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Dátum: 2022.06.06. 13:57:35
Subzero777, i don't know how many times i can say i'm fine with another championship. i am negative about progressive damage and removing clan bonuses because you haven't convinced me those are beneficial. progressive damage doesn't give weaker players a better chance. and clan bonuses are hard-earned - removing them is like removing auction relics. this game was designed to encourage collaboration. why single out clan bonuses over any other bonuses? it seems that ultimately your goal is to even out the playing field, diminishing stronger players' bonuses to give weaker players a better chance. i'm not even arguing that that's a bad goal. i'm just not convinced that your proposal is how to achieve it.

deadlock, it seems kind of silly to go back and forth over this. i did not say "a fully upgraded clan." i said "our world's bigger clans." we were both right, but arguing with different definitions.
Dátum: 2022.06.06. 03:10:02
deadlock, if you look back, i was talking about our server's 'larger clans.' i meant the top 4 or 5. i wasn't using the term 'big clans.' we were talking about different things. now that you have operationally defined what you mean with big, we can use that. and as i've already said, clans of that size are more accessible to lower level players. we agree. and the bonuses from those clans are bonuses earned through paying into the soul well. they are not freebies. that's where we disagree.

Subzero777, i don't care if we add another championship. it's your rationale that's not convincing. whatever.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 22:27:40
Kratos, i will win regardless (unless Fos catches me. *waves* ).

Subzero777, when i started playing, i saw that clans gave an advantage. so i joined a clan that had promise, invested my hard-earned SE into the soul well instead of my own skills/abilities, and built relationships to recruit and retain quality members - it is very much a strategy.

deadlock, well if you're defining a soul well that's 1/33 the size of ours as one of the bigger ones, then sure, it's possible. see above. the clan bonuses are not an unfair advantage. they are an integral part of gameplay. why not have a championship without magic or or without melee or without equipment or without horde bonuses or without pets or without minions? maybe we could just flip a coin. then everyone would have the same chance of winning. each championship gives a chance to every player to compete. wins must be earned.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 21:03:18
deadlock, i'll wager that that wasn't recently or that your clan isn't one of the larger ones or both. that is not possible in my clan. ...i just checked: your soul well is 6 million. my clan's soul well is more than 200 million. if you think clan bonuses offer an advantage, then join or build a robust clan. that's how this game is played.

Subzero, your thesis is that you want weaker players to win more, no? those bonuses are PART of our character, part of our strategy. why would we want to compete without them?
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 19:46:44
Kratos, i'm not sure what you're arguing. i didn't say it was impossible to fill the soul well "quick." i said it takes months, not weeks - 9 to be precise. and i said it's not possible at level 20, so pointing to my clanmate at 38 does not refute that point either. if you want to win more battles, build for it.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 19:43:25
i would counter with a wild magic championship instead, creating greater variance in outcomes, but basing it on luck would still benefit those most who have built up their clans.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 19:27:32
this has always been a clan-based game. that's why i joined one and helped grow it. it sounds like what the proposal is fundamentally about is a clanless championship. make everyone play solo. i don't think progressive damage will help toward that end.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 17:43:19
Kratos, 38 is not 20, and he EARNED those clan bonuses with nine months of SE dedicated to them.

again with the "upset" word. disagreeing doesn't mean i'm upset. i'm fine to add championships. the justification for the one Subzero777 is proposing isn't compelling to me. that is all. there is no emotion involved.
Dátum: 2022.06.05. 04:33:50
yes, i agree that at lower levels the clan bonuses are significant. but there's no way a level 20 player can fill the soul well of any of our world's larger clans. and there ought to be a benefit to spending SE to become a clan member. it's not free. a lower level player in a moderate-sized clan has made a strategic decision. why shouldn't they benefit from it?

i'm telling you our newest clan member took many months - not a couple weeks - to fill our soul well even with our assistance (i have personally spent 110,000,000 SE on our energy storage building). he paid dearly for the privilege of our clan bonuses. he had previous experience and was not inefficient.

what in the world would make you think i'm upset about any of this? just because i asked questions and didn't enthusiastically support it? you misunderstand entirely. more championships mean more championship medals for me. by all means, add another. my questions to you are my effort to consider gameplay for everyone. they are not about my personal benefit.

your concerns about being hit daily are a separate issue from your proposed championship. there have been times when i've had players feeding on me. i hate it too. but this is not a single-person game. we compete with each other. i did what i could to get out from under their attacks - i leveled up, bought the wisdom of the spider, i bought the scarab of death, i bought a hunter necklace, i improved my abilities, i improved my transcendal projection, i carried less SE, i changed hordes, i even tried to make friends. what i didn't do was complain. i was patient and focused, and the next time a stronger opponent gets the best of me, i'll do it all again.
Dátum: 2022.06.03. 20:47:39
Subzero777, with all of that said, the newest member of our clan just dedicated months and months to paying into our soul well so that he could get the perks of being in a big clan. why shouldn't he get those perks in the championship battles?
Dátum: 2022.06.03. 20:25:45
my instinct is always to play solo. when i began this game, it quickly became clear that being part of a clan was critical for success, so i joined one and forced myself to be a bit more social. the combat clan bonuses do not scale, so as you advance they become less important. it's the other buildings that remain consequential. if you are not already in a clan, you really need to find one. if you are not in a big clan, you really need to grow your clan into one or join one that's already there. i'm not sure mathematically that your idea to carry over damage will work as you think it will. it would seem that stronger players are more likely to come out of a fight with less damage, so your proposal may exacerbate the problem you are trying to solve. i assume you would not allow any bye rounds, as they would be rather unfair.
Dátum: 2022.05.16. 21:04:52
may i ask why? what are you hoping this accomplishes? how does removing clan bonuses and having cumulative damage achieve your objectives?
Dátum: 2022.05.10. 13:13:14
RotD uses a soul-energy squeezing alchemist essence.
Dátum: 2022.01.29. 06:19:26
the building? once it's full, you just can't fill it any further.
Dátum: 2021.10.20. 18:47:50
firestorm, i believe it's % of your clan's successful attacks across all the squares.
Dátum: 2021.10.20. 17:59:07
glad to hear you got it fixed, Greekman.
Dátum: 2021.10.20. 14:06:45
Igorek_30, Greekman said it "decreased."
Dátum: 2021.10.19. 19:55:34
could you have changed your fighting minions?
Dátum: 2021.10.19. 01:32:09
were you wearing different gear?
Dátum: 2021.09.03. 01:57:53
join a clan with a smaller soul well to fill as a stepping stone to a bigger one.