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Hozzászólások - V3nG3nC3X

Oldal: 123
Dátum: 2010.12.16. 02:40:55
Which one of these actually exist?

Santa Claus
Easter Bunny
Scooby Doo

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators your question is ambiguous.

Can anyone tell me where the ambigous section is in this question. I thought it would be easy with correct spelling, 2 fairy tale characters and a cartoon dog that should narrow the answer down to the anatomical part of the human body. I'm just asking, if I get a stupid answer or one that makes no sense, please stand by for some questions.
Dátum: 2010.12.13. 07:45:52
How many teeth has a bear ?

Was this one yours? Honest to god, true question in the quiz. lolz
Dátum: 2010.12.12. 17:23:03
Unlike you to just continue beating a dead horse.
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 03:11:17
And apparently you don't read very well either, I told you to send a message and not clutter up the forum. Who's IQ should be in question? The fact that you are so proud of getting your quiz questions passed with poor spelling and grammar just supports my argument that approval is given based on how well the evaluator is feeling that day, that and I'm sure you're some kind of ass kisser suck up.
If I were the spelling and grammar Nazi (the correct spelling by the way) you accuse me of being I seriously doubt I would get questions denied, right?!? Once again, you have made no sense, failed to support whatever your argument or issue is with me, and clutter up the forum with your idiotic banter.
If you pull reeeeaaal hard from your waist eventually you'll hear a loud "POP", that's what you're looking for ok, it's your head coming out of your ass, now you can pay attention.
You're the one who invited yourself into this conversation, i didn't seek you out or ask for your incoherent opinion, remember who started what with who first. Don't troll and you wont get wrecked! Enough said!
Dátum: 2010.12.11. 03:11:09
And apparently you don't read very well either, I told you to send a message and not clutter up the forum. Who's IQ should be in question? The fact that you are so proud of getting your quiz questions passed with poor spelling and grammar just supports my argument that approval is given based on how well the evaluator is feeling that day, that and I'm sure you're some kind of ass kisser suck up.
If I were the spelling and grammar Nazi (the correct spelling by the way) you accuse me of being I seriously doubt I would get questions denied, right?!? Once again, you have made no sense, failed to support whatever your argument or issue is with me, and clutter up the forum with your idiotic banter.
If you pull reeeeaaal hard from your waist eventually you'll hear a loud "POP", that's what you're looking for ok, it's your head coming out of your ass, now you can pay attention.
You're the one who invited yourself into this conversation, i didn't seek you out or ask for your incoherent opinion, remember who started what with who first. Don't troll and you wont get wrecked! Enough said!
Dátum: 2010.12.09. 12:56:31
"There are only few possible answers for refusing question. Capitalize the fucking first letter is not one of them cause it is quite obvious."

Yeah and so is putting an "a" before "few" and an "s" on "question" but you didn't. Next time you feel you can correct me and curse at me with your rhetoric and bauble don't clutter up the forum, send it to me in a message so I don't have to embarrass you for all to see.
While it might be obvious to capitalize the first word, it is equally obvious English is not your first language and if it is you have no room to correct me. If you want to pick me apart make sure you spell check first, you would be able to fix the word "chck". There is also another thing you should understand, "1st" is an improper way to start a sentence, First is better.

I hope you paid attention, because that was constructive criticism without cursing. Not that hard is it? Instead of acting and looking like a jackass a simple message with your opinion would have got your point across. You want to call me out and curse at me, well pussy here I am. That goes for anyone else who would like to give me their insight, send it to me in a message or I'll punk you in front of everyone also. Forum boards are not for personal discussions, that is what should be obvious. Enough said.
Dátum: 2010.12.08. 18:55:36
"In which city can be Regent's Park found?"

