Re: General complaint
1421. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 17:34:42 (Válasz manunkind #1419 hozzászólására.)
1421. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 17:34:42 (Válasz manunkind #1419 hozzászólására.)
i disagree does effect the ballance.i dont how much is the maximum players you can drag on the torture chamber but lets say that s 20.if lis less correct me but the example will not lets say that a lvl 200 hists 20 lv 60 which each one will give him 10.000 SE that means 200.000 SE fro free.and that sure is a factor from the unblance of the game.and before yu say that those se is nothing for the high lvl still there are 200.000 for free without doing anything
Pontszám: 6.60