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Topic neve: General complaint
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Re: General complaint
1421. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 17:34:42 (Válasz manunkind #1419 hozzászólására.)
i disagree manukind.it does effect the ballance.i dont how much is the maximum players you can drag on the torture chamber but lets say that s 20.if lis less correct me but the example will not change.so lets say that a lvl 200 hists 20 lv 60 which each one will give him 10.000 SE that means 200.000 SE fro free.and that sure is a factor from the unblance of the game.and before yu say that those se is nothing for the high lvl still there are 200.000 for free without doing anything
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Re: General complaint
1422. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 18:02:14 (Válasz predator. #1421 hozzászólására.)
you guys have spent how many years arguing dragging in low level players isn't worthwhile, and now you're arguing it's a balance issue? it can't be both.
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Re: General complaint
1423. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 18:23:57 (Válasz manunkind #1422 hozzászólására.)
i think you misunderstood manukind.what i said is that the abuse of the subplasma is always a problem of balance.it is different when you have normal fights
which you can win and diffreent to have al lvl 200 feeding from your play.and ok you that seem to focus on lvl30 which are 200 lvls below you and in this case isnt maybe dont worth it,although you do it,but still u are getting free SE from unfair fight.or you really wan to tell me that many of your stats have not been raised from SE that came from the torture chamber from completly unfair fights with at least 150 lvl and more difference?
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Re: General complaint
1424. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 18:37:23 (Válasz manunkind #1422 hozzászólására.)
well a lvl 200 and more to hit a lvl30 no matter how you think it is stupid.it is actually not worth it.but a lvl 200 hitting a lvl 100 which still is unfair will give more se ofcourse.the thing is that some high lvls only focusing on hitting low lvls since they cannot fight back or escape from the torure chamber instead of making duels on their actuall range.besides since as you say manukind you are making that kind of attack only for events what is your problem if subplasma attacks cannot be dragged to the torture chamber?
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Re: General complaint
1425. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 18:46:13
Well, can't talk from Manunkind, only for myself.
My torture chamber is consistently empty, may have one or two people in from time to time, but most of the time it's empty, despite that Fos is turning out alright.
There is something much more powerful when building a character then torture chamber, duels and all that- Efficient soul energy spending.
In short get those ability cost reductions to 95% as soon as possible... It's the difference between using 33M SE to buy 101 points of constitution(at 95% reduction) or buy 16 points of constitution (at 69% reduction).

I'm not gonna tell you how to play your game, to each his own, but if I was in your shoes ( and let's be fair I've been in your shoes some years ago) I wouldn't worry so much about other people's game... I would simply focus on improving my character, getting my hands in as many relic coupons and emerald boxes as possible ( emerald boxes are game changers!), improve any skill that improves soul energy gains, improve skills that reduce skill/ability cost, use those hard earned ancient stones in things that give permanent bonuses ( like emerald boxes, really loved them), get your hands in relics that increase AA points gain (level 60+)... I would recommend this for one reason alone, that was exactly what I did, and it turned out all right
A hozzászólást DoomlordFos módosította 2023.11.23. 18:48:11-kor
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Re: General complaint
1426. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 20:21:07
I think there are some misunderstandings of game elements here.

First of all, making the scarab of death available for purchase outside the auction hall is NEVER going to happen because it would kill the PVP part of the game sooner than most of you would think.

Secondly, you can still drag anyone to your torture chamber, it doesn't matter if they have the scarab. The question is if it's still worth it. The answer is not always so clear. I remember having someone in my range with a scarab, and I still dragged him anyway because it was still beneficial, and there were other cases when I had to admit that it's not worth it.