Is an actual question in the game and I just want to give props (That's high praise) to the, God bless them, evaluator that went ahead and deemed this a worthy question. Although the sentence structure is all wrong and doesn't make a bit of sense, it was allowed to take it's place along side the finest of questions where it had made its way to me. I suppose it was fate really because not only did I get one rejected because I didn't capitalize the first word in the sentence,which they classify and label as a spelling mistake and rightfully so i might add- spelling-, then just to let me know I better get with their program I got temporarily banned from writing questions for I have no idea why. But this question lets me know they (those that evaluate and ban me) are indeed fair and justice is equally dealt. Paramount gentlemen and gentle-ladies, I appreciate your attention to me when I have made even the smallest of mistakes so I don't have to look at a question like that and know I did it. Good job also of thinking ahead and leaving questions riddled with mistake in the game so we can have examples, bravo, bravo!!
Dátum: 2010.12.06. 19:08:54
Thanks, you would know more than I what is common knowledge amongst the players, I'll just try to find that common ground and go from there. As always, peace to you Stekkos. ~Vx~
Dátum: 2010.12.06. 19:04:37
I'm over it already, they do whatever they feel like at the moment, and tomorrow is another day. Inconsistency is the only thing they are consistent with and should just be excepted. If life was fair there would be no need paybacks. My next post will be a more positive one about the unbiased judgments given to these questions so it may be awhile.
Dátum: 2010.12.06. 15:25:07
In reference to famous comedians, watermelons are to Gallagher just like prop comedy is to?

Jim Carey
Keenan Ivory Wayans
Carrot Top
Eddie Murphy

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
According to evaluators only a special group of people might know the answer.

How is this anymore specialized than a sports question asking what team a specific player plays for? I don't read Spanish literature but I have to answer questions about them, could you be more specific about specialization, are you referring to comedic history or comedy in general? If its comedy in general I'd beg to differ with the way these questions are evaluated, it's nothing but a joke.
Dátum: 2010.12.06. 14:57:53
From your explanation I can get a question rejected because I didn't capitalize the first word in a sentence? That would be a good reason if it wasn't for the fact I've seen several questions that failed to do so also. That really isn't a spelling mistake so much as it is an improper sentence structure, correct? If the reason given is a generalized response shouldn't there be a message with a more specific reason as to what the evaluator was referring to? Instead of wasting my time looking for a misspelled word and finding none, which leads to frustration, a simple message attached saying "Please make sure the first F@#%#% word to your question is capitalized.". How hard would that be? Maybe the evaluators get a kick from the frustration they create.
Dátum: 2010.12.03. 23:13:30
Touche' El douche',
A digit is
1. a symbol (a number symbol, e.g. "3" or "7") used in numerals (combinations of symbols, e.g. "37"), to represent numbers (integers or real numbers) in positional numeral systems.
2. any of the divisions (as a finger or toe) in which the limbs of amphibians and all higher vertebrates including humans terminate, which are typically five in number
a numeral or group of numerals.
the sum, total, count, or aggregate of a collection of units, or the like: A number of people were hurt in the accident. The number of homeless children in the city has risen alarmingly.

Now the question asks "How many numbers (the sum of or amount of) Not digits or units (symbols that represent a what... lets say it together... number) would you end up with when 1-10 is written out in numerical order. While 10 is, of itself, A number it is represented by 2 different numbers in a numerical sequence. Splitting hairs and adding words that have more than 1 meaning (how confusing would it be for a poor fool mistaking your digits for fingers had the question been phrased your way) just adds confusion. As the saying goes "Those who can Do, Those who can't Teach" just as an Artist creates and the Hacks critique. Your evaluation or critique has been nothing short of priceless.
Dátum: 2010.12.03. 13:33:09
you are mistaken my friend, it takes 2(two) numbers(#s) to make the number(#) 10(ten) = a one(1) and a zero(0) (wrote it out in hopes it wouldn't confuse) unless I was misinformed and there's an advanced system of numerals beyond the standard 0 through 9 i was taught since preschool. If that is the case I feel I've been cheated, my intelligence and all I understand science to be built upon is but a fraction of the truth. This is what finding hidden knowledge feels like, its very humbling i assure you and i shall do all i can to remedy this. Aside from that though, the question is specific where it states "Write out" not add together or "in this mathematical problem 1-10".
Where I was afraid I had somehow added to much to an otherwise straight forward simple question, you have enlightened me to the fact that it was just the opposite and more clarification to each verb and noun should be applied to this intricate and complex equation. I will not let you down again, I will go back to the drawing board and construct only the finest spelled and punctuated question worthy of the gems that are already there. Indebted to you sir ~V~
Dátum: 2010.12.02. 08:57:19
how many numbers are there if you were to write out numerically 1-10?


