Felhasználónév: Jelszó:

Hozzászólások - Gamer

Oldal: 1234567
Dátum: 2010.08.04. 19:15:25
read the mind boost again in skills menu. or i tell you it will boost the selected skill by the half of your actual lvl of mind boost.
Dátum: 2010.06.19. 22:09:10
Idézet: Tanstaff - 2010.06.19. 01:37:18
when i try to duel and attack another Doomlord - i get a message - no such battle exists - whats going on ?? - has happened 3 times in a row - thx

Was a bug, it's fixed now.
Dátum: 2010.06.19. 22:06:01
Ok, the newer duels are fine..
Dátum: 2010.06.18. 20:42:39
Well now i had 2 battles in a row and both of them eneded up by a "There is no such battle!" label. Though i got the SE and TP, and lost some HP, DP, etc. Just i can't open it in the "Previous battles" section. Can't see how it went..
Dátum: 2010.06.08. 21:55:17
Who was the first explorer to reach the North Pole?

I made a...
...Wrong answer! The correct answer is: Robert E. Perry

Nope. According to the newsest researches, he newer made it 'till the North Pole. It was Roald Engelbregt Gravning Amundsen who made it 'till there demonstrably...
Dátum: 2010.06.08. 20:59:21
Idézet: Mivan - 2010.06.08. 18:21:41
Idézet: MartinBV - 2010.06.07. 11:46:29
I have noticed that I cannot see the forum posts of certain users/players when I'm logged in, unless I chose the "post" option, but I can see them when I'm not.

Can I unintentionally have added the poster to some sort of ignore list? or is there some other explanation?

I think, in your profile you checked the 'Filter posts' option. There is an 'Display only posts with a minimum score of' setting too.
So they have low score and you filtered them out.

Nope, i have the same problem and i have that option unchecked. And i know there are more ppl with the same problem. It already have been discussed somewhere on the forum and we could not find the answer for this problem.
Dátum: 2010.06.08. 04:53:14
Focus crystals and the most powerful items will need stones only, but as you progress, these will be more and more expensive. Still not that bad btw, at level 129 premium equipment will cost 40 AS and for that time you can get a bunch of burnt-out ancient stones anyway...
Dátum: 2010.06.07. 11:56:39
Same for me with Viridiel's posts.
Dátum: 2010.06.03. 00:45:29
Idézet: Myszone - 2010.06.02. 23:47:02
Does the bonus I get from soul-squeazing stack with the bonus I get from luck

The SE you get with soul-squezing changes even if your skill and the animal's level are the same. (That's what you asked first..?) So the answer for this question is yes, i guess. Dunno if the amount of SE you get depends on luck or just random anyway.

Idézet: Myszone - 2010.06.02. 23:47:02
Does the bonus I get from squeazing stack with bonus from spectral manipulation / golden horn of power?

Dátum: 2010.05.31. 19:38:08
Idézet: Jd70 - 2010.05.31. 17:51:02
that will be difficult as clan founders would not trust me straight away.

No, if you have a strong or even a moderate character, they will welcome you, since recruiting is way hard at higher levels..
Dátum: 2010.05.31. 11:11:41
You will find him, in the chapter of the legend you get at level 11.
Dátum: 2010.05.29. 12:13:56
What horde are you in?
Dátum: 2010.05.29. 08:12:50
It has no maximum level.
Dátum: 2010.05.24. 06:39:31
Can't see any relation between the attacks after rest and the others...
Dátum: 2010.05.23. 22:12:15
Tomorrow, when i'll have enough DP, i will try it. Didn't need to rest for weeks though, so have no idea about it..
Dátum: 2010.05.21. 10:09:09
Maybe you alrady have the max. number of wars?
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 23:21:59
Well take this link.
There's a list about the buildings, some of them won't get translated, but if you click on their name, you will recognise them by their picture.
http://translate.google.hu/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=hu&ie=UTF- 8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fvegzetur.wikidot.com% 2Fepueletek&sl=hu&tl=en&swap=1
Dátum: 2010.05.20. 21:22:00
There's a list about it in the hungarian wikidot... What do you want to know exactly?
Btw someone should translate the wikidot, that would be nice.
Dátum: 2010.05.19. 21:25:09
Idézet: NightWind - 2010.05.19. 20:23:06
Hunt down 3 tiny monsters!
Quest status: So far you have hunted down 0 tiny monsters.

I've hunted alot, but I havn't encountered any "tiny monsters"

How do I accomplish this quest then?

Just keep hunting until you will hunt down 3 tiny monster. Matter of luck..
Dátum: 2010.05.19. 21:23:41
Yes, and one more with the help of mind boost.
Oldal: 1234567