Wombat reporting:
Had a pretty uneventful three weeks.
Kills : 1258 (top 10 W3)
Potions : 314 (top 10 W3)
Clan position : 3rd
Result: 153 horde trophies and Diamond Medal (How the heck do I spend 3 HTs???)
AS spent.... about 60
SE spent... A Damn lot LOL (healies and stats
Went from L104 to L106.
General comments:
Started with over 280 DPs and 700 APs plus 30+ duel and lesser duel potions and 25 hunters loots. I ran out of DPs (a ToD task completed for first time EVER!!) yesterday before close of event, by which time I'd done 70 winning duels for the day. As Elvenwind can attest, I come out of the corner in these events swinging like a banshee to get into top 10 and stay there.
I started on the take on all comers level (15 DPs a day) but after a while switched to the more difficult level as I saw my DPs dwindle. Now, because I know that there are guys stronger than me I expect to lose the odd fight and this happened... once or twice two times in a row. It also meant I had to pay careful attention to my health level as it appeared that when I dropped below 15% I lost the fight..... which when you have over 8K in HPs is a shock (Only those stronger than me who I avoid usually do that amount of damage to this little wombat). It also was caused by just hitting the fight button without thinking *sigh*, but hey, I's a wombat.
I also missed a couple of days, but that was a help in getting a supply of DPs up.
At the start, I received a message from Stistka suggesting that all Diamond horde members attack the middle rows, which I duly did until it became obvious that not all was doing to plan. I decided to just click on every square and see how Diamond was standing on that square and if less than 1% behind current leader, have at that square. If we were ahead by less than 1%, ditto. That gave me the purpose and aim. As we slipped to 4th I had my doubts and then.... well we crawled our way back.
The thing I liked about this was that we didn't select the opponent. It was a random generation that was based on us. To all those guys who have specialised in doing magic damage and were getting it back.. WELCOME TO MY WORLD !!!!!!! My character is a balanced character. Yes, my pets took a bashing, but never to the extent that they were killed..... three or six MBed Heal did the trick. Usually I got through at least 7 opponents before I had to heal myself and because I have a lowish constitution 3 L100 healies did the trick. Heck, I was even able to complete the ToD Magic regen task. So yes, the opponents were stronger than normal, but since I have no stand out ability the damage was not usually mind bogglingly astounding. To be honest I was more surprised a few times when I lost or won by less than 1000 damage. THAT (to me) means the system worked.
Leaves the old map event in the stone age. Next time can only be better if what Miklos has said is enacted. That the opponents reflect on your character is brilliant. Now we know what to maybe expect, planning will be easier.
Finally, when the worlds do unite I expect there to be a line of guys wanting to take the wombat's pelt. Many have tried... but I still shove my plated backside in their faces as I march ever forward