Third is that ridicoulus amounts of SE you are talking about coming from the chamber. To gain 10000 SE/day from one single player means that this one player needs to gain 1 million SE on that day after(!) you dragged him to the chamber. It's impossible to get this much SE everyday under a certain level. I'd be happy to have 16 of these players in my torture chamber but there isn't enough targets. The subplasma is an alternative solution for this problem, so at least everyone has the chance to capture active players for fewer SE rather than dragging inactive ones and earn nothing. I don't do this because I'm better off spending those few DPs in the clan championship but not everyone thinks this way. I think it's obvious why we can only drag lower level players to the chamber with subplasma and not higher ones. I still only use subplasmas when an event forces me to do so, and it could be a good thing that the ones I attack won't see this so they won't mind, but looks like nothing is good enough for some players.
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Re: General complaint
1427. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 21:06:22 (Válasz Antidote #1426 hozzászólására.)
i will agree that i also dont see the scarab being available for all will not happen although i dont understand why since many player want that and it will bebetter than just hide specific battle reports
secondly with the pit and on events running you do get a lot of SE so that amount is not so hardas i see it at least at higher lvls which getting more SE.this is why i will agree that a lvl200 to choose to hit someone on my lvl instead of someone that is at least lvl100 has no logic unless there is something else.
thirs i dont see how the pvp will be ruined if the high lvls stop hitting the low lvls and focus in making battles on the normal range
actually antidote you are wrong if i had the scarab and you were attacking me you couldnt drag me to the torture chamber.what you said is only in normal range battles.i think too many players already mentioned that
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Re: General complaint
1428. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 21:29:31 (Válasz Antidote #1426 hozzászólására.)
antidote how exactly the pvp will be ruined if the high lvls stop hitting very low lvls and nw players and start having duels in a normal range?
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Re: General complaint
1429. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 21:31:32 (Válasz enzio #1427 hozzászólására.)
The high levels stoping to attack lower levels won't kill pvp at all... Now a low level attacking someone around their level, winning the battle but losing a lot of soul energy to the scarab ( if the clan has the torture chamber), that may kill PvP
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very popularUrulFérfi
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Re: General complaint
1430. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 22:24:11 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1429 hozzászólására.)
i do have some questions.since the high lvls say that they dont do subplasma attacks why is such a problem the scarab to be available for all or with subplasma attacks not to be able to drag someone to the torture chamber?
as i read in the scarab description(thanks fos i actullay use your profile to find the description since you said you have it) it says that the aattcker is losing all the money thta he has on him right?so if you have no SE on you you dont actually loose anything right?so how will that effect the pvp?you can attack when you have no SE on you and nothing will happen.correct me if i am wrong and i have misunderstood the description.so as i understand and from what you all said,and do correct me again if i am wrong.i am lvl19 if i had the scarab and someone atatcked me with subplasma he would have lost all the se that would have on him and he couldnt drag me to the torture chamber due to the scarab right?so the scarab is protecting low lvls from high lvls attacks or with attacks that need subplasma but it is not available and impossible for low lvls to get it,right?so i dont see how making the scarab available for all,if they want to buy it,would effect the pvp.as i see it it will protect the low lvls from getting atatcked from much higher lvls but it woulldnt effect the normal duels.again if i have misunderstood something feel free to correct me
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Re: General complaint
1431. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 22:49:26
The effect that is written in scarab of death only takes effect on normal duels... If the attack is made with subplasma the scarab effect is different, it simply prevents the target from being dragged to the torture chamber ( and since they aren't dragged, the subplasma attacker won't lose soul energy)
As you said if you attack someone that has the scarab and drag them to torture chamber while you aren't carrying soul energy, you won't lose anything... The effect still triggers and it will steal all your energy, that is zero... So you are safe ... Just a small problem, if you don't have soul energy on your character you won't win soul energy on a victorious duel , so no point attacking ( you get XP and 0 SE, not fun). So basically dueling in those conditions will hurt your character.

This is why I say it will kill PvP in lower levels... After level 60 there is a AA skill that makes the scarab way less efficient ( only 10% of the effect) so it isn't so bad

