13:04
Sbart, if i accept to modify this question to what you suggest, i open up a whole lot of other questions for players to complain about. "The sun goes from east to west. Wrong it is the earth moving!" " Which US state has.... Wrong, it was not a state when that happened!" "Which play has the quote... Wrong, it was originally named something else, then got changed before opening"

Your sugestion is not bad. It is uneccesary. Forgetting all other issues, this question has 92% correct answers. Everyone knows what it means, and it is not a wrong question. At a certain level it might be inaccurate, but on the general sense of what is and what is not a poison it is very much correct. That is the point of the quiz, a question has to be correct according to the quiz rules and the general everyday meaning of what it asks.
Dátum: 2011.06.25. 05:00:46
Oops! Guess forgot to save

Should be ok now
Dátum: 2011.06.24. 16:03:48
better use the quiz errors topic. As for the current question, it is another way used to measure time. A score is 20 years. Not used much anymore but still valid trivia
Dátum: 2011.06.24. 15:55:18
Jon, i have no reason not to change it. I am waiting for more people, especially evaluators to comment since i cannot decide by my self.

Sbart, any amount of mercury, in any form is poison to us. Regardless of the effects it is still poisoning us, we just need a specific amount to feel it, or to be damaged by it. Iron and water are ESSENTIAL to our survival, but can cause problems at large doses. Still they are not considered poisonus or toxic to humans just because they can cause harm if misused. Mercury causes harm without any condition, amount or type only makes the harm more severe.
Dátum: 2011.06.24. 09:45:08
What's the third highest-grossing concert tour of all-time?

Only first of something is accepted, and also a date is needed even if it the first since next year it can be overthrown
Dátum: 2011.06.24. 09:41:36
I said to a previous post about another question that i dont want this quiz to become a legal document were everything has to be defined at extreme detail. When we say poisonus, we mean it is toxic to humans. Water is NEVER toxic. At great quantitys it can cause even death due to cell membranes dessolving, but that is not what the question asks. Same with iron and titanium, anyone can find a way to kill you with them but they are not a poison to humans. Especially when talking about water or iron, they are essential for life.

So to avoid every little detail being contested, some things has to be taken for granded.
Dátum: 2011.06.24. 03:53:17
LittleJon, what you suggest needs to be agreed as a rule then. I have no objection, if any evaluator or player has a different opinion please post. For now quote is considered who said the exact words. Do we change that according to Jons sugggestion?