The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

does the mental giant who denied this question need spell check to determine everything is right or is it to hard to figure out the question is asking you to actually get out a pen/pencil and write out 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 and then count how many numbers there are. daft, dumb and in just the right position to be the judge of others. If I'm wrong about any of the spelling I'll happily apologize, and i know mistakes can be made but this was the 2nd time it was denied so it wasn't a mistake or possible over site. If English or American English is to hard to understand maybe taking it on as a second language isn't for those who are expected to make judgment calls.
Dátum: 2010.09.01. 18:38:27
From these 4 choices what can a man do standing up, a woman siting down and a dog on three legs?

shake hands

The question is valued as "Bad, incorrect question"!
Spelling mistakes in question or answers.

You gotta know what I'm about to say right, A FN' T IS MISSING ON SITTING AND I GET REJECTED?? !!! Unbelievable, for real??? And here I thought since getting the year right is not too important something as trivial as a stinking "T" wouldn't be a problem, I'm speachless , a complete loss of words. As sure as life itself isn't fair , the inconsitancies of the Grammer/Spelling and punctuation police remain steadfast in sound judgement forever unhindered by logic, intelligence or care. Truely a beacon of light for those blinded by wisdom.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 15:47:39
Fair enough on the explanation on little known facts kept from the sheeple, Thank you. From now on I'll do my best to stay away from anything that might cause a person to question the pro quo propaganda. Now about the Fat Albert question, I answered a cartoon question that asked how many dohickies does it take to form Ultra dohickie in the cartoon Who cares, why isnt that a specialist question, it is something that didnt happen in every episode but only someone who watched it or kept up with it would know. And dont take this like i'm tryin to bust your balls cause i know you dont eval every question and you got other things to do other than answer mine,its just your about the only one who will respond with an excuse i can almost except k?!
C'mon with the 1010 question also, I got slammed by the grammer cops for misspelling a word that had little bearing on that particular question but the year in that one had everything to do with the question but it was overlooked!?!? how many times have i been told to add "As of blah blah blah" to the begining of the question to make it exceptable?
1) 1
2) 3
3) 5
4) 7

The answer is 2 so you dont have to google it.
Dátum: 2010.08.28. 15:25:46
I wrote a "peanuts" question also because I figured the age range on this game to be somewhere between 11-30 on average and figured"who dosent know about Snoopy or Charlie Brown?". Apparently everyone but the evaluator who decides on "peanuts" questions. What a crock of $h!@t. Cartoons for gods sake!! I have answered Bleach, ghost in a shell, Full metal Alchemist and several other anime questions but i guess classic cartoons except Scooby Doo are specialist questions, Its enough to piss off the Pope!! Lucky for me i had to take medical and anatomy classes for my career or i wouldn't have a clue with some of the Med specialist questions. I should start writing car mechanic questions and assume since everyone drives or wants to drive a car they have extensive knowledge of all the parts and how it runs!! Maybe i wont get so frustrated unless i get that one evaluator from a third world country where they only have bikes or ride Zebras everywhere they go!! Good luck to you my friend in your quest for fairness on these quizes!!
l8r ~Vx~
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 08:51:30
Thanx Blackmonks you da man, much appreciated!!
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 08:05:12
As of June 1010 which country has the most world cups?

I just answered this question and want to know how it ever got excepted? Where is the answer none of the above soccer wasn't around in 1010 and if there was we cant find any stats to properly answer that???????!!!!!!!
Incredible.. that is a prime example of where frustration comes from.
Dátum: 2010.08.27. 08:04:30
As of June 1010 which country has the most world cups?

I just answered this question and want to know how it ever got excepted? Where is the answer none of the above soccer wasn't around in 1010 and if there was we cant find any stats to properly answer that???????!!!!!!!
Incredible.. that is a prime example of where frustration comes from.
Oldal: 123