Ps: by the way I don't consider a problem the scarab bing available for all, I was simply pointing out it could have unforseen consequences.
A hozzászólást DoomlordFos módosította 2023.11.23. 22:55:30-kor
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Re: General complaint
1432. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 23:03:54 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1431 hozzászólására.)
Just a small problem, if you don't have soul energy on your character you won't win soul energy on a victorious duel , so no point attacking ( you get XP and 0 SE, not fun).
but since you will drag him to the torture chamber you will get SE.but if a low has the scarab you will not get anything so it will be no point on attacking him so the low lvls actually are protected from the very high lvls since there will be no point of attacking them,right?
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Re: General complaint
1433. hozzászólás - 2023.11.23. 23:12:36
That is correct if you have a scarab and are targeted of a subplasma attack it will protect you from the torture chamber.
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Re: General complaint
1434. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 11:52:00 (Válasz DoomlordFos #1433 hozzászólására.)
so as i see it if the scarab is available all will be happy.and i from what i have read in the comments many have made that suggestion.so did anyone received an answer form the developers on why this change havent happen yet?
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Re: General complaint
1435. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 13:07:15 (Válasz Urul #1434 hozzászólására.)
when you making suggestions you are receiving the same messages that it will be forward to the developers and thats it.if you have a question or complain then you have a feedback usually on the next day or after one day.
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Re: General complaint
1436. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 14:57:45 (Válasz Urul #1434 hozzászólására.)
urul we still dont have an answer on why the battles reports are hidden.for the scarab to have an answer it wil take longer.....if eever we get an answer on that
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Re: General complaint
1437. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 16:36:11 (Válasz Urul #1434 hozzászólására.)
has anyone actually sent a message to Beholder via the in-game help button asking about why the subplasma battle reports are still missing?

when i sent recently submitted the suggestion about making the scarab of death purchasable with ancient stones on the relics page, i got the 'forwarded to the delvelopers' response. i have seen some of these 'forwarded' suggestions implemented and others not. that response really gives us no insight into how seriously they are taking it.

just to be explicit, the scarab of death punishes the attacker of a normal attack that drags the target into the torture chamber by giving the target some of the attacker's SE. if the target is not being dragged into the torture chamber (because it's full or if because he's already in the toruture chamber), the scarab does nothing. in a subplasma attack, the scarab prevents the target from being dragged into the torture chamber entirely and there is no SE cost to the attacker (as there is no SE stolen in a subplasma attack). so, yes, this would remove any benefit of attacking active lower-level players (although it would still be possible to do were someone so inclined).

the problem as Antidote and DoomlordFos have rightly pointed out is that the first use of the scarab of death would discourage dueling of lower level players against other lower level players. Beholder has to consider all of the implications of additions, subtractions, and changes to the game. and this one seems likely to have unintended consequences.
A hozzászólást manunkind módosította 2023.11.24. 17:45:23-kor
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Re: General complaint
1438. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 20:21:43 (Válasz manunkind #1437 hozzászólására.)
manukind i have send throught the in game help button about the missing subplasma reports when my clansa mate inform me and i checked it.so beholder already knows it.
the scarab being availble for all will not discourage anyone from duel in normal range since it can actually duels without losing anythig as is already been told since you can duel and not to lose anyhting if you dont have any SE on you and before you say that you dont gain anything you will stil get the SE from the torture chamber so i dont think that players will be discourage to duel.the only ones that will stop is the high lvls attacking the low lvls since they will not be able to drag them to the torture chamber so in that case that duel will not give anything to the high lvls except XP.btw you cannot be dragged on the torture chamber if
1.the torture chamber is full as you pointed out
2.if the defender has the scarab and the attacker have big lvl difference and use subplasma.in a normal range duel no matter if your opponent have the scarab you still get dragged in the torture chamber.although in this case you have a chance if you attack back to escape the torture chamber and drag your previous attacker on your torture chamber ,if it is not full,on the same battle.so basically the low lvls are protected from the high lvls while they still duel in normal battles without any problems.actually it will be more normal battles than before because players will actually have a chance to escape from the torture chamber,something that is impossible on when you are on the torture chamber of someone that is 100 lvls or more higher than you
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Re: General complaint
1439. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 21:35:48 (Válasz manunkind #1437 hozzászólására.)
manukind sorry but i dont see how the scarab will make me stop making any duels,since if i dont have anything on me i will not loose anything and still get to drag him to the torture chamber from where i will take SE,why should that stop me?
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Re: General complaint
1440. hozzászólás - 2023.11.24. 23:14:44 (Válasz Urul #1439 hozzászólására.)
if you guys are intentionally attacking without SE on you, you will remain weak. the big gains only come when you have SE on you so you can make big takes. you won't get rich off of the torture chamber.

valorian, was that customer service request from months ago when the reports went away or more recently? if it's old, you should try another.
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