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Hozzászólások - Viridel

Dátum: 2010.06.15. 15:53:28
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.06.15. 07:49:05
After all if we were to take a poll right here in this game who is more known, an athlete or a composer, 100% of the times the composer would win.

Do it. Put up Muhammad Ali, Pele, Alex Ovechkin and Haydn - and let's see who is the most well known, and least well known. I'll tell you right now, Haydn would NOT win.

And yes, a post was deleted - obviously before you saw it.

I would have passed it, but then again i accept the fact that the other evaluator had his own reasons of not accepting it.

And I've seen you say this a few times, yet there are only 4 Mods, and you have spent several weeks designing a document of standards - so obviously either the standards are not being followed, or Mods are allowing personal bias in. There simply shouldn't be a difference of opinion between Moderators, because then the quiz becomes a crapshoot as to who you get.
Dátum: 2010.06.15. 03:49:50
How did Sir Gawain break his promise to the Green Knight?
He kept the girdle given to him by the Green Knight's wife
He seduced the Green Knight's wife
He killed the Green Knight's son by mistake
He failed to show up for his scheduled beheading

Really??? Have the literature standards really dropped this low? Yet sports questions are obviously held to a different standards.
Dátum: 2010.06.14. 17:10:07
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.06.13. 07:45:01
Still you cannot compare an athlete with a composer, scientist or explorer. Even a minor one, if the term can be used to decribe Haydn.

Cute - I criticize Stekkos - and my post disappears... Nice censorship people.

Either way, a composer is an artist / entertainer. Athletes are entertainers.

Saying one is more important than the other is bullshit, and just continues to prove:

a) Even with these wonderful new guidelines, there is STILL a European bias.
b) The moderators have too much power to exercise their own personal bias (which has clearly been displayed several times since the "guidelines" were posted).
Dátum: 2010.06.14. 16:53:43
Who was the famous bush ranger of Australia?
Mark Webber
Mark Warne
Shane Warne
Ned Kelly

What the fuck is this? And you wonder why I get pissed when my questions get rejected?
Dátum: 2010.06.13. 00:16:55
Idézet: Grey Rhino - 2010.06.12. 22:01:25
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.06.12. 10:15:03
Or Valkyrie could say, in the way GrayRihno wrote his complain, in some countries it is a point, in some it is a comma. The question is good. Please remove this comment from the forum and reprimand individual responsible for posting it

If it is a comma in some countries but is a decimal point in other countries then you now have an ambiguous question and it cannot therefore be a good question. So I return to my first point, have it reemoved from the database along with this question:

If you toss a coin 9 times and every time it turns up heads, what is the chance of it turning up tails the tenth time?

Same reason applies - I live in the UK and have been educated in the UK. Applying a comma where a decimal point should be used gives an entirely different meaning to your answer, hence you are creating ambiguity.

I do agree with this, to some degree. The period should be the standard, as the comma does have different meanings in different regions. I don't think a period has any application in countries that use the comma instead - so if you standardize on the period it helps the majority of players while having no negative effect on others.

Don't need to kick the questions, just a quick edit will do.
Dátum: 2010.06.13. 00:13:28
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.06.12. 11:14:55
P.s. Viridel, some of what you find to be uninteresting or lexical knowledge I find interesting and informative.

EXACTLY my point. For one person to decide what is interesting for a group of others does nobody any good.
Dátum: 2010.06.12. 23:50:08
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.06.12. 05:43:10
But comparing a hockey (or any other sport) player to one of the greatest composers in the world is unfair. When will you get the point that sports havent got the world wide impact of other subjects? Haydn has greated masterpieces that endured and are played for hundreds of years, will endure for hundreds to come by the looks of it. A sport player, even as good as the one you mention, will still be a passing star, like maradona in soccer. After they retire all that remains is the mention of their feats and abilties in sports history books or shows. They are not less importand than any other person, but their acievements do not have the same impact to the world as many other figures, the example of Haydn being one.

Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovsky - those were great composers. Haydn? Never heard of him. More importantly, I'm not saying that his question should not be in... I'm saying that my question should not have been excluded. If I asked what country Maradona played for, that would be valid, right? Or would you boot that out of the quiz?

The problem is that it's your OPINION that Haydn made a greater contribution to society than Ovechkin will over his career (or that Maradona did). This is WRONG. Until the Moderators stop making decisions on international opinion based on your own personal criteria, this system will be flawed.

Beyond that, Haydn is history. Ovechkin is pop culture. Both should have a respected place in the quiz... You say yourself that "They are not less importand than any other person" - yet the Moderator actions indicate that is clearly what is being said. The stupidest thing is that I bet you after 100 answers, more people would have the Ovechkin answer right than Haydn... But BOTH should be in the quiz.
Dátum: 2010.06.12. 23:49:34
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.06.12. 05:43:10
But comparing a hockey (or any other sport) player to one of the greatest composers in the world is unfair. When will you get the point that sports havent got the world wide impact of other subjects? Haydn has greated masterpieces that endured and are played for hundreds of years, will endure for hundreds to come by the looks of it. A sport player, even as good as the one you mention, will still be a passing star, like maradona in soccer. After they retire all that remains is the mention of their feats and abilties in sports history books or shows. They are not less importand than any other person, but their acievements do not have the same impact to the world as many other figures, the example of Haydn being one.

Beethoven, Bach, Brahms, Tchaikovsky - those were great composers. Haydn? Never heard of him. More importantly, I'm not saying that his question should not be in... I'm saying that my question should not have been excluded. If I asked what country Maradona played for, that would be valid, right? Or would you boot that out of the quiz?

The problem is that it's your OPINION that Haydn made a greater contribution to society than Ovechkin will over his career (or that Maradona did). This is WRONG. Until the Moderators stop making decisions on international opinion based on your own personal criteria, this system will be flawed.

Beyond that, Haydn is history. Ovechkin is pop culture. Both should have a respected place in the quiz... You say yourself that "They are not less importand than any other person" - yet the Moderator actions indicate that is clearly what is being said. The stupidest thing is that I bet you after 100 answers, more people would have the Ovechkin answer right than Haydn... But BOTH should be in the quiz.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 23:23:41
Where was Joseph Haydn born?

How is this ANY different than what I asked??? Except Haydn is a composer and Ovechkin is an athlete.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 22:24:33
Idézet: Pogaxa - 2010.06.11. 21:26:54
Idézet: Viridel - 2010.06.11. 20:36:53
Where was NHL Superstar Alexander Ovechkin born?
Moscow, Russia
Kiev, Ukraine
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Minsk, Belarus

.... The city doesn't matter, I'm asking basically what country he was born in.

you say yourself that the city doesn't matter, you should have listed countries then instead of cities.

I didn't know Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan and Belarus were cities.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 22:23:05
Who wrote the book TROY: Fall of Kings?
John Flanagan
Eric Nylund
David Gemmell
Erin Hunter

I find this to be uninteresting or lexical knowledge.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 21:01:46
Which city is also known as 'The granite city' ?

I find this VERY uninteresting and VERY lexical knowledge
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 21:00:51
Clint Eastwood starred as Inspector 'Dirty' Harry Callahan in how many films?

I find this to be uninteresting or lexical knowledge.

Are we having fun yet?
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 20:59:03
Who wrote "Arabian Nights and Days" ?
Christopher West
Mohomad Rustov
Naguib Mahfouz
Robert Frost

Who wrote the novel "Their Eyes Were Watching God"?
Zora Neale Hurston
Kate Chopin
Ken Kesey
F. Scott Fitzgerald

I find these to be uninteresting or lexical knowledge.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 20:58:23
Which Ancient Greek King's dog was faithful till death?
King Odysseus
Atilla the Hun
Emperor Constantine

What was the nickname of Britain's prime minister, Margaret Tatcher?
Iron lady
Silver lady
Bronze lady
Golden lady

I find this to be uninteresting or lexical knowledge.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 20:36:53
Where was NHL Superstar Alexander Ovechkin born?
Moscow, Russia
Kiev, Ukraine
Almaty, Kazakhstan
Minsk, Belarus

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators the answer is an uninteresting lexical knowledge.

Fuck off - Uninteresting to who? This is the most purely talented and electric player in the NHL. The city doesn't matter, I'm asking basically what country he was born in. Just because ONE MODERATOR doesn't give two shits, that doesn't mean they are right. This is an incredibly INSULTING reason for decline, and I'm really getting pissed off again.

I could do 200 hunts, and find 50 questions that are a lot less interesting - to ME. And that's the point... Everyone has different interests, so as long as I'm not asking what I had for breakfast, or who won the coin flip in the first World Cup game - then anything can be interesting to someone.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 20:31:13
Idézet: ImLittleJon - 2010.06.11. 15:02:51
Idézet: s5jst - 2010.06.11. 14:24:22
I've got a question Which bird lays the smallest egg? and I gave the correctly answer: bee hummingbird.

but my iresult was: Wrong answer! The correct answer is: And yet it moves. (Galilei).

I've never experienced that, but I've seen reports of it periodically. Someone said it had to do with a server going down, so you got routed to the backup server. It sounds more like a multithreading bug in the code to me. Either way, though, this is technically a bug report, not a quiz error. Hopefully it won't happen to you again.

Happens to me fairly often due to impatience. I'll click on "answer C" and hit submit... Then a few seconds later, nothing has happened, so I hit Submit again. If it was because of a server processing delay, then the re-submit works - if it's because of a server recall delay, then the server thinks you're answering the next question already (as answer C).
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 05:14:36
Idézet: rok3269 - 2010.06.10. 02:58:11
If north of Panama is North America, And South of Panama is South America, Where does that leave Panama??

I know that PAnama is considered part of Central AMerica, and, if you subscribe to the theory that north and south are diffeent continents, then Panama could technically be a third continent as it is Central America. The rub there is that Central Americe is not considered the divider, Mexico is, which is north of Central America/Panama. Basically it depends on whenther you subscribe to the 5, 6, or 7 continent model.

Just my 2 cents.

Read it again - Panama-> North is N.A. South of Panama is S.A. Not north OF Panama; Panama & North. Central America has always been considered part of North America (even though most US citizens think that North America only has one country in it ) I have never seen Central America considered its own continent.
Dátum: 2010.06.11. 04:13:47
How many players are in one footbal team?

Better to say "Football / Soccer", as for some, there is a difference, and 12 is a valid number.
Dátum: 2010.06.09. 00:28:57
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.06.08. 16:46:25
Which country is different continent than the others?

The problem is that half the world considers America one continent and the other half 2 continents. There was quite a debate about it a few months ago.

It's 2 continents - there is no debate. Panama is the separator. Panama-> North is N.A. South of Panama is S.A. Anything contrary is just silliness. It's like saying Europe and Asia are the same continent because they have a common landmass.