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Re: Skills
41. hozzászólás - 2010.06.03. 00:45:29 (Válasz Myszone #40 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: Myszone - 2010.06.02. 23:47:02
Does the bonus I get from soul-squeazing stack with the bonus I get from luck

The SE you get with soul-squezing changes even if your skill and the animal's level are the same. (That's what you asked first..?) So the answer for this question is yes, i guess. Dunno if the amount of SE you get depends on luck or just random anyway.

Idézet: Myszone - 2010.06.02. 23:47:02
Does the bonus I get from squeazing stack with bonus from spectral manipulation / golden horn of power?

A hozzászólást Gamer módosította 2010.06.03. 00:48:01-kor
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Re: Skills
42. hozzászólás - 2010.06.04. 16:17:54
The SE you get with soul-squezing changes even if your skill and the animal's level are the same. (That's what you asked first..?)

No, I already knew it varies even if pet's level and my skill level are the same. I was wondering if luck affects that thing.

And thank you for the other answer
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Re: Skills
43. hozzászólás - 2010.06.04. 19:49:25 (Válasz Myszone #42 hozzászólására.)
Luck affects various duel mechanics, dimension gate items frequency and the ammount of greater-huge-gigantic monsters in hunting (as it is described in the description of luck) So anything else, including skills like squeezing are not affected.
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Re: Skills
44. hozzászólás - 2010.07.23. 16:17:39
When do the elementary fusion and shape reality points get added? Also does it do any good to Mind boost these at a specific time or do you need to boost these for the day to get the added benefit?
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Re: Skills
45. hozzászólás - 2010.07.29. 08:16:29
IMHO because the AP/DP points are added continously through whole day, I think only the rate is increased if you mindboost them.
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Mind Boost question
46. hozzászólás - 2010.07.29. 13:19:30
"You can increase a skill (one at a time) temporarily by half as much as your mind boost level. The increased skill level will never exceed its maximum and cannot be increased more than the basic rate of the skill. Not all skill can be increased by mind boost. Cost: mind boost level x 5 SPs. The minimal reuse time of mind boost is 1 hour."

Can you MB Trade? Or Soul Squeezing? or better:
What skills can not be Mind Boosted?
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Re: Mind Boost question
47. hozzászólás - 2010.07.29. 15:50:08 (Válasz Vulpes #46 hozzászólására.)
here are the skills that you can't boost:

continuum diminution
mind boosting
horde making
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Re: Skills
48. hozzászólás - 2010.08.04. 17:34:27
hey uhmmmm i dont understand why my mind boost doesnt work i cant seem to find any button saying use it on a skill or anything btw my mind boost is lvl1
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Re: Skills
49. hozzászólás - 2010.08.04. 19:15:25 (Válasz Valcrist666 #48 hozzászólására.)
read the mind boost again in skills menu. or i tell you it will boost the selected skill by the half of your actual lvl of mind boost.
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Re: Skills
50. hozzászólás - 2010.08.05. 02:25:15 (Válasz Valcrist666 #48 hozzászólására.)
Your mindboost needs at least 2 points before it will work.
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Re: Skills
51. hozzászólás - 2010.08.05. 05:34:06
ahhh thank you will try it
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Re: Skills
52. hozzászólás - 2010.08.12. 10:09:21
At level 44 learning which is the best skill to take, Energy Harvest or Dis Advancement? I was thinking the Energy Harvest, but after doing the math I do not think it is as good as I originally thought.

For example If you attack a level 30 guy with 0 SE to loot, and you have Level 10 skill for harvest. Would you only get at max 60 SE, and at min 12 SE? I am just trying to figure out how the modifier works.

And for Dis Advance, at level 10 you would drop off only 10% for exp for hunts. Is advancing to quickly at higher levels that much of a problem?

If that is the case, are either of these 2 skills really worth the SE to improve?
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Re: Skills
53. hozzászólás - 2010.08.12. 15:09:42 (Válasz Dolp13 #52 hozzászólására.)
Both have great benefits but neither is recommended by default. It is entirely up to you to decide depending on your game style.

Dis. Development offers you the chance to stay more time in the same level. So more se for you to spend in becoming stronger, while at the same time you do not follow the rest of the strong players that dont use it. If you want to duel a lot then this will help you meet weaker players as time passes since they will advance faster than you so they will have less abilities. Also it helps getting rid of stronger players that cause you problems, unless they use the skill too. Also dont thing of the skill at low levels, consider their max. 50% less xp from hunting will greately increase the hunts you do before leveling

Energy harvest works better with creative afinity. Since it sets a minimum ammount of se you will get, this will add up. It grands you se from all duels, and with creative affinity doubling whatever you get, the se will start to add up to quite a big number. Again consider the skill at high levels to see the benefit.
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Re: Skills
54. hozzászólás - 2010.08.12. 15:49:42
Stekkos, do you know what the max energy harvest level is?

I think it might be 50; not sure though.

Also, "You will get a minimal SE for duels even if you can't steal that much from your target." Does this mean that the amount added by energy harvest varies depending on the SE looted?


if looted SE <500; it gives x amount
elseif looted SE >= 5k; it gives y amount

Then these x or y extra SE are double via a max creative affinity skill?
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Re: Skills
55. hozzászólás - 2010.08.12. 21:28:03 (Válasz stekkos #53 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: stekkos - 2010.08.12. 15:09:42
Energy harvest works better with creative afinity. Since it sets a minimum ammount of se you will get, this will add up. It grands you se from all duels, and with creative affinity doubling whatever you get, the se will start to add up to quite a big number. Again consider the skill at high levels to see the benefit.

I would love to know if there is another formula for this skill too and if it is working for ANYone.

The formula I was given: The SE you receive = 0.2 x skill x targets level x modifier. Modifier = 20-100% depending how many times your target was defeated in the past 3 hours. Also if you attack someone significantly lower level than you, you get less.

I stopped at level 12 since I saw no noticeable difference in duels and was still getting some duels with 0 SE captured. (my creative affinity is at max) I figured I would probably get rid of energy harvest when the 'forget a skill' quest comes up.
A hozzászólást ChaoticGemini módosította 2010.08.12. 21:32:49-kor
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Re: Skills
56. hozzászólás - 2010.08.13. 03:18:30 (Válasz ChaoticGemini #55 hozzászólására.)
That is odd however you look at it, the skill especially specifies that you can't loot less than a certain minimum.
Did you by any chance have 0 SE your when you attacked? You can't loot more than you have,well double with max creative affinity, but 0 times 2 is still 0...

Another option I can think of is that while the battle report says you loot 0, the SE you receive due to the skill is still added to your vault without notifying you about this. Please verify this before getting rid of the skill!
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Re: Skills
57. hozzászólás - 2010.08.13. 17:52:33 (Válasz MsPiggy #56 hozzászólására.)
I NEVER have 0 SE, so it cannot be that. I can NOT be 100% certain the last time it happened if I got a few drops added. If there were, there was never enough to notice. I'll waste a duel point for a test. If there is a player on W1 with 0 SE that wants to test it, send me a private message here or to Caveat in-game. (I'm level 32)
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Re: Skills
58. hozzászólás - 2010.08.16. 16:35:28
Okay, I can confirm 100% that I still can get 0 SE with a 50 in creative affinity and 12 in energy harness.
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Re: Skills
59. hozzászólás - 2010.08.16. 16:46:52
Caveat, could the duel quest have something to do with the issue?

I intend to max that skill myself. We can do some testing later on. Currently busy waging a war and killing an epic though; tomorrow should be fine.
A hozzászólást LydonB módosította 2010.08.16. 16:47:08-kor
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Re: Skills
60. hozzászólás - 2010.08.16. 18:07:44 (Válasz LydonB #59 hozzászólására.)
Idézet: LydonB - 2010.08.16. 16:46:52
Caveat, could the duel quest have something to do with the issue?

What do you mean. It was a normal duel